Since 1978, the mission of AFS continues to be to support vulnerable children and families in need of stability, safety and well-being in communities through foster care, adoption and mental health services. They say, “It takes a village to raise a child.” AFS is that village.
Every year we impact on the healthcare of more than 175,000 sick children. We buy specialist equipment, support families, create amazing hospital environments, enhance staff training, buy toys, fund research, provide specialist staff and respond in emergencies. Our donors, volunteers and supporters make this possible and we're hugely grateful to every single one of them.
Our Lady Help of Christians is a Christ centered community who prides itself on the strength, connectedness and involvement of all its parishioners. From our humble beginnings, where the school was established by local people, using limited resources, our school continues to grow and adapt.
Founded in 1998, Inclusion Matters by Shane's Inspiration is a worldwide leader in inclusive play. With 74 inclusive playgrounds around the globe, our outreach and education programs have reached over 45,000 children. We teach compassion and acceptance towards people with disabilities through play.
Created via charity sign up service.
The power of conversation is central to our concept so we will use a variety of initiatives to spark conversations, encouraging open dialogues around bereavement from suicide. We will also provide counselling grants to those bereaved through suicide. Opening the conversation to remove the stigma.
PDSA is the UK's leading veterinary charity providing care for more than 350,000 pet patients. This year PDSA will provide more than 2.2 million free treatments to sick and injured pets and more than 360,000 preventive treatments.
We are going to open a Community Hub and Library in the former Station Masters House in the centre of Birkdale village
The CMPS P&C is established to: * promote the interests of the school by cooperating with parents, citizens, students and teaching staff, * assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and, * promote the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.
The mission of the Edith Sanford Breast Foundation is to unlock each woman’s genetic code, advance today’s prevention and treatment, and end breast cancer for future generations.
The objectives of the Association are to promote the interests of, and facilitate the development and further improvement of the School (Ormeau State School), by promoting parent participation and encouraging collaboration between parents, students, school communities and non-government entities. This in turn fosters a commitment to achieving the best educational outcomes for children and young people. Currently the P&C association is raising funds to purchase and install a shelter at the Stop, Drop and Go area. This will assist with keeping the children waiting to be collected safe from the elements on those hot sunny afternoons and those days of rain. Any additional funds leftover will be used to enhance the area around and additional signage for this area.
With your support, we help to improve the care of adults, children and babies being treated in all of the hospitals in Sheffield. Your donations fund specialist equipment, pioneering research, patient support services and the transformation of your hospitals into more comfortable, welcoming spaces.