Browsing Charities
751 - 775 of 1.3K results

Royal British Legion Ramsey (UK, IOM624) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Royal British Legion helping and supporting ex service men and women

Wootton Bassett Town Rotary Club Trust Fund (UK, 1096924) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

It provides support and aid to local, national and international causes

Disabled Police Officers' Association NI (UK, Disabled Police Officers' Association NI - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

DPOANI provides membership based services to police officers who have been physically or psychologically injured whilst on duty.

Community Aid Network Britain (CANB) (UK, 1126788) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

CANB’s aim is to support the charities of Brasov through the provision of grants and volunteers. It supports a range of projects, which work with vulnerable and disadvantaged adults and children throughout Brasov County.

Pen yr Enfys (UK, 519530) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

It works with people who have Alcohol use issues.

Women's Therapy Centre (UK, 274520) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Women's Therapy Centre aims to provide psychotherapy to women who traditionally have not had access to therapy, including women on low incomes, women from black and minority ethnic communities and refugees and asylum seekers. It has expertise in working complex including childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence and eating problems.

BAPCA (UK, 1044077) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The British Association for the Person-Centred Approach (BAPCA) is an organisation that embraces and promotes the person-centred way-of-being: the striving to create relatonships based in genuine acceptance and empathic understanding. BAPCA aims to provide an atmosphere where, through their involvement with BAPCA, members will feel free to self-organise and develop. Members play a vital role in helping BAPCA in its development as an organisation.BAPCA welcomes anyone with an interest in the approach as a member: students, therapists, tutors and workers in all fields of social relations such as the caring professions, as well as people involved in business, education, arts and media. Charity No: 1044077 Find out more Website Facebook

Veterans Retreat (UK, 1141743) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Veterans Retreat is a residential and medical care facility providing dedicated care and support for Veterans of HM Forces. Over the past two decades there has been a marked increase in the amount of active service that our armed forces are being tasked to engage in.

Salem Scotland (UK, SC037025) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Salem Scotland develops support programmes for children and young adults in the UK. It also accepts donations for other global humanitarian Salem projects and has a special affiliation with an orphanage and hospital in Uganda. URGENT: £3,000 needed for Salem Uganda's Children's Home. Please help!

Sambel Kunda Clinic (UK, 1148681) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

.With the nearest hospital a considerable distance away, Sambel Kunda clinic provides an essential service to all its surrounding villages. The clinic offers primary healthcare and education. Many lives have already been saved. With your help, we can ensure many more are saved in the future.

Tottenham Tribute Trust (UK, 1094092) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

TTT is an organisation dedicated to serving the needs of former Spurs stars who find themselves in a situation that compromises their quality of life. It is an organisation that reaches out to members of the Spurs family who are fighting hard times either financially, medically or both and is dedicated to making sure that no former Spurs player is forgotten.

FMT (UK, 1052233) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

FMT's Mobile Medical Unit helps people in remote villages in South East India get medical aid and advice which otherwise they would not receive.

Women Of The Year Foundation (UK, 1090866) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Women of the Year Foundation aims to offer women financial and practical support giving them a chance to fulfil their dreams and ambitions and make a tangible commitment to the women of the future

United Orthodox Aid (UK, 1077371) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The mission of United Orthodox Aid is to provide the essentials of human life - food, shelter, medicine and hope - to the most needy victims of the humanitarian crisis on the territories of the former Yugoslavia, irrespective of politics, ethnicity or religion.

CUCrC (UK, CUCrC - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The CUCrC was formed in 1897 and organises Yachting, Dinghy Sailing and Windsurfing for members of Cambridge University.

ChildrenPlus (UK, 1134689) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

ChildrenPlus is a UK-based international aid and development charity, working to lift children and their families out of poverty through the provision of education, healthcare, housing and training, in some of the poorest and most disadvantaged communities in the world.

Madeleine Steel Charitable Trust (UK, SC033732) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We send doctors to North America to learn the latest techniques to help children with heart disease.

Caldmore (UK, 20135R) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Caldmore provides housing and support for the most vulnerable members of the community. This includes men, women and children fleeing domestic abuse, young parent, young people, people with mental health problems, people with learning disabilities and older people.

iprovision The Chartered Institute Of Public Relations (cipr) Benevolent Fund (UK, 1157465) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

iprovision was set up in 1965 by then IPR members to support colleagues facing hardship. The Object of the Charity is to provide assistance in cash or in kind or in any other appropriate manner for the prevention or relief of poverty, of any member or former member, employee and former employee of The Chartered Institute of Public Relations, together with any close dependants and the close dependants of any deceased member, former member, employee or former employee of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, having regard to their circumstances, status in life and need for such assistance. iprovision is there to support anyone who is a current full Member of CIPR; a Fellow; retired full Member or Fellow Member; an Associate Member of CIPR for at least one year; a Student Member of CIPR for at least one year; a past CIPR who was in membership for at least five years; a CIPR permanent member of staff (whether full-time or part-time) with at least one year of service; a former CIPR permanent member of staff (whether full-time or part-time) for at least five years; and close dependants of all the above categories. As a charity, iprovision is independent, and exists exclusively for CIPR members in need and their dependants. All of iprovision's income is derived from voluntary donations, the vast majority of which have come from CIPR members past and present.

WELLOW RDA (UK, 1073724) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

This charity, based at Wellow trekking Centre near Bath, gives riding therapy to local disabled children and adults 5 days a week in term times. At the moment it helps over 150 people with the aid of around 40 volunteers

MoMo Helps (UK, 1097831) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Mo Mowlam set up MoMo Helps to provide families with easy access to funding for respite care for their disabled children and to provide help for recovering drug misusers to reintegrate into society. The charity is run by volunteers and all donations go towards supporting these two groups of people.

Volunteer Action Oundle (UK, 1056760) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Volunteer Action is a local charity which helps people in Oundle and 32 surrounding villages to keep their independence,stay living in their own homes and remain part of the community by providing them with transport for essential journeys and through that companionship. Oundle Befriending Service is also organised by Volunteer Action offering a home visting service to the isolated and elderly.

Women's Health (UK, 296002) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for donating to Women's Health. We are committed to providing free, up to date and accessible health information to women that enables them to make informed choices about their gynaecological health. In order to do this we rely on sources of voluntary income including donations from individuals. We are extremely grateful to all those who support our work and your donation will help other women to benefit from our service as well as assist us in continuing to promote informed choice to all women.

Education Aid For Palestinians (UK, 1030807) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

our strategy : to empower poor Palestenians through education and training so that they are able to depend on themselves and earn a living, support their families and escape the poverty trap.

Cambridge Mongolia Development Appeal (CAMDA) (UK, 1086778) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Aid is to Mongolia's poorer herding families living in harsh conditions by providing essential resources. Disused wells are refurbished; hay-making equipment boosts fodder for long hard winters. A conservation project plants trees and grows vegetables. Our aid help families keep their livelihoods.