
Peer to Peer Financials
Year to date raised £717.50
Last year to current date £1,750.16
Last year total £1,750.16
Peer to Peer Overview
Events this year (Single charity)
Events this year (Multi charity)
Most popular event last 3mo n/a
Total raised n/a
Total pages n/a
Most popular event last 12mo n/a
Total raised n/a
Total pages n/a
Name Total Raised
House Swimathon - 2023 £2,939.40
Cotswold Way - Trek and Wildcamp - 2023 £1,656.50
Captain Tom 100 - 2021 £1,410.42
London to Paris - 2022
South Coast Challenge (100km) - 2023
Endure24 Reading - 2021
Plant Potting - 2022
Walking the Ridgeway!
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