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The Jericho Foundation (UK, 1037084) Browse events

YTD Raised: £693.10

Jericho helps some of the most disadvantaged young people in Birmingham to overcome barriers to getting a job. We provide training, personal development and real work experience to help individuals to get the skills and experience they need to break the cycle of unemployment and social exclusion.

Broaden Out Their Horizons (UK, 1151289) Browse events

YTD Raised: £689.22

Broaden out their horizons is an innovative, exciting newcharity founded on the belief that young people learn best from each other, and can and should make a difference to each other’s lives and to the future.

Brentwood Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust (UK, 234092) Browse events

YTD Raised: £686.00

The Brentwood Catholic Youth Service (BCYS) exists to strengthen and inspire young people in their journey of life and faith. It gives young people the chance to gain fresh insights and develop their personal values in the context of a loving relationship with Jesus in daily life.

Spear (UK, 1100885) Browse events

YTD Raised: £679.38

Spear is a free six-week programme for 16-24 year old unemployed young people in London. The highly interactive course addresses the most common causes of underachievement, such as the absence of motivation, life skills, qualifications and opportunity.

British Youth Council and UK Youth Parliament (UK, 1123224) Browse events

YTD Raised: £678.00

 SOCIAL ACTION FUND "help us to make a difference, to ourselves, to each other, and  our communities" We young people have set up our own charity to help ourselves get moving, as social action volunteers - addressing what we think is wrong in society, campaigning, volunteering, making a difference . We are looking to raise funds in response to HRH Prince of Wales new campaign in support of Youth Social Action asking politicans, bsuiness, faith leaders and communities to provide more opportunities for young people aged 10-20, get involved to make a difference to themselves adn their communities, - not matter who they are and the barriers they face. We need funds to support socail action volunteering, travel and hardship bursaries to enable everyone who is willing, to have their say and take action. Asp little as £10 can cover travel and a snack for a volunteer, makin gyou a bronze give and thanks in our annual review - £10,000 can move mountains ! We ll even give you a Silver Supporter Certificate! and invite you come and see. Sponsoring our big events or pgorammes makes you a Gold Partner - give James Cathcart a ring! But its lots of little donations that will make a difference cause they all add up and make us feel supported - we want your support as much as a donation. Oh - Who are we? The British Youth Council (BYC) is a national, youth led charity that inspires young people aged 11-25 to have a say and be heard. Since its ascent in 1948, our vision is for a world where young people are respected an able to influence and inform decisions that affect their lives. We provide direct training, campaigning and volunteering opportunities to young people enabling them to interact with decision makers and participate in their communities; and offer support, advice and resources to a network of over 250 member organisations and local youth councils across the country. Young people lead on every aspect of our work: our board of trustees are all aged 16-25, elected annually by other young people from across the UK. We work with 10,000 young people each year and focus our energy on engaging young people from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds. Your invaluable support will help us raise £250,000 a year to match fund grants so that we can provide social action opportunities to volunteer and  give young people to gain skills, build confidence and explore opportunities to make a difference in our world. They campaign on social issues, stand for elections, go to Parliament (in all parts of the UK), or supporting work in their school councils. We offer training leadership skills, campaigning and puttin gyout point across and provide opportunities at lots of conventions to debate, consult and question decision makers. For more information on British Youth Council and our work, please visit our website at: or call us on 0845 458 1489. Formed in 2000, UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) is a national youth organization that works with young people aged between 11-18 to campaign on issues that affect their lives. The organization consists of democratically elected members and has around 600 members, who are elected to represent the views of young people in their area to government and service providers. Over 500,000 young people vote in the elections each year, which are held in at least 90% of constituencies. UKYP is now being managed by BYC. For more information please visit our webiste at: or call us on: 0845 2501299 

1st Weobley Scout Group (UK, 521376) Browse events

YTD Raised: £675.00

1st Weobley Scout Group provides adventurous, fun and challenging opportunities to enrich the lives of our young people, boys and girls, who are aged 6 - 14 years. Formed in 1967 and based in rural North Herefordshire we seek to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities by way of the Scout method promoted by the Scout association. 1st Weobley has a committed team of unpaid volunteer Leaders who willingly donate many hours of their valuable time each week to support our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. We are very proud of our place in the local community and our association with many of the village organisations. We have a particular affinity with the local branch of the British Legion and the Burton Gardens Centre which supports sheltered housing for the older generations.  We are completely reliant on fundraising and donations both to provide the equipment and resources necessary for our young people to have fun and to maintain our aged wooden HQ which is almost as old as the group itself. At the present time we are engaged in re-equipping the group with camping equipment and refurbishing much of the inside of our building. We have a dedicated and committed fund raising team who work so hard on our behalf. The subscriptions that we receive from the families of our young people barely cover our costs so we are constantly looking for innovative ways to raise funds for the group. We rely on the generosity of people like you. Please make a donation to support our young people. It really makes a difference. Thank you.

Fleet Phoenix (UK, 1144057) Browse events

YTD Raised: £675.00

At Fleet Phoenix we work to put young people at the Hart of their community.

Central YMCA (UK, 213121) Browse events

YTD Raised: £666.40

Central YMCA Central YMCA is the UK's leading health and fitness charity and the world's first YMCA. Changing lives for the better through a unique blend of education, training and campaigning, we're here to make others happier, healthier and more active. Donations will allow Central YMCA to continue supporting projects in our community from investing in disability sport to healthy living for deprived children and young people.   In 2014, we are raising funds for three main projects in our local community:   Young Health Champions The problem: The biggest risk takers when it comes to lifestyle choices are young people. At school-leaving age the numbers of young people eating healthily and taking part in sport and physical activity drops dramatically, while smoking, and drug and alcohol abuse rises, along with increased susceptibility to poor mental health.   A solution: The Young Health Champions project aims to tackle this by training people aged 14 to 25 to provide their peers with important information about health  and support them in making positive lifestyle changes – particularly around physical activity, drug and alcohol, mental health, smoking cessation, sexual and mental health. They also act as ‘young consultants’ to local health services, commissioning and sporting bodies, advising what services young people really want and how and where they want them.   How donations make a difference to this project £50 = 1 Young Health Champion trained to give them a better understanding of the causes and implications of health inequalities £250 = 12 Young Health Champions given delivery skills to help empower them to pass those messages on to their peers. £500 = 20 Young Health Champions qualified as community volunteers and acting as health ambassadors, increasing their employability, life chances and helping them to raise other young people’s aspirations.     YActive playscheme bursary The problem: Camden and Westminster have some of the highest levels of prosperity in the country but also some of the most serious cases of depravation. Many working families are on low incomes, and for those families, childcare during school holidays can be a real problem. Our community’s lack of safe play areas and structured activities means that children are then left more and more indoors, being looked after by older siblings or relatives - not being as active or stimulated as they need. This can lead to other long term problems such as obesity and low aspirations.   A solution:  We would like to offer a bursary scheme for such families to access our YActive playscheme, term time courses and holiday care and give them the opportunity to try new activities and develop healthy lifestyle habits.   How donations make a difference to this project £50 = 2 days of YActive play scheme for a child during the holidays £130 = A child participating in the holiday playscheme for a full week £680 = 6 weeks of playscheme for a child from a deprived background   Inclusive sports clubs The problem: Currently 93% of disabled people in the UK do no physical activity at all and almost half of disabled children suffer from obesity.  In addition to this, the barriers that young disabled people face in participating in activities prevents them from socialising, this in itself is damaging to their personal development and sense of wellbeing.   A solution: Hub Club aims to train up 100 young people (disabled and non-disabled) to design, set up and run sports clubs for disabled young people and most importantly get them participating in physical activity. Using specialist coaches, our sports clubs will be an opportunity for young people to building their confidence by trying new activities, developing their skills and socialising. In addition to this it will provide the young people with volunteering, education and work experience opportunities.   How donations make a difference to this project £25 = 11/2 hours of delivery of adapted activity sessions in the local area. £150 = An assistive device such as a ramp to enable those with profound disabilities to participate in activities. £500 = Training in specialised sports to volunteers who will buddy/mentor young people to allow them to access the clubs. £1,000 = Provision of 36 sessions of sporting activity delivered by a specialised coach provided in a supporting environment and tailored to the individual young person.

Jamie Procters Foundation (UK, 1139763) Browse events

YTD Raised: £663.00

Jamie Procters Foundation was established to give deserving young people a chance to benefit from life changing experiences. The charity was set up in memory of Jamie, an exceptional young man who died at a tragically young age. The Foundation will focus on 9-11 year olds, who haven’t had the advantages and opportunities that Jamie and many of his friends have had. By giving these kids from less privileged backgrounds, the chance to visit an adventure centre in Devon and to experience first hand, activities that many have not even heard about such as raft building, coaststeering,yachting, caving, abseiling and orienteering, we hope to show them that there is more to life than the 'Gang Culture', back home in Hackney. In turn this will help to inspire and motivate them, to achieve their potential in whatever paths they eventually choose. We feel this would have met with Jamie’s approval.

23rd Camberwell (St Giles') Scout Group (UK, 303832) Browse events

YTD Raised: £661.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.The 23rd Camberwell (St Giles') Scout Group work with youngsters from the age of 6 - 18 years old. Formed back in 1914, we've been working in the Camberwell area for 100 years now.

Warrington West District Scouts (UK, 1053741) Browse events

YTD Raised: £660.00

Warrington West District Scouts constitute 16 Beaver colonies, 15 Cub Packs, 15 Scout Troops & 5 Explorer Units. We have in excess of 500 young members, supported by a dedicated team of adult volunteers. We fund-raise to support Scouting for our local young people and Scouts from the 3rd World.

My Time For Young Carers (UK, 1155572) Browse events

YTD Raised: £660.00

My Time offers respite activities and support for young people in Surrey and the surrounding areas whose lives are adversely affected by the disability or ill health of family members. We also support young people who have added caring responsibilities because their families are in a time of crisis.

NCYP (UK, 1139518) Browse events

YTD Raised: £660.00

NCYP is a voluntary youth organisation in the North East. Our vision is to work together to enable young people to be involved, enjoy and achieve. Our mission is to provide information,advice and support for clubs to provide a diverse programme of activities

Young Women's Trust (UK, 217868) Browse events

YTD Raised: £659.37

Young Women’s Trust believes that a society which respects and listens to young women is a better society for all of us. We work with young women to address the poverty, inequality and discrimination that many of them face. Because what happens to them now impacts on their lives forever.

Anonymous Child (UK, 1166698) Browse events

YTD Raised: £650.00

Anonymous Child fights the cycle of poverty and inequality by providing support to high-impact local projects that enable the most vulnerable group of society – children and young adults – to become a positive driving driving force within their communities. We envision a world where all children and young people, regardless of their economic background, are given access to high-quality education and care to ensure a fair start in life and set them on the path towards a brighter future.

SSP Foundation (UK, 1163717) Browse events

YTD Raised: £638.24

The SSP Foundation provides grants to charities working to promote healthy eating, particularly in young people. In addition the charity makes donations to certain UK charities linked to the local communities.

Ummah Help (UK, 1142686) Browse events

YTD Raised: £630.00

Remembering Srebrenica is the UK charity working to raise awareness about the Srebrenica genocide. A mere 50 years ago, European soil witnessed a genocide claiming the lives of 8,372 men and boys at Srebrenica, Bosnia. We believe in building a stronger society for all by learning from the past.

Queenswood (UK, 311060) Browse events

YTD Raised: £630.00

QUEENSWOOD SCHOOL  was founded in 1894, is a registered charity, and has always aimed to provide an excellent, well-rounded education for girls. There is an emphasis on developing each girl’s potential and her self-confidence. The girls’ achievements are remarkable, academically, in sport, and in the creative and performing arts. They go on to be leaders in society through a diverse range of careers. Like many girls’ schools, we do not have a rich endowment and the School has been able to keep its leading position in education because of its donors’ generosity.   TO MAKE A DONATION  Please click on the Queenswood Hall - Buy a Brick Appeal highlighted in RED in the FIND out MORE box on the left hand side of this page

Lord Mayor's Charity Appeal (UK, 512441) Browse events

YTD Raised: £622.00

LORD MAYOR'S CHARITY APPEAL - 2013 - 2014 The Lord Mayor, Cllr Thomas Murray is raising funds for LOFFTY - Leeds Offers Fun For The Young to provide much needed additional fun activities for young people in the City during and after school, at weekends and throughout the holidays.

Girlguiding Scotland (UK, SC005548) Browse events

YTD Raised: £620.00

Join the fun and adventure of Scottish guiding We are Scotland’s leading charity for girls and young women, with 50,000 young members. We build girls’ confidence and raise their aspirations. We give them the chance to discover their full potential and encourage them to be a powerful force for good. We give them a space to have fun.

8th Ashford (middlesex) Scout Group (UK, 305792) Browse events

YTD Raised: £620.00

Chrysalis Youth Empowerment Network (UK, 1158392) Browse events

YTD Raised: £619.25

.CYEN empowers young people in Uganda to be able to create the society that they want to live in, through training in ethics, international citizenship, project management, vision development and problem-solving. Every Butterfly Project member delivers their own social project in a deprived area.

India Child Program (UK, 1161684) Browse events

YTD Raised: £616.00

India Child Program exists to prevent and relieve poverty in the villages of India. This is primarily done through school sponsorship program for children and young people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Khalsa Foundation (UK, 1161419) Browse events

YTD Raised: £615.00

Discover Spirit within Khalsa Foundation started the longest running Sikh Camp in the UK that was established in 1990 and has branches worldwide providing the highest quality and most inspirational Sikh camp available in the world. At Khalsa Camp, our aim is to provide everyone who attends in depth knowledge of our Gurus teachings in a fun and friendly atmosphere. We believe in creating change by raising consciousness and thinking outside the box. We aim to challenge the current status quo by shaking up how we currently think about the spirituality, life and the world. We encourage and inspire each other to take action with the goal of bringing to life a bright future for us all. Positive and heartfelt Seva (selfless giving) is a big part of what we do.Living sustainably, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, creating a spiritual relationship with oneself and creator, shaping a better world together are all things we encourage. We value balance in our world, which means examining all aspects of our lives. We encourage debate around, health, science, technology and an accessible, spirituality.

Life & Soul (UK, 1153304) Browse events

YTD Raised: £604.00

We are passionate about seeing young people realise their potential and we work to remove whatever is preventing this being a reality. Working with children age 5-20, we provide intervention clubs, play therapy, theatre assemblies and mentoring. Including a Social Enterprise for young & homeless.