Fundraising platforms
Virgin Money Giving
Peer to Peer Financials
Year to date raised £0.00
Last year to current date £1,575.74
Last year total £5,766.25
Peer to Peer Overview
Events this year (Single charity)
Events this year (Multi charity)
Most popular event last 3mo n/a
Total raised n/a
Total pages n/a
Most popular event last 12mo n/a
Total raised n/a
Total pages n/a
Name Total Raised
CKDCF charity walk £1,611.60
In memory of Lee Elliott - 2020 £1,575.74
joy in the rain £1,493.54
The Yorkshire Three Peaks - 2020
Walk round Loweswater lake in Cumbria
Long hair being cut and donated to Little Princess Cancer Trust - 2020
The World's Hottest Pizza Challenge - 2020
CKDCF Walk For Larry
The Peter Watson ‘Joy in the Rain’ Sponsored Walk - 2019
CKDCF Virtual Sponsored Walk - 2020
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