Browsing Charities
3501 - 3525 of 210K results

Kurwongbah State School (Scripture Union Chaplaincy) (AU, Kurwongbah State School (Scripture Union Chaplaincy) - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,947.23

WheelPower (UK, 265498) Browse events

YTD Raised: £23,940.92

Sport has tremendous physical, psychological and social benefits for the participants, particularly young people. WheelPower provides and promotes opportunities for thousands of children and young adults with disabilities to participate in recreational and competitive wheelchair sport and improve their quality of life.

RODMAN RIDE FOR KIDS (US, 04-3329283) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,940.00

The person who created this page is probably preparing something riveting to post about everything they're doing to give back. We recommend you sit at your computer and hit refresh over and over until their story goes live. You should also scro

Tharawal Primary School Parents and Citizens Association (AU, 67106072374) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,933.88

At Tharawal Primary School we stress mutual respect between students, staff and parents as we work together to educate the students academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. Tharawalians have a sense of fun while focusing on learning. Respect and Responsibility are upheld by the whole school community.

Lady Talk Matters (AU, 1189358) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,926.08

Lady Talk Matters is a global charity that aims to improve lives by normalising menstrual health and reproductive matters. This is achieved through education, awareness, inspiration, and support. Young women and all those who menstruate are not always adequately informed about matters relating to their menstual and reproductive health, specifically the need for screenings such as cervical smears and information about menstrual conditions such as endometriosis. There is a global need for improved menstrual health education, removing the taboo around discussing women’s reproductive functions, and improving access to period products. One of the main focus areas of Lady Talk Matters is providing education on menstrual and reproductive health to young pupilis in a fun an interactive way. The syllabus is aligned with global curriculums and presented in a straightforward and factual manner. The taboo around menstruation begins at this early age when boys and girls are separated during Life Orientation or sex education classes at school. It reinforces the impression that women’s reproductive health matters are shameful and secretive. By providing education to both boys and girls, this taboo can be removed to allow for open conversation. Together with this education, Lady Talk Matters works to ensure that basic period products are provided to women and girls in need. They skill, train and employ ladies to manufacture re-usable period pads. For just £5 or the equivalent in your

Belmont State School P&C Assn (AU, Belmont State School P&C Assn - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,901.40


YTD Raised: $23,888.77

First Hand is a public charity that provides funding for individual children with health needs when insurance and other financial resources have been exhausted. We also create and support programs that identify issues before they become critical and that empower people to take charge of their health.

Hurupaki School Support Group (NZ, CC43034) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,884.94

Hurupaki School is a primary school in Whangarei. The children take great pride in their friends, their school and its environment and reflect our motto “Hurupaki Cares”. A special feature of our school is that it sits at the foot of Hurupaki Mountain where a wetland area has been developed.

Cancer Council NSW (Cancer Council Australia) (AU, Cancer Council NSW (Cancer Council Australia) - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,883.02


YTD Raised: $23,883.00

Hope and Homes for Children (UK, 1089490) Browse events

YTD Raised: £23,869.08

Hope and Homes for Children is an international charity working to ensure that all children have the chance to grow up in the love of a family. Our vision is a world in which children no longer suffer institutional care.

Charlie Teo Foundation (US, 57622041061) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,859.00

Wellard Primary School (Parents and Citizens Association Incorporated) (AU, Wellard Primary School (Parents and Citizens Association Incorporated) - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,849.05

Tearfund (UK, 265464) Browse events

YTD Raised: £23,848.32

Tearfund works through local churches and Christian agencies to open up a future for the world's poorest communities. Our ten-year vision is to see 50 million people released from material and spiritual poverty through a worldwide network of 100,000 local churches.

Bellbridge Primary School (AU, 37745734732) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,845.99

Created via charity sign up service.

Dysautonomia Project Inc (US, 46-5433260) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,840.00

Friends Of Maiti Nepal A Non-Profit Corporation (UK, 043567790) Browse events

YTD Raised: £23,837.26

The Think Pink Foundation (AU, 72781321596) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,831.96

The Think Pink Foundation is an independent, volunteer based charity that dedicates its efforts and the funds it raises to provides physical, psychological and emotional support for people diagnosed with breast cancer.  The Foundation proudly supports breast cancer patients through its unique state-of-the-art, independent and non-clinical facility called The Living Centre where the focus is on wellness rather than illness. The Living Centre provides holistic support totally free of charge to patients, their families and carers at any stage of their journey with breast cancer.  Think Pink also funds worthy projects undertaken by other qualified breast cancer organisations to breast cancer patients with up to date information and emotional support No doubt, you too have been touched by the effects of breast cancer. If not a member of your family, you will know of someone’s mother, daughter, sister, wife or best friend who has been affected by this disease. One in nine Australian women is. This year, approximately 14,500 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer nationally and a little over 3,500 of those will come from Victoria. One per cent of all cases diagnosed will be men. Whilst research is continuing in the quest for a cure, there are very real needs for those women and men now living the fight for survival. When you are undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, it’s hard to hold down a job. The bills continue to roll in. The struggle to live is compounded by the struggle to survive.  Our mission is to help these people, their families and carers now, and in practical ways. Simply put, The Think Pink Foundation enables a better journey through breast cancer.

Truman Foundation (CA, 765592084RR0001) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,822.00

Friends of Alameda Park and Recreation Foundation Incorporate... (US, Friends of Alameda Park and Recreation Foundation Incorporate... - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,810.00

Inland Congregation United For Change Sponsoring Committee In... (US, Inland Congregation United For Change Sponsoring Committee In... - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,808.00

Gaven State School (P&C ASSN) (AU, Gaven State School (P&C ASSN) - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,792.00

Fc Dallas Foundation (US, 870757201) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,775.00

AMA ANIMAL RESCUE INCORPORATED (US, 463287833) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,772.00

Anzac Park Public School P&C Assn. (AU, Anzac Park Public School P&C Assn. - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $23,768.99