
# 20081300 UK
Fundraising platforms
Peer to Peer Financials
Year to date raised £14,133.20
Last year to current date £13,205.39
Last year total £17,031.39
Peer to Peer Overview
Events this year (Single charity)
Events this year (Multi charity)
Most popular event last 3mo n/a
Total raised n/a
Total pages n/a
Most popular event last 12mo n/a
Total raised n/a
Total pages n/a
Name Total Raised
Get on your heel for teal 5k walk - 2022 £9,044.29
Dingle Marathon - 2023 £6,852.63
Vhi Women's Mini Marathon - 2024 £5,575.29
5km walk in the grounds of Malahide Castle - 2024
Skydive - 2023
5k a day for 30 days - 2024
Ukuele Session - 2024
In memory of Jackie Mckernan - 2021
Ovacare jump - 2023
Raising money for ovacare - 2023
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