In October of 2008, members of the United States Military Academy’s Class of 1998 stood together at their Ten Year Reunion, reminiscing about their first decade as members of “The Long Gray Line”. Their lives had changed inextrica
Although many of us have faced hard times, few of us reading this have faced poverty. Over 25 % of women heads of household live in poverty. That number is nearly double for Latinas. They work hard to put a roof o
The Lindsey Meyer Memorial Foundation's largest program is the Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute (LMTI). Our mission is to reduce the frequency of teenage alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use by guiding students to realize their leadership potenti
The MPTCS Foundation, a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization, was established to provide financial resources for programs that help Newark students and alumni of Marion P. Thomas Charter School, achieve educational excellence. Since its i
Like many organizations, Discovery World continually asks this critical question. If we are to be an important community asset, we need to know what makes us unique and what we offer that can m
NYDP was created by a group of returned Peace Corps Volunteers from Nepal who believe in alleviating poverty through education. Working with contacts made while living in Nepal, NYDP is able to identify and support well-deserving young woman to ach
Vermont Green Building Network is working toward increasing Vermont's participation in green building and to promote the environmental
The mission of Learning Enterprises is to expand people’s horizons through conversation-based English language classes taught by American and international volunteers. Since 1992 we've recruited hundreds of college-age volunteers to spend
Community Life Concepts! We are a non-profit innovative Resident Services Pr
Every year we travel to Nicarauga to bring backpacks and school supplies to children in remote areas. Every year our mission grows and last year we were able to support 520 children. Though public education is free in Nicarauga, if the family
We are excited by the prospect of seeing this country and connecting to its people during this unique time in the history of Cuban-US relations. Thank you so much for
that addresses unique learning styles, cultivates independent thought, and promotes the building of character, enabling our clients to contribute to th
Our programs include working with the local community leaders and collaborating on the funding of classrooms, fostering cultural and community programs, and providing need based scholarship programs for students attending Ayisatu Owen Internation