B@titude is committed to loving and serving the community of Leatherhead by providing a framework for community and social initiatives. Shaped around a fluid collective of people, B@titude aims to support dreams and ideas that will invest back into the community and quality of life.
Allavida is an international development charity with a mission to help people acquire the skills, knowledge, confidence and resources to work effectively for their communities. The charity works mainly in South East Europe, East Africa and Central Asia. In each region the work encompasses grant-making, capacity building, training, research and publishing.
Cranhill Development Trust is an integral part of its community, responding to the complex needs of Cranhill since 2002. We aim to increase self-esteem and opportunity in an area of multiple deprivation. This includes providing information, advice, health services, education services, and more.
The purpose of the charity is to advance education, improve healthcare and relieve poverty in Malawi with a particular, but not exclusive, focus on children and young adults. The aim in year one is build a school which will be used to teach 1500 children, 503 of whom are orphans.
Edgware and District Reform Synagogue is a vibrant welcoming community. We are a congregation that values tradition, belief and practice while responding to the challenges of modern life. Our vision is of: - a Reform Jewish community that offers a variety of activities aimed at meeting the diverse religious, cultural, social and educational needs of our members. a caring community that supports its own members and works for the good of the wider community here, in Israel and throughout the world. a community committed to Jewish learning, both for its own sake and to enable the community to make informed Jewish Decisions. a celebrating community that makes Judaism enjoyable, enriching and relevant to the lives of our members. a community that actively engages in interfaith dialogue and shows respect to others. a responsible community keeping faith with the past and working for a better future. a holy community that upholds the teachings of Torah and works for truth, justice and peace
Abbey Community Centre provides a range of services to improve the quality of life of people in the local community, especially those who are disadvantaged or have greater need. Principal activities are a low cost creche, parenting advice, services for over 60's, welfare rights, English classes and many more services.
Raising funds to support Buckingham, Winslow and district Citizens Advice Bureau
We work with the community and respond to its needs. Priorities include improved health facilities; clean water; community safety; improved decision making and engagement for all. Delivering real sustainable development and transparent democracy with the active involvement of local people.
St Katharine & Shadwell Trust is the Community Foundation for the East End and City of London. We raise funds and award grants to run and support a wide range of projects. Our vision is to improve the quality of life for those living the London boroughs of the City of London, Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets. Our knowledge of the area and the relationships we have developed enable us to support and sustain positive change. Our aim is to ensure that the ideas and aspirations of local people for improving their area can be realised. To learn more about the work we do please visit www.skst.org, or call 0207 782 6962.
Triquetra Trusts mission is to: "care connect contribute ... for a better tomorrow" We aim to : Strengthen and sustain the quality of life of the underprivileged by enhancing education, health and social well being. Support projects which strive to become leaders in class, are self-sustaining and impact the wider community. Our ultimate vision is to expand our reach worldwide. Current projects On various trips to India over the years, we noticed an ever widening gap between the poor and the wealthy, particularly in big cities. However, the plight in the most rural tribal belts goes unnoticed because no one actually visits these areas, as they are not exactly on the tourist trail! Our two projects are located in tribal belts in India: 1. Gurukul Vidhalaya, Bhadarpada, India 2. Muni Seva Ashram, Goraj, India
Rotary members are enthusiastic, fun-loving and active volunteers who give their time and talents to serve communities both at home and overseas. Rotarians in Wymondham have been making a real contribution to the lives of others in our local community and throughout the world for over fifty years. In that time we have raised tens of thousands of pounds for community projects and local charities. We are dedicated people, men and women from business and professions, who share a common interest in helping others including supervising community events and running a host of projects aimed at improving the lives of people in our local communities and others around the world. We will ensure that your donation goes directly to the nominated charity or Rotary project, thereby ensuring that all money collected is used for the purpose intended.
The Mtaala Foundation creates and supports education communities in Uganda for vulnerable children and at-risk youth, including those affected by war, poverty and HIV/AIDS. Empowering youth through learning and giving back to their community is a central tenet of our work.
We are dedicated to strengthening communities, creating opportunities and tackling issues of disadvantage and social exclusion for adults and children throughout Coventry,Warwickshire and Solihull. Thinking about local need the foundation acts as a vital link between those looking to source funding (quite often for the first time) and businesses/individual donors wanting to put something back into the communities they work or live in. A small amount of money can make a big impact to communites and our awards can range in size from as little as £80 or as much as £12,000. Since 1995 we have distributed nearly £10 million in grants to local grassroots projects. The Heart of England Community Foundation is quality accredited and is pat of a network of 54 foundations across the UK. You can really help to make a difference in YOUR local community!
Created via charity sign up service.
We support local communities by improving people's prospects, creating better places & providing access to local green spaces and encourage greener living and working. Our mission is to transform disadvantaged communities through high quality regeneration programmes across the West Midlands.
Cromarty's Victoria Hall is the community-owned venue at the heart of community life in this historic town in the Scottish Highlands. The hub for broad range of local clubs, events and activities and the base for Cromarty's hard working Youth Development Worker
Groundwork is a regeneration charity working in East London.
CI seeks to explore the British-Indian community experience and look forward to understand how as individuals and a community we can continue to make a meaningful contribution in the world. CI programmes are designed to enhance personal leadership, community service and deepen identity.
t Change Up @ Kennington Cross we aim to strengthen our community by providing support and opportunities to those who need them the most. We harness the resources of the community to find local solutions to local problems, focusing first on social exclusion. We know that with community support, accommodation and employment those marginalised by their circumstances can successfully contribute to their community. By bringing people of all backgrounds and experiences together to share skills and resources, we also aim to address the poverty of relationships in an inner city community. We use a central community site at St Anselm's church in Kennington as a hub to provide mentoring support, employment opportunities and subsidised business premises as a path into longer term employment and community participation. In the longer term we hope to also provide accommodation on site.
Welcome to Education Towards a Future! We provide financial support to citizens of Kenya who wish to pursue further education in Kenya but cannot afford to do so by themselves. We sponsor individuals who have shown a previous desire to help a Kenyan community. An education then allows the individual to increase the positive impact they can have on this community and elsewhere in Kenya. At Edtaf all administration costs are covered privately so every penny you donate goes directly towards a Kenyan education!
Granaghan Outreach Charitable Trust is a local community based chairty providing assistance to developing countries around the world.
The Charlbury Community Centre Appeal works closely with the Thomas Gifford Charity to raise funds to provide a new Community Centre for the 4,500 residents of Charlbury & surrounding villages. The centre will be open to everyone to use and provide a wide range of new and replacement facilities.
Preserving and improving village and community life in Stoney Middleton today and for the future
CentrePeace is a drop in community support centre located in the centre of Paignton, Devon.