The Big Half - 2024

Half marathon
£51,780.39 Total raised
£51,680.39 Total raised online
£100.00 Total raised offline
Name Total Raised
British Heart Foundation £7,840.00
Breathing Matters £3,038.66
Brain Tumour Research £2,348.00
The Anne Robson Trust
The Lewy Body Society
Breast Cancer UK
Lockton Charitable Association
Islington Boxing Club
Father Hudson's Society
Child Bereavement UK
Evelina London Children's Charity
Epilepsy Research UK
The Felix Project
Amos Trust
the golf trust
Brain Research Trust
Ben Saunders Foundation
Sebastian's Action Trust
Mental Health UK
BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha
Anthony Nolan
Oxford Hospitals Charity
Against Breast Cancer