Quintessentially Foundation supports charitable activity worldwide that improves the health, education and welfare of disadvantaged communities.In 2011 we are supporting four charities; The House of St. Barnabas,The Place2Be,Room to Read and SOS Children's Villages.www.quintessentiallyfoundation.org
Shelter works to alleviate the distress caused by homelessness and bad housing. We help people find and keep a home. We campaign for decent housing for all. Our work won’t stop until there’s a home for everyone.
Streetwork is about enabling a life off the streets. We focus on where people are most in need and at risk - on the streets. We don't wait for people to find us; we find them, with outreach teams spending at least 84hrs each week on the streets of Edinburgh helping the most vulnerable people.
Sense is the UK's largest organisation offering support to deafblind people and their families. Established in 1955 as a parent's support group, Sense now offers a range of services - including, advice, housing, education and practical help to children and adults who are both deaf and blind.
Centrepoint is the UK’s leading charity for homeless young people. It provides housing and support for more than 1000 young people, aged 16-25, every year, helping them into work and a home of their own.
Martin House provides care and support, free of charge, to families in which there is a child or children with a short life expectancy, throughout Yorkshire. Our aim is to provide a home from home with a lively friendly atmosphere where children and their families can enjoy the best quality of life.
SHP provides accommodation and support to over 6,000 of London's most vulnerable people each year. Our mission is to reduce poverty, social exclusion and homelessness, and to make a lasting improvement to our clients' quality of life.
We help the Nepalese Gurkha village of Tang Ting. We have built a Day Care Centre for the children, refurbished the electricity system and are raising money for an eco friendly tourist hostel to provide employment in the village
The Passage helps homeless people in the Victoria area of London, providing basic care and the means to make a fresh start. Up to 200 people use the day centre each day; the 40 bed hostel is full every night. We depend on voluntary donations as less than half our income comes from statutory sources.
Jimmy's is a Cambridge-based charity that welcomes 22 homeless men &women providing accommodation, support and resettlement. It is a place of hope where change is not just a possibility but a reality. We strive to enable people to regain confidence and independence and develop a settled lifestyle.
HCT is dedicated to combatting poverty and disadvantage. Through practical advice, training and grants, our life-changing activities help vulnerable residents, families and communities fulfil their potential. We help people get in to work, online, out of debt and financially stable. Our award-winning grants programme for young people ensures all our young residents can build confidence and learn new skills. Our community grants programme helps residents design and deliver the activities they know will make their communities better places to live. Our residents say it best: "I am useless....I don’t have any hope of getting a job....and then we are told...I’ve changed personally...I was sad...but now I’m happy" “You’re really part of the world online...I don’t what I’d do without it...I rely on it so much now...” "My son was in year 2 of Primary School and could not read appropriate age books. A grant paid for a tutor who taught him to read. I would not have been able to afford a tutor. He now reads nearly all the time; even whilst walking." The majority of the people we support live in Hyde Housing Association Ltd homes across London and the South East.
SSAFA provides lifelong support for our Forces and their families. Every year we give life-changing support to more than 50,000 people. Thanks to our supporters, we are able to extend a helping hand to our servicemen and women and their families, doing whatever it takes to meet their needs.
To donate a 'suspended item' to a local homeless person, please use the slider menu to the right to select a option. Or make a general donation to Social Bite. To find out more about the work of Social Bite please visit the site below.
St Mungo’s Broadway provides a bed and support to more than 2,500 people a night who are either homeless or at risk, helping about 25,000 people a year. We believe no one should be homeless and that people can – and do – recover from the issues that create homelessness.
HARP (Homeless Action Resource Project) - Helping Southend's Homeless. We help people get off the streets and back into their own home. We house up to 72 people at one time in a number of bedsits, rooms and flats. Our emergency services ensure that people do not have to sleep rough on the streets.
The over-60s is the fastest-growing group in society and there are more of us than ever before. Ageing is not an illness, but it can be challenging. At Age UK we provide services and support at a national and local level to inspire, enable and support older people.
WHC helps homeless or at-risk people in High Wycombe, Bucks to rebuild their lives by assisting them not only to find or keep accommodation but also to develop skills to achieve a stable lifestyle. Homelessness has a variety of causes, including family breakdown, unemployment, drug or alcohol abuse and poverty. It’s been said we are all two pay-checks away from homelessness. WHC is a community project of local churches. WHC’s first initiative was the Wycombe Winter Night Shelter (WWNS), which provides over 800 bed-nights to around 50 individuals annually. Since then, WHC has added year-round advice and resettlement services. WHC helps over 250 single homeless adults annually – largely those for whom the local authority has little responsibility. In the year to April 2012, WHC helped 87 find accommodation and prevented the eviction of 15 others. In over a thousand one-to-one support meetings each year, WHC’s housing crisis intervention team provides benefits and housing advice, referrals to specialist agencies, advocacy with official bodies, mediation with families and introductions to landlords or therapeutic communities. They help clients achieve outcomes relating to health, purposeful activity, resolving benefits issues and tackling harmful behaviours. WHC works in partnership with the local council, probation service, accommodation providers and other specialist agencies. The charity has about 300 committed volunteers who help run its services efficiently. There were over 2700 attendances at day sessions by around 240 people. It costs about £140,000 per year to provide WHC’s services. Please help if you can: donations of any size are welcome, but regular donations are especially valuable as they help with planning ahead. The photos in the gallery show aspects of WHC's work and a couple of shots to promote its forthcoming sleep-out event... More information about WHC’s work, current events and volunteering opportunities is available on the website.
Bethany Christian Trust works with and meets the long-term needs of homeless and vulnerable people across Scotland. We work with individuals, families and communities to transform lives and give hope and a future.
Grimsby Cleethorpes and Humber Region YMCA’s mission is to provide, improve and manage houses and hostels for the purpose of providing residential accommodation for men and women of all ages and upon terms appropriate to their means. To provide or assist in the provision in the interests of social welfare of facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation for men and women with the object of improving their conditions of life. To further the core values of the Christian faith in meeting needs of others and celebrating the dignity of those who benefit from the work of the Company. To express the Christian Faith through service in the community and to provide benefit to people of all faiths and of none.
We are fundraising to build a specialist residential care centre in the North-east for children and young people with life limiting conditions and complex needs. Charlie House would provide 24 hour care and support for children to have some fun with their families and experience new activities.
Our aim is to combat poverty among homeless people in West London. We operate London’s largest Night Shelters, accommodating up to 100 people a night throughout Winter. This project is backed-up by year-round day services, including full-time advice workers and laundry and shower facilities.
Depaul International supports homeless people around the world, with services ranging from outreach projects in Ukraine to accommodation for young people in the UK. The charity supports homeless and vulnerable people to fulfill their potential and move towards an independent and positive future.
We help people recover from the issues that create homelessness and to rebuild their lives. St Mungo's Broadway provides a bed and support to more than 2,500 people a night who are either homeless or at risk, and works to prevent homelessness, helping about 25,000 people a year. We support men and women through more than 250 projects including: - Emergency, hostel and supportive housing projects - Advice services - Specialist physical and mental health services - Skills and work services
Working with and for older people in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin to improve the quality of later life.