Browsing Charities
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AMAR International Charitable Foundation (UK, 1047432) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

For twenty years, AMAR has been providing professional health care and education services to individuals and families affected by conflict and natural disasters across the Middle East.     We are supporting over a million people in Iraq and Lebanon who would otherwise have limited or no access to the health care and education they need. AMAR's services include primary health care; health education; school and university education; adult education; environmental health programmes; vocational training, and initiatives to strengthen governance, civil society, and human rights. AMAR's low-key, low-cost, professional approach has won the approval of national governments, the World Health Organisation, the World Bank and UNESCO. AMAR is not just helping people to rebuild their lives, but also improving the health, stability and empowerment of communities.     

Reach Counselling (UK, 701330) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Reach offers counselling to anyone in need across the Northwest. It helps people at their most difficult times, and works with children, young people and adults. It helps clients dealing with trauma, abuse, breakdowns, stress and marriage difficulties. Though a christian agency it helps people of all faiths and beliefs and treats each person with the deepest respect.

Take a Day Out (UK, 1144031) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Take a Day Out offers short break experiences to families and children who have additional needs, through regular consultation with parents/carers we offer tailor made experiences. Short break experiences may be a few days away, an evening class or social group with friends once a week.

Empathy (UK, 1118894) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Counselling for members of Jewish families affected by separation and divorce. Empathy is an independant registered charity serving the Jewish communinity in Redbridge and neighboring boroughs. Counsellors are fully qualified , CRB checked and professionally supervised. The service is free so donations are welcomed. EMPATHY :HEALING THE BREAK

Papplewick Rda (UK, 1161982) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Papplewick RDA is aimed at giving opportunities, freedom and inspiration to people with a physical or mental disability in Nottingham.

The Sesame Institute (UK, 263155) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Sesame Institute educates and supports Drama and Movement Therapists. These practitioners use Drama, Movement and Imagination to help clients mental wellbeing. Health professionals apply the Sesame Approach in wide ranging mental health fields throughout the NHS and in private practise.

The Stuart Low Trust (UK, 1102325) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Stuart Low Trust (SLT) was founded in 1999 following the suicide of a young man, Stuart Low, who lived and died in Islington, North London. He was 27. Stuart’s experience as someone with a psychiatric diagnosis, but without the right support, prompted local people to found a trust in his memory with the purpose of providing activities for people with mental illness, or who are living with psychological distress and despair, and who have become socially isolated. The emphasis is on providing activities at evenings and weekends, when people are at their most vulnerable. The trust offers a warm, inclusive welcome to around 200 people each month.   SLT holds an event every Friday evening of the year near Angel, Islington, which provides the opportunity to socialise, a presentation, workshop or musical performance and free, nutritious refreshments. Anyone is welcome to attend. SLT also runs: Here is what some Stuart Low Trust participants have said: “Stuart Low Trust is a vital organisation helping people who feel marginalised elsewhere.”  “Stuart Low is a very supportive organisation which makes a big difference to me. I am trying to deal with a lot of difficult personal issues and being able to come here is very important to me. In these difficult times it is even more so.” “Coming here definitely saved the local PCT money in therapy/counselling – would need a lot more if I couldn’t do Stuart Low Trust activities.” 

High Flyers (South Staffs) (UK, 1150518) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are a small registered charity who operate a daytime group for young adults with learning difficulties in South Staffordshire. We are dedicate to being a user lead group and we aim to support our members to reach their full potential.

Cambridge Dyslexia Association (UK, 264857) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Cambridge Dyslexia Association aims to; -provide support and advice to dyslexics -provide access to specialised services -raise awareness of dyslexia and promote understanding of the needs of dyslexics.

Libra Foundation (UK, 1123200) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Libra Foundation takes UK students out to Romania to work with mentally, physically and developmentally delayed children. Libra provides resources and experiences to Romanian children that cannot otherwise be afforded by their carers or parents.

The Reader Organisation (UK, 1126806) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Reader Organisation works to bring about social change by sharing great literature, making it possible for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to engage with reading, improve wellbeing and build community. Through their ‘Get Into Reading’ project, where prose and poetry are read aloud in groups that meet each week, The Reader Organisation brings the pleasure of great literature to people of all ages across the UK. They have found that shared reading provides an appealing and holistic service to those most in need - the elderly, people suffering from mental ill-health, offenders, looked-after children - enabling them to develop the emotional apparatus to improve their personal happiness and social functioning. The Reader Organisation is an independent national charity. Its head office is in Liverpool and they have projects running across the North West, North East, London, the South West, Scotland and North Wales. They work with local health, education and social care authorities, as well as library services, community organisations, care home providers and the criminal justice sector to deliver over 200,000 hours of reading each year. Their Read to Lead training course has also enabled over 700 people (from nurses and librarians, to fire fighters and probation officers) to deliver shared reading groups in their part of the country.

Painted Children (UK, 1129315) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Painted Children creates prevention based programs for disabled and underprivileged women and children so as to ensure a better quality of life, allowing them to grow into balanced and confident individuals, both mentally and physically.

Lifespan (UK, 1113193) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Lifespan helps to support people with any serious and life-threatening illness, & the family & friends who care for them. We work throughout the North East providing counselling, complementary therapies, nutritional advice, art work, a befriending & sitting service and bereavement support.

Viva a Vida UK (UK, 1103073) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Viva a Vida supports substance-abusing street children and low-income boys, in the city of Salvador, northeast Brazil, helping them to understand and address their addiction as well as to gain the educational tools and professional skills necessary to build productive lives for themselves. Support is also provided after they leave. The centre is the only residential treatment programme in the entire region specifically working with children and adolescents.

Pastures New (UK, 1147630) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

..Dedicated to retraining and re-homing of ex-racehorses. Those with a suitable temperament we use for EQUINE ASSISTED LEARNING (HorsePower) to help people with emotional, social and mental health issues. Others will be trained to be safe and willing riding horses for new loving owners

Still Waters (UK, 1139135) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Still Waters is a professional Counselling & Therapy service operating in the community of Thanet, run for the community. We cater for a great variety of counselling needs including, but not limited to, separation and marriage difficulties, bereavement, personal loss , depression, abuse and more.

The James Naylor Memorial Trust Fund (UK, 1132424) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The aim of the charity is to raise funds for UK organisations committed to the prevention of young suicide and the promotion of mental health and wellbeing of the young

Mosaic II (UK, 1155213) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Mosaic II offers support to families whose lives have been affected by sexual abuse by offering counselling, complementary therapies and physical well being sessions.

Seventy4 Foundation (UK, 270137) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Seventy4 Foundation is a London charity that offers support to people suffering from addiction problems, including drugs, alcohol, gambling and eating disorders. Since 1974, Seventy4 has helped thousands of people to overcome their struggle with addiction and live more fulfilled lives.

ICENI (UK, 1146684) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Iceni is there to offer understanding, support and treatment to those whose lives are affected by substance misuse. A personalised approach is used to treat addiction in a safe and non-judgemental environment. Iceni structured programmes offer a wide range of physical/psychological interventions.

Africa Advocacy Foundation (UK, 1059268) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

AAF promotes access and participation of African people in the uptake and delivery of Health, Education and other social welfare services through the provision of resources, information, advice, training and support. Our community-based initiatives empower marginalized and disadvantaged African families to overcome poverty, ill health and social exclusion

Stop and Talk (Fife) (UK, SC044255) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Peterborough and Fenland Mind (UK, 1035730) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Working to support local people who are experiencing mental health problems.

Univida (UK, 1136743) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

UNiViDA bringing life, hope and opportunity to children Univida was set up to offer children in Brazils favelas (slums) the opportunity to study, be inspired to dream and the tools to help them realise their potential. UNIVIDA will benefit children and young people living in favelas by providing quality education, training and life skills in a safe learning environment. The charity will also care for parents and families, providing opportunities for skills training, recreation and the improvement of quality of life. The north-east coast of Brazil is a beautiful sun-drenched region and has Brazil’s 4th largest city of Fortaleza, with 2.5 million people and 550 favelas Fortaleza is a city of contrasts, granite fronted apartments, luxury hotels and restaurants line the sea front but a quick walk along the promenade will soon reveal that this wealth does not extend very far. Towards the outskirts of the city are the slums, these communities are improvised and lacking in basic services which make life for their residents difficult and dangerous. Skin diseases, infections, tiredness, mal-nutrition and depression are just of few of the consequences of the physical squalor of life in a slum community. To make matters worse, dwellers must also contend with violence, unemployment, alcoholism and drug related gang warfare. Add to these conditions, un-reliable schools, clinics and transport. These are the conditions the children of Fortaleza’s slums are growing up. You might think that with all of this against them, happiness and enthusiasm would be in short supply. It is true that for many teenagers and adults, exhaustion and depression has a firm grip. However, in the lives of children who have known nothing else, there is optimism and energy for another day. UNIVIDA?s challenge is to harness and develop this youthful joy into real hope and character that will persevere and persist as the children grow and face the huge challenges ahead of them in the slums.