Browsing Charities
67276 - 67300 of 197K results

The Mayor Of Southwark's Common Good Trust (UK, 280011) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

It assists any person in need, living or having connections with Southwark. It assists both individuals and organisations.

HEREFORDSHIRE MENCAP (UK, 250743) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Hmencap is managed by local volunteers, with learning disabled people in the majority. It campaigns; facilitates the 'safe places' scheme across the county; provides information on local and national issues to families and local organisations; raises awareness of what it is to have a learning disability.

Friends of the Hyperbaric Chamber (UK, 1051IOM) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Hyperbaric therapy helps aleviate symptoms of many conditions by delivering oxygen under pressure in high concentration to injured areas of the body stimulating growth of new blood vessels and speeding recovery. Known for treating the bends in divers this accounts for less than 1% of patients p.a.

The Joseph Salmon Trust (UK, 1123322) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

The Trust aims to help parents bereaved of a child in the Huddersfield, Halifax and Mirfield areas. We aim to assist parents in paying for headstones and funeral expenses, with other financial issues being addressed on an individual basis.


YTD Raised: $10.00

Eight Bells for Mental Health (UK, 1144706) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.Eight Bells is an independent member-led charity (No 1144706) that supports people affected by mental health issues in Newbury, Berkshire and the surrounding areas by running a twice-weekly Drop-In Centre. No clinical or other referral is necessary and free membership is open to anyone wishing to attend. Membership continues to grow and local GPs are now referring patients. In 2013 Eight Bells appointed a Coordinator who supports, empowers and facilitates members.In 2015 Eight Bells for Mental Health was named as Community Group of the Year by West Berkshire Council. Please donate to support our cause. Eight Bells is important because it contributes to the wellbeing of its members by helping to reduce isolation, creating robust social networks and providing advocacy to address frequent sources of stress and ill-health such as housing, benefits and relationship issues.Surveys of members undertaken in 2012 and 2016 found that they most valued the friendly, welcoming and non-judgemental environment, the advocacy provided, the freedom to choose activities and the chance to share experiences. The learning opportunities were particularly valued as members had poor experiences of education in the past. Charity No: 1144706 Find out more Website Facebook Please click here to visit our Facebook page Twitter Please click here to visit our Twitter page YouTube

Race Equality Centre (UK, 1053154) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Advice and Support to newly arrived individuals to aid their integration into the City and those facing race discrimination Community Development to enhance their ability to proactively participate in political, social and economic activities Policy Development Research and Public Education Training

Dsbc A Non Profit Corporation (UK, 680608605) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

FALLEN HERO FOUNDATION (US, 800190829) Browse events

YTD Raised: $10.00

Key Changes (UK, 1103774) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Key Changes provides music services in hospitals and the community for people experiencing severe psychiatric illnesses. We specialise in providing services for young adults (16-35) in acute, early intervention and forensic treatment, and work in partnership with NHS Foundation Trusts across London.


YTD Raised: $10.00

The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scro

Lenoir-Rhyne University (US, Lenoir-Rhyne University - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $10.00

Aylsham Heritage Centre (UK, 1166514) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Aylsham Heritage Centre is a resource for people to research and learn about the history and heritage of Aylsham and district, through access to the town’s archives and other sources.  We work with children and adults in the town to encourage engagement with learning and with the history of the town.  Please donate to support our cause.The Heritage Centre is run largely by volunteers and relies on donations to support its work. An exhibition is created every year about a different aspect of the history of the town for locals and visitors to enjoy. We work closely with local schools and groups such as the brownies and guides to provide workshops and information for children, both in term time and during the holidays.We are currently seeking to raise funds to support several different projects, including the creation of a website and trail aimed specifically at children to enable them to engage in the heritage of their town.  Charity No: 1166514 Find out more Website Please click here to visit our website Facebook

Iatia Cherish Mission Inc (US, 47-4285489) Browse events

YTD Raised: $10.00

is to build churches for the homeless, in Los Angeles, California, and in other cities across the nation, for the sake of giving them hope, courage and opportunities to live productive live

Naturally Africa Foundation (UK, 1137411) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Our primary objectives are: * The prevention or relief of poverty in Africa by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and the necessary support to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient. * The advancement of education in Africa by providing funding and support for schools and other educational projects. * The relief of sickness and promotion of health in Africa by providing funding for activities such as the prevention and treatment of disease, healthy recreation for children, nutrition and education of healthcare workers and the public. * The promotion of sustainable development for the benefit of the public by the preservation, conservation and the protection of the environment and the prudent use of resources. Examples of our activities include: * Agroecology projects with the aims of poverty alleviation through income generation; improved food security, nutrition and health; environmental benefits. * The funding of income-generating schemes for families, vulnerable groups, or communities living in poverty. * Healthcare and disease education and awareness, such as programmes for people living with HIV/AIDS, or training of community volunteers in home based care and provision of basic supplies. * Funding for preschools, providing basic care and education for children in communities with a high level of poverty. * Improving the standard of education in primary schools and educational institutions, including provision of educational materials and resources. This includes the introduction of IT programmes. * Provision of sports equipment to schools and community teams and support for programmes that encourage children to participate in extra-curricular and team activities and to exercise. * Feeding schemes and child sponsorship programmes.

Accrington Sea Cadets (UK, 521003) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Created via charity sign up service.

Up on Downs (UK, 1126111) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Up on Downs is the Hertfordshire support group for families of children with Down's Syndrome. The group offers peer support, friendship and information for parents, and opportunities for children with Down's Syndrome and their siblings to socialise with others like themselves.

Marlborough St Mary's Primary School (UK, 1128242) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Friends of Marlborough St Mary's Primary School are a group of volunteer parents/carers with children currently at Marlborough St Mary's who help co-ordinate fundraising events to provide experiences/tools to enrich the education of the children collectively at Marlborough St Mary's Primary School.

Accessible Arts & Media (UK, 1072902) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Accessible Arts & Media works with young people and adults with disabilities, older people and community groups, helping people find their voice through creativity. People are at the heart of everything we do and we want to help create an inclusive society, where everyone gets the chance to shine.

Jamaica Ambassador Programs (US, Jamaica Ambassador Programs - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $10.00

Proudies Foundation (AU, 31726724043) Browse events

YTD Raised: $10.00

Warrick was a Great Southern football player from North Albany who was part of Claremont's 2011 senior playing list with a bright future at the club and a promising prospect for an AFL draft pick. Warrick was involved in a serious car accident on the night of Friday 15th July, 2011 just north of Mount Barker on his way home for the weekend, when he was a passenger in a car that hit a horse before running into a tree. He was the only person injured in the accident, even though there were other cars involved. Warrick was airlifted to Royal Perth Hospital that night and kept in the ICU.    Warrick was on life support for a few weeks with multiple operations to help keep the pressure off his brain, as his head wore the most damage from the accident. His skull was removed to help relieve the pressure on his brain and then a shunt (permanent drain) was placed in his body for future recovery.   After months of Warrick slowly progressing and his body stabilising, he was moved from the neurological ward at Royal Perth to Brightwater care facility in Marangaroo on 7th December 2011. Warrick underwent a cranioplasty on 16th March 2012 which involved putting a titanium plate in his head to replace the front of his skull. It all went well. He's a champ!   Warrick's Mum Trish and sister Alix moved to Perth to be with him each day on his long road to recovery, followed later by his brother Mark and then dad Kevin, who due to maintaining income through their family business in Albany, made the long trip every week-end to Perth to be with his son. Warrick can't communicate except to blink or move his fingers inconsistenly, but he does show signs of knowing people and can respond to questions or prompts from time to time.   There's still a long way to go. That's why we still need everyone's constant support. Visits from people and spending time with Warrick help more than you realise. The Foundation has assisted financially to renovate Warrick's home so he can access it, and bought a van and equipped it with wheelchair facilities: Trish and Kevin are now caring for Warrick full-time in their family home as Warrick moved in late in 2014. You can contact them to arrange a visit by inboxing the Proudies Foundation Facebook page or the Foundations email address.   Warrick's home community in Albany and his Claremont Football community have worked tirelessly to offer the assistive technology, transport, equipment, healthcare and therapies that Warrick requires in order to recover. Rehabilitation is difficult and ongoing and the Proudlove family have been overwhelmed by the support they have recieved. Warrick remains a much-loved member of our community and the Foundation will continue, with your help, to offer the financial support he needs, as he has not received  insurance compensation for his injuries. He is fighting hard and needs your help. Thank you in advance for your valuable, ongoing support!

Advocacy Support In Cymru Ltd (UK, 1141999) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Through professional independent advocacy, Advocacy Support Cymru gives a voice to clients in secondary or community mental health care settings. At such points in life, people are vulnerable. We don't judge or seek to persuade into a particular course of action; we support people to speak up.

Special Olympics Missouri (AU, 237328374) Browse events

YTD Raised: $10.00

Special Olympics transforms lives through the joy of sport, every day, everywhere, for people with intellectual disabilities. We serve more than 16,900 of them here in Missouri, but there are more than 100,000 in the state who aren't yet involved in our program. Your donation helps us reach them.

Big Heart Bike Ride - Tiny Tickers (UK, 1078114) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

The Big Heart Bike Ride is a series of cycling challenge events in aid of four British heart charities: British Heart Foundation, Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY), Tiny Tickers and HEART UK The Cholesterol Charity. The donations you make to the Big Heart Bike Ride will be distributed equally between them. The events are organised by Action for Charity -

Medway Cares (UK, 1145540) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10.00

Welcome to Medway Cares, a charity established by social enterprise Medway Community Healthcare (MCH) in 2012, aims to promote and protect the physical and mental health of people living in Medway. As a social enterprise, one of the ways MCH can make a difference is by investing some of our operating surplus in the community we serve through our charity.  Medway Cares supports projects and activities that enhance the health, care and wellbeing of the users of MCH and their families. The charity also aims to support projects that address health inequalities in the Medway community. Medway Cares is also custodian of donations of monies for special projects or fundraising efforts of our staff, our patients, partners and members of the Medway community. To find out more about Medway Cares please visit: Help us to make a difference You can help Medway Cares to make a difference by making donations or fundraising for the charity. You can decide to support our general funds to support our work with the local community or, if you prefer, decide what activities or project that you would specifically like to support – often our patients are keen to support the team that has helped them. If you are a tax payer, donating here also means you can maximise your donation through Gift Aid. Thank you for your interest and support of Medway Cares.