SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon - 2019

€469,853.10 Total raised
€449,172.10 Total raised online
€20,681.00 Total raised offline
Name Total Raised
Irish Cancer Society €47,320.38
LauraLynn, Ireland's Children's Hospice €26,857.72
Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation €22,449.38
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland
Oesophageal Cancer Fund (OCF)
Pieta House - The Centre for the Prevention of Self-Harm or Suicide
Breast Cancer Ireland
Make-A-Wish® Ireland
Temple Street Children’s University Hospital
Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association
Brain Tumour Ireland
Mental Health Ireland
St. Francis Hospice Raheny/Blanchardstown
CMRF, Crumlin
Irish Dogs for the Disabled
North East Cancer Research and Education Trust (NECRET)
Our Lady's Hospice & Care Services, Harold's Cross and Blackrock Hospice
St. James's Hospital Foundation
Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation
Heart Children Ireland
Cancer Care West
CRY - Cardiac Risk in the Young
Friends of the Coombe
The Friends of St. Luke's