One Ummah is a UK Based non profit Charity organisation that provides aid to those most in need across the globe.
We provide employment, support and care to the Armed Forces Community and those disadvantaged by disability, a health condition or social welfare need.
Alder Hey Children's Charity needs to raise £30m for life-saving medical equipment, research and facilities to make the brand new Alder Hey in the Park a truly world-leading hospital for families across the UK when it opens in 2015. Alder Hey is the UK's biggest children's hospital.
It's bewildering and unsettling for anyone going into hospital but especially for children and that is why we are a fundraising hospital. We raise funds to enhance the experience of our patients by providing state of the art medical equipment and facilities and creating a child-friendly environment.
Al-Imdaad Foundation is a registered UK charity providing humanitarian aid relief with its 5 international offices. Al-Imdaad are dedicated to providing humanitarian services in crisis and non-crisis situations to most needy orphans, widows and destitute. Currently working in over 65 countries.
Yorkhill Children’s Charity provides and supports excellence in paediatric, obstetric and neonatal healthcare enhancing the treatment, care and wellbeing of children and their families through The Royal Hospital for Sick Children at Yorkhill and other hospital and community based services.
Bliss is the UK charity for premature and sick babies. We offer guidance and information at a critical time in families' lives and we also fund ground-breaking research and campaign for babies to receive the best possible level of care regardless of when and where they are born.
Our objective is to help local communities and people in need.
We have been at the forefront of humanitarian aid in Syria since the conflict began. Unlike most aid agencies, we work inside Syria, so your gifts will go straight to the people in most desperate need. And since we cover our costs in other ways, every single penny of your donation will go to Syria.
Cycle to Cannes is a grant making charity. We currently raise funds for The Duke of Edinburgh's Award, The Sarah Matheson Trust, Article 25, Tom's Trust and Land Aid. Selected one-off grants to charities supported by our fundraisers are also made.
One By One is a humanitarian charity working with orphans in Kenya. We have 63 orphans in our King's Children's Home. We are accommodating, feeding, clothing, educating & providing for their medical needs as some also have HIV. Please join with us and help to rescue children from neglect and abuse.
The Hazara Charitable Trust is the official fundraising vehicle for Marefat School, Kabul, Afghanistan.
Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is an independent humanitarian medical aid organisation. We are committed to providing medical aid where it is most needed, regardless of race, religion, politics or gender and also to raising awareness of the plight of the people we help.
The Sussex Beacon provides specialist support and care for men and women living with HIV at its purpose built care centre in Brighton, East Sussex.
Cambodian Children's Fund UK is dedicated to improving the lives of young people from Cambodia's most destitute communities. Working with our partner organisation, the Cambodian Children's Fund, we provide life-changing education, nutrition, healthcare and vocational training to over 700 children.
The Grand Appeal is the Bristol Children's Hospital Charity, supporting sick children from Bristol, the South West and beyond. Help us save the lives of sick children, provide pioneering medical equipment and keep families together by donating or fundraising for The Grand Appeal.
The Miscarriage Association is a national charity that offers support and information to anyone affected by the loss of a baby in pregnancy. We provide a UK helpline, a range of helpful leaflets, an online support forum and training and consultancy for health professionals.
Every year we impact on the healthcare of more than 175,000 sick children. We buy specialist equipment, support families, create amazing hospital environments, enhance staff training, buy toys, fund research, provide specialist staff and respond in emergencies. Our donors, volunteers and supporters make this possible and we're hugely grateful to every single one of them.
The Artemis Charitable Foundation has been set up by Artemis Investment Management LLP to undertake a range of charitable activities, including the sponsorship of charitable events to generate donations for charities.
BWH Charity supports the work of Birmingham Women's Hospital. We fundraise to provide vital equipment and facilities to enable the best possible care for the women and babies of the West Midlands region.To donate to our Neonatal appeal, click
Women's Aid is the national charity working to end domestic violence against women and children. Women's Aid provides a package of 24 hour lifeline services for women experiencing domestic violence including the Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline, run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge and the Women's Aid website
Blythswood Care combines the Christian message with practical help for those in need at home and abroad, regardless of their political or religious beliefs or ethnic origins. In 2009 we delivered aid valued at £5.7m, to 18 countries. This included over £600k of hospital equipment to a hospital in Serbia turning into the key centre of excellence outside of the capital, Serbia. We also distributed 128,000 filled Christmas shoe boxes as well as over 4,000 filled Buckets of Love.
Open Arms International is dedicated to improving the lives of children who are orphaned or abandoned through HIV/AIDS. In one of the poorest areas of Kenya we are building the Open Arms Village. By providing loving care, education & medical support we offer a future to these forgotten children.
The Grace Foundation UK was created with one aim: to offer help and support wherever it is needed. It champions charitable projects within the local community, the UK and abroad, providing both funding and practical assistance. It is committed to creating opportunities for people and projects regardless of circumstance.
Rockinghorse is the official fundraising arm of the Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital and from its beginning, a vital supporter of the Trevor Mann Baby Unit in Brighton. The charity fundraises for items necessary for every child's treatment, from toys to life-saving equipment.