Browsing Charities
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Medical Aid for Palestinians (UK, 1045315) Browse events

YTD Raised: £122,600.98

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) works for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees.

WaterAid (UK, 288701) Browse events

YTD Raised: £48,418.13

WaterAid is an international charity. Our mission is to transform lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation in the world's poorest communities. For more information please visit - Thanks so much for your support!

CARE International UK (UK, 292506) Browse events

YTD Raised: £23,979.27

CARE International is one of the world’s leading aid agencies - we fight poverty and injustice. In the last year, we worked in 84 countries, supporting 1015 poverty-fighting projects that reached more than 122 million people.

Xavier Project (UK, 1153638) Browse events

YTD Raised: £17,689.03

Xavier Project provides opportunities to urban refugees in Kenya and Uganda who are excluded from the means to live fulfilled and dignified lives.Through a holistic approach to development urban refugees will be able to make a positive change, to their new communities or to their country of origin.

Afrika Tikkun UK (UK, 1101556) Browse events

YTD Raised: £16,122.99

Afrika Tikkun aims to transform communities in South Africa by supporting vulnerable children and equipping them with the skills needed to succeed in life. This award-winning NGO currently helps thousands of families every week. Their Patron, Nelson Mandela, hails their programmes as 'A Miracle'

Toilet Twinning (UK, 1070684TT) Browse events

YTD Raised: £14,491.02

International charities Cord and Tearfund have linked up to bring you Toilet Twinning: a unique way to help transform lives in poor communities across the world. When you twin your toilet, your loo is linked with a latrine Africa. You'll receive a framed certificate of your toilet's twin, containing a photo, the latrine's location and its GPS coordinates so you can look it up on Google Maps. Tearfund and Cord will use the money raised to help households have their own loo; enjoy better health; go to school and work; and fund other projects to alleviate poverty around the world. Since the launch of Toilet Twinning in 2009, more than 1,600 latrines have been built in Burundi - providing safe loos for nearly 10,000 people!

REACT (UK, 1126498) Browse events

YTD Raised: £11,739.00

REACT stands for Refugee Education Across Conflicts Trust

CARAVAN OF MERCY (UK, 1115896) Browse events

YTD Raised: £11,381.59

CARAVAN of MERCY is a registered UK charity with a registered office in The Gambia and Ghana, West Africa. The charity is also working in Senegal, Kenya, India, and Bangladesh. The charity was formed in 2006. Our aim is to develop projects that will maintain and support future generations.

African Revival (UK, 1108718) Browse events

YTD Raised: £11,279.93

Our vision is of an Africa where children have access to education, opportunity, and choice. African Revival currently works with remote and marginalised communities in Zambia and Uganda. Founded in 2005, we have touched the lives of over 250,000 people in sub-Saharan Africa in 8 years.

Teach a Child - Africa (UK, 1120796) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10,399.16

It provides bursaries to enable children in Africa orphaned by the AIDs pandemic to complete their secondary education. It believes that their future depends on the quality of education they receive in their formative years and that education is a key weapon to fight poverty and ignorance in the world!

Tabitha Foundation UK (UK, 1102500) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10,224.03

Tabitha Foundation UK supports Tabitha Cambodia by: - Raising funds and awareness for the Wells for Clean Water Project - A variety of alternative gifts for partnership donors - Promoting volunteer house building teams to travel to Cambodia - Supporting cottage industry projects by promoting Tabitha's handmade products HOUSEBUILDING TEAMS PLEASE NOTE: When setting up your own page please notify the Tabitha UK office on [email protected] with your contact details and intended date of your housebuilding trip.

Amos Trust (UK, 292592) Browse events

YTD Raised: £10,171.31

Amos Trust is a small, creative human rights charity that challenges injustice, builds involvement and creates change. Amos works with, learns from and fund-raises for local partners in South Africa, Palestine & Israel, Nicaragua and India. Amos in involved in innovative global campaigns.

The Adsum Foundation (UK, XT14957) Browse events

YTD Raised: £8,940.00

The Adsum Foundation was formed to help people in the developing world escape the cycle of poverty and improve not only their own lives but those of their families and communities We operate a partnering scheme to allow companies, individuals and anyone interested in making a difference share in the work that we do Working in countries such as Madagascar we use education, clean water and sustainable livelihood projects to help the local population help themselves  All expenses are covered which means 100% of any money donated goes directly to the people and projects on the ground

Plan International USA (UK, 13-5661832) Browse events

YTD Raised: £7,875.00

Plan International USA promises a better future for children and communities in over 50 developing countries, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to create their own solutions, which range from clean water and health care programs to education projects and child protection initiatives.

Save An Orphan (Today) (UK, 1134007) Browse events

YTD Raised: £7,800.32

Every day over 6,000 children are orphaned, these children desperately need our help. We aim to raise the standard of living for orphans by providing clean water, proper sanitation, medication, clothing and education, this will allow all orphans to realise their birthright of living a happy life.

The Refugee Council (UK, 1014576) Browse events

YTD Raised: £7,738.05

The Refugee Council is the leading independent charity working with refugees in the UK. We provide vital support and specialist care to enable refugees rebuild their lives in safety. We speak out for the rights of refugees and challenge government policy, the media and hostile public attitudes.

CAFOD (UK, 285776) Browse events

YTD Raised: £6,803.30

CAFOD works with local partners and communities in 40 countries across the world - responding to emergencies, promoting long-term development and raising public awareness of the causes of poverty. We work with people of all faiths and none for a safe, sustainable and peaceful world.

Build It International (UK, 1115989) Browse events

YTD Raised: £6,490.17

Zambia is one of the world’s poorest countries and over two thirds of people live on less than £1 per day. We work directly with local people to help them transform their communities by providing skills training and essential education and healthcare facilities.

Cord (UK, 1070684) Browse events

YTD Raised: £6,287.25

Cord is an international peacebuilding charity working for over 40 years in Africa and South East Asia to end poverty and build peace. Currently working in Chad, Burundi and Cambodia in partnership with local organisations and communities who are recovering from violent conflict.

Orphans In Need (UK, 1144812) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,438.18

Orphans in Need was set up to help the world's most vulnerable and needy people, regardless of faith, race or creed. Our main focus is on orphans and widows, often the weakest members of society and the most badly affected by the scourge of poverty. Join us and inspire some hope today.

The Friends of Butoke (UK, 1140094) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,143.14

The Friends of Butoke supports Butoke, an NGO in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Butoke looks after orphans, provides basic healthcare and feeds the malnourished and starving. Its agronomists help farmers who abandoned their fields during the civil war to re-establish their crops.

Rainbow Development In Africa (UK, 1087744) Browse events

YTD Raised: £5,099.00

Rainbow Development in Africa is a grassroots charity working with farmers and farming communities in southern Mauritania and northern Senegal in West Africa. Working always through local partners, our objective is to help people improve their livelihoods through their own efforts and without creating dependance. Improved farming practices, micro-credit, well digging and organisational development are some of the activites we are involved in amongst some of the most marginalised peoples in the world in a region suffering the devastating effects of climate change.

One To One Children's Fund (UK, 1086159) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,937.50

Pioneering projects which relieve the suffering of children and foster tolerance, peace and understanding in areas of conflict and spearheading groundbreaking projects in Kosovo, South Africa & the Middle-East, aiming to create centres of excellence and models of best practice.

Grow Peace-Path out of Poverty (UK, 1091687) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,773.26

Promoting education to help poor rural African children escape grinding poverty.

Bees Abroad (UK, 1108464) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,754.18

Bees Abroad aims to relieve poverty in any part of the developing world , in particular through the advancement of the craft of beekeeping.

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