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951 - 975 of 1.83K results

Living Room Cardiff (UK, 1145452) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are an addictive behavior recovery day-care center based in Cardiff. We offer support for sufferers of alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, food and other addictive / compulsive harmful behaviors. We also support family members, partners and friends. We provide group therapy and peer led support.

Hellenic Hope (UK, 1150596) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.Hellenic Hope is helping kids-at-risk in Greece struck by crisis to survive and cope by offering resources and hope for a better future

Carers Support Merton (UK, 1085761) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Carers Support Merton (CSM) is a charity set up in 1992 for the sole purpose of providing free and independent information, advice, advocacy and respite to the many carers in the London Borough of Merton. CSM offer wide rangng support to people who care on an unpaid basis for a member of their family or a friend. All our services are designed to improve carers quality of life, and include advice and information, opportunities for respite and relaxation and peer support. Our services are available to carers of all ages, including a service for young carers aged 5-18, offering opportunities for time out, support to prevent them from undertaking inappropriate caring responsibilities and to have fun! We also work to ensure that carers are recognised and valued, and give carers opportunities to have a say about how services are developed. How we helped carers in Merton in 2012 70 carers took part in our workshops and training  sessions enabling them to feel more confident and able to deal with their caring role.  168 carers benefits were increased by a total of £271,903 through our benefits and advice service .  1400 carers benefited from our bi-monthly newsletter which kept them informed of the latest information and news for carers  600 counselling sessions were provided which improved the health and wellbeing of the carers that attended them.  30 Young Carers took part in group activities reducing their feeling of isolation. Some comments we have received from our carers:- "My children have gone through a lot and still have a smile: this is because you put the smile back on their faces” Parent of 2 young Carers aged 9 and 12 "Carers Support Merton have made a really, really big difference to my mental wellbeing—I was in a terrible state when I first came to CSM and I don’t feel I could have got that support from a one-stop shop anywhere else.” Adult Carer          

PAC (UK, 294998) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

PAC support all those involved in adoption and other forms of permanent care, at all stages. PAC operates a daily advice line staffed by qualified and experienced counsellors and offers consultation, assessments, counselling, intensive therapeutic work, workshops & groups and professonal training.

Our Local Heroes Foundation (UK, 1142029) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Our charity is here to assist with the relief of financial hardship of people who have served in the Armed Forces. People who find themselves suffering from either physical or psychological disabilities. We make grants of money to provide or pay for items, services or facilities to make life easier.

Phoenix Bereavement Support (UK, 1147645) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Phoenix Bereavement supports children, young people and their families when someone close dies.Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.

My Blue Heart (UK, EW08876) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Encouraging openess, understanding and compassion towards everyone who has to live on without someone they love. My Blue heart is an idea born from the knowledge that bereaved people often need a way to show others they are grieving.  Our badges convey the message `I carry your heart in mine'.  They are intended for anyone who has suffered a great loss, for those who are recently bereaved or who just need to show they are missing someone special that day.  We hope they will provide a way to communicate loss and give others the opportunity to show consideration and support.   All profits from My Blue Heart are donated to existing charities who work to support bereaved children and young people or used to support bereaved children within school.  

Kettering And District Samaritans (UK, 1035371) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Providing emotional support in Northamptonshire and Leicestershire

Kerith Counselling Service (UK, SC032200) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

A service that is available to all over the age of 18 years, regardless of gender religious, philisophical belief or ethnic origin. An opportunity is given to work towards living in a more complete and satisfying way. It is hoped that people will find restoration, reduced confusion and a return to making decisions; also an ability to look to the future in an attitude of hope.

Glasgow SANDS (UK, SC042789) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are Glasgow SANDS (stillbirth and neonatal death society). The prime aim of Glasgow SANDS is to provide support to bereaved parents and families following the death of a baby, in Glasgow, Paisley and Lanarkshire.

Bridewell Organic Gardens (UK, 1069878) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Bridewell Organic Gardens is an innovative charity that helps adults with mental ill-health to cope with the effects of their illness. Working as part of a team in our walled garden and vineyard our users are helped to develop skills and the confidence to deal with their illness and to progress along a path to recovery.

Rape Crisis (England & Wales) (UK, 1119680) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Rape Crisis is the umbrella organisation for Rape Crisis Centres who provide a range of specialist services for women and girls that have been raped or experienced any form of sexual violence - whether as adults or as children. Please visit our web site for more information

ASSIST Trauma Care (UK, 1052219) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Provides support and evidence-based therapy for those suffering the effects of psychological trauma, in particular Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Action on Depression (UK, SC034740) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Action on Depression is the only national Scottish organisation working with and for people affected by depression. We are a user-influenced organisation committed to providing support, raising awareness of depression and treatment options and reducing the stigma that still surrounds the condition.

West End Impact (UK, 1153736) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

  West End Impact was formed in 2002 with a Vision of creating a vibrant hub for Christian community work. Our Mission is to help people, bring hope and change lives. Our Faith inspires our work but support is offered regardless of faith or background.  Come visit us - the kettle is always on. Where we areThe West End of Morecambe is ranked amongst the 10% most deprived areas in England - low income, poor health, low educational attainment, poor housing and homelessness, high levels of crime, problems such as drug use and anti-social behaviour. There is relatively low male and female life expectancy and high levels of child and working age. We operate from our building in the West End with a small staff team and 40+ volunteers. Our core service and gateway to WEI support is “drop-ins”, where staff offer Support, Advice and Guidance Sessions - assistance ranges from food parcels, gas and electricity top ups, information and referrals to housing and benefits advice, help with external appointments and emotional support. We support through crises - we then start to help repair the causes and enable people to move on.Other Impact projects are vital for this “next step” as they move on from crisis - including mental health (Living Life to the Full), alcohol support (Chapter 12) and a range of volunteering opportunities (Innovate and Renovate). Making a Difference In the last 12 months (2014-15) WEI supported 416 individuals at its centre and provided 5,326 items of help mostly via drop ins (e.g. food parcels, gas top ups, benefits advice, emotional support). Most beneficiaries have multiple needs – we summarise these as jobless, homeless and hopeless - without job, home or hope – with issues such as depression, low self-esteem and addiction.In 2014-15: o 55+ people received intense support for depression & anxiety o 100+ interventions helped find a home or keep tenancy o 34 people and families could switch their lights on and heat their home  o 45 people received or kept their benefits following advice, phone calls, computer access, letters, appointments and appeals o Nearly 400 food parcels were given to people when they had absolutely nothing o over 3,500 meals were served to vulnerable adults and families (including Christmas Dinner for 75 people) o 6 vulnerable adults went to crucial appointments because staff went with themo 2 people who have struggled with addiction, 2 people with extremely low self-esteem and 1 student who struggled through school are now in employment through WEI’s Volunteer Programme o 10 people said that without WEI they would probably not still be alive WEI saw a near 40% increase in demand compared to the previous 12 months. This upward trend is expected to continue, as other services have closed and benefits, housing and mental health services are more difficult to access.  

Kingston Citizens Advice Bureaux Service (UK, 1015180) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

      The Citizens Advice service provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. It values diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination.  The service aims to provide the advice people need for the problems they face, and to improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives.  We offer local advice and information on a wide range of subjects to local people. We are often asked about Welfare benefits, debts, housing, employment, relationships and legal issues.  Good advice empowers people to take control of their lives and to be active members of our community.  We give local people the information that they need, when and where they need it, to help them to live independently. KCABS is an independent charity, and a Company limited by Guarantee

The Samaritans Of Newbury (UK, 1005830) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Samaritans of Newbury support and promote emotional health in Newbury and West Berkshire and support the national charity provide a 24/7 service to all our callers by phone,email,letter, face to face and interactive media

Western Isles Association for Mental Health (UK, SC027469) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Western Isles Association for Mental Health is a small charity based in the Outer Hebrides. We provide a range of services and activities and play a lead role in the Western Isles in raising awareness and challenging the issues surrounding mental health We run a local drop-in centre (Catch 23) based in Stornoway for people experiencing mental health issues. Through this service we aim to: Promote and maintain the health/ wellbeing of service user group.Reduce social isolation and stigma felt by the service user group.Increase the confidence and self- esteem of service user group.Create better life chances through education/ employment & opportunities to volunteer. Charity No: SC027469 Find out more Website Facebook

RCSS (UK, 1057505) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Its aim is to make a positive difference in the lives of unpaid carers in Redbridge who look after their relatives, friends and loved ones through ill health, disability or frailty. It provides advice, information, training, self development, counselling, complementary therapies, pampering, home visits, drop-ins, advocacy and self help groups.

The North Wales Chrysalis Trust (UK, 1092246) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Chrysalis provides information, counselling and support to families who have a child diagnosed with a life threatening, life limiting or terminal illness. Chrysalis also provides bereavement counselling to families who sadly lose a baby, child or young adult through illness, accident or stillbirth.

Beautiful Minds (UK, Beautiful Minds - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

At Beautiful Minds we believe that all children should have the same opportunities for independence and an ordinary life. Our grant scheme funds the cost of equipment to help make life easier and more enjoyable for children with cerebral palsy. Visit our website

The Mother And Child Foundation (UK, 1037513) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are a voice for the mother. Poor maternal nutrition can depress the mother and lead to limited mental and physical health in the child. The cost of mental ill health in the UK in 2007 had risen to £77 Billion! Help us understand cause and how to benefit maternal and child health here and abroad

JBCS (UK, 1047473) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service offers counselling to children, adults and families who are experiencing loss. Counselling is done by trained volunteer counsellors who are professionally supervised. Call the JBCS on 0208 951 3881 or e-mail [email protected]

The Didier Drogba Foundation (UK, 1135123) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Didier Drogba Foundation provides financial and material support in both health and education to people in Africa.

Open Door - Colchester (UK, 1101675) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.