Fundraising platforms | |
JustGiving |
Peer to Peer Financials | |
Year to date raised | £0.00 |
Last year to current date | £521.06 |
Last year total | £521.06 |
Peer to Peer Overview | |
Events this year (Single charity) | |
Events this year (Multi charity) | |
Most popular event last 3mo | n/a |
Total raised | n/a |
Total pages | n/a |
Most popular event last 12mo | n/a |
Total raised | n/a |
Total pages | n/a |
Name | Total Raised |
Support Syria 💔 - 2019 | £137.00 |
Syrian children - 2019 | £84.06 |
Al bayan foundation | £15.00 |
Collecting money for the people of syria | |
Raising money to buy food for our Muslim people in Syria |