Fundraising platforms | |
JustGiving |
Peer to Peer Financials | |
Year to date raised | £0.00 |
Last year to current date | £10.00 |
Last year total | £105.00 |
Peer to Peer Overview | |
Events this year (Single charity) | |
Events this year (Multi charity) | |
Most popular event last 3mo | n/a |
Total raised | n/a |
Total pages | n/a |
Most popular event last 12mo | n/a |
Total raised | n/a |
Total pages | n/a |
Name | Total Raised |
The Hercules Inlet challenge - 2022 | £1,439.65 |
Lands' end to John O'Groats (874 miles) on Exercise Bike. - 2020 | £1,213.25 |
The Greatest Shoe -man - 2021 | £10.00 |
Bean Counting | |
56 Miles in 28 Days | |
Christmas - 2021 | |
n/a |