Alzheimer's Society is the leading UK care and research charity for people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, their families and carers. To find out more about fundraising for the Society log on to
Alzheimer Scotland offers care, information and support to people with dementia and carers in Scotland. Our services include our 24 hour Freephone Dementia Helpline (0808 808 3000), our Dementia Advisors, Dementia Nurses and medical research. We believe no one should go through dementia alone.
We’re ActionAid. We’re people who are dedicated to ending the extreme poverty that kills 28 children every minute of every day. We’re a charity and much more. We’re a partnership between people in poor countries and people in rich countries – all working together to end poverty for good. ActionAid is a unique partnership of people who are fighting for a better world - a world without poverty. As one of the UK's largest development agencies, we work in more than 50 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, listening to, learning from and working in partnership with over 19 million of the world's poorest people.
Race for £3 million is the PwC Foundation's firmwide fundraising challenge to raise £3 million for charities tackling health, education and employability issues: National Literacy Trust, Groundwork, Alzheimer's Society, Alzheimer Scotland, Wellbeing of Women and Beyond Food Foundation. The PwC Foundation is a registered charity set up in October 2011 with the aim of promoting social inclusion and sustainable development in UK.
JRoots organises inspiring, meaningful and educational journeys to Poland, Israel and Morocco in addition to tailor made itineraries with communities, organisations, individuals and families. More than a tour, a JRoots journey is an exploration of Jewish life in the context of the given destination.
Veerayatan, established in 1979 in Bihar, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that strives to uplift and empower humanity through the three jewels of humanitarian service, education and inner development. Its work is performed without regard to caste, creed, race, religion or socioeconomic status. Veerayatan always strives to bring top quality education at all levels, from primary and secondary education to higher education and vocational training. Please see for more information.
Dementia Support is a unique charity building a first-of-its kind dementia-friendly Hub for people with dementia, their families, friends and carers. Please donate to help people to live well with dementia. Our vision is a society where dementia is wholly understood and accepted enabling people living with dementia to be fully supported throughout the whole of their journey. We aim to bring together dementia services into one location and deliver seamless and holistic care from a centre of excellence for local people living with and affected by dementia.Thank you for your support and for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Charity No: 1158640 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter
The Poverty Alliance is a network of organisations and individuals working across Scotland. We campaign for practical changes that will increase incomes, improve services, give people in poverty a voice in decisions that affect them and challenge negative attitudes to poverty.
SportsAid is the only national charity of its kind, proudly supporting young British sportsmen and women who aspire to be our next Olympic, Paralympic, Commonwealth and world champions.
World Vision is the world’s largest international children’s charity, working to bring real hope to millions of children in the world’s hardest places. And we do it all as a sign of God’s unconditional love.
Overcoming barriers to learning for bullied children.
Govan&Craigton Integration Network (GCIN) is a charity based in south west Glasgow. Originally a response of community members to the needs of newly arrived asylum seekers, GCIN has since developed to work with and provide support services, projects & activities for all the local community & beyond.
Created via charity sign up service.
Destination Florida is a small Northern based charity which specialises in bringing a bit of sunshine into the lives of children who are suffering from life threating illnesses. Every two years we take a group of about 75 children to Florida literally for a holiday of a lifetime.
PSN is an international network bringing together development, environment and reproductive health organisations, government departments and policy research organisations to clarify and increase awareness of the importance for sustainable development of both population and consumption factors.
Mayday Trust invests in people's talents and abilities. We offer life changing opportunities that overcome barriers and allow people to achieve. We support people going through difficult times in their lives to thrive independently by recognising and building upon their resilience and skills.
Tikun is a Jewish educational charity based in Temple Fortune, London. Tikun means improving; our aim is to improve the world by reawakening the Jewish community to its ancient mission of being a light to the nations. We have 3 segments: Tikun Olam; Improvement of the World by taking responsibility to make a difference. Tikun Hamidos; Improvement of one’s character through practical Jewish Wisdom. Tikun Hanefesh; Improvement of one’s wellbeing through an understanding of Innate Health’s 3 principles.
Created via charity sign up service.
Created via charity sign up service.
A charity providing help for development projects organised by Christian groups in the poorer countries of the world to create permanent improvements in the lives and health of impoverished people.
Alzheimers Dementia Support has been formed to support people with Dementia and their carers in Windsor, Maidenhead, Ascot, Slough & Langley. We provide a wide range of advice & information as well as drop ins, singing, lunches & dancing - which we are always looking to expand as fundraising allows.
Created via charity sign up service.
It provides special needs children with holidays and day trips to various destinations across the u.k. The children we help suffer from mild to complex needs and in some cases a life limiting condition. They would not get to have a trip without your assistance. Please help.
Quaker Social Action is an anti-poverty charity working throughout east London and dedicated to a vision of:'a world where people put people first.'QSA has over 145 years of experience tackling social exclusion and poverty. We put people at the centre of what we do, developing practical and creative solutions to the problems that affect people living on a low income.