Browsing Charities
551 - 575 of 1.83K results

Sexual Health Charity, FPA (UK, 250187) Browse events

YTD Raised: £686.20

Every year we answer thousands of questions about sexual health. We help parents talk to their children about growing up, support health professionals, campaign for better sexual health services and fight for the rights of all young people to have appropriate relationships and sex education.

Home-Start Leeds (UK, 703128) Browse events

YTD Raised: £685.00

Home-Start Leeds is a charity offering families with at least one child under five, informal, friendly and confidential support. We recruit and train volunteers to visit families at home weekly, offering practical and emotional support in response to each families needs. Parents are supported to help improve outcomes for their children.

Nottingham Rape Crisis Centre (UK, 1103071) Browse events

YTD Raised: £685.00

Nottingham Rape Crisis Centre (NRCC) offers counselling and support to women over the age of sixteen who have experienced rape, childhood sexual abuse or sexual harassment. NRCC operates a telephone help line for 22 hours a week and provides face-to-face support and counselling service staffed by trained counsellors and Volunteer Support Workers.

AIMS (Dawlish) (UK, 1088238) Browse events

YTD Raised: £683.00

AIMS is a fantastic group that provides activity sessions every Saturday in Dawlish for children with Special Needs and their families. It gives the parents, whose everyday existence can be stressful and lonely, to mix with other parents and families facing similar challenges while their children, including siblings, are having a great time. Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: 1088238 Find out more Website

Sheffield Light (UK, 1149125) Browse events

YTD Raised: £680.00

We are dedicated to supporting mums and their families who are suffering with post and ante natal depression and anxiety. Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate.

Taylor High Memorial Fund (UK, 1155366) Browse events

YTD Raised: £671.87

Set up in memory of Taylor Charles High, Son of Elaine High and Gary High.. brother to Curtis High. Taylor died as a passenger in a car crash March 26th 2011. aged just 19 . TO HELP PEOPLE IN NEED OR IN ILL HEALTH OR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY 20 MILE RADIUS LOWESTOFT REG CHARITY NUMBER is 1155366

Cheshire Young Carers (UK, 1151399) Browse events

YTD Raised: £670.00

We respond to the needs and improve the life chances of children and young people whose health, wellbeing, development or education may be impacted upon as a result of living with a parent or sibling with a mental illness, physical disability, physical illness or entrenched substance misuse

Telford Mind (UK, 516444) Browse events

YTD Raised: £661.00

Telford Mind offers support to people in emotional or mental distress and helps people to improve their wellbeing. The Wellbeing Centre is open to all who wish to improve their wellbeing. Telford Mind Promotes Wellbeing. Thats Telford Mind’s Mission.

West Cumbria Carers (UK, 1119369) Browse events

YTD Raised: £660.00


Adult Dyslexia Centre (Thames Valley) (UK, 1109112) Browse events

YTD Raised: £657.85

The Adult Dyslexia Centre was founded in Maidenhead, Berkshire in 2003 to provide help and support for adults whose lives have been affected by dyslexia. The aim of the centre is to boost confidence, develop skills and improve the individuals understanding of their dyslexia. The core services of the Centre are tailored to meet the specific needs of clients in a supportive and secure setting. The services are provided free or at a highly subsidised rate to disadvantaged people who otherwise could not afford to take advantage of this help. The Centre changes lives by enabling dyslexic individuals to understand their strengths as well as their weaknesses and develop strategies that work for them. They are given the skills and confidence to work towards achieving personal goals. This can specifically mean finding employment, making progress in employment, enrolling on/ or completing a college course, taking up voluntary work, joining an organisation. They become less isolated and marginalized and can be more fully integrated into the community in which they live via improved confidence and communication skills  

Age UK Calderdale And Kirklees (UK, 1102020) Browse events

YTD Raised: £656.00

Age UK Calderdale and Kirklees aims to improve the quality of life of all older people living in Calderdale and Kirklees. We do this by providing practical services such as day care at our dedicated centres and help with shopping, cleaning and household tasks. We also provide advice and information to older people on all sorts of issues from pensions and benefits to keeping warm in winter. We can help with benefits forms and can visit you in your own home if necessary. We work closely with other organisations providing services for people in later life offering activities to promote health and wellbeing including exercise and healthy eating sessions.

Mind In Salford (UK, 1156625) Browse events

YTD Raised: £655.00

Mind in Salford is an independent, user focused charity providing quality services to make a positive difference to the Mental Health of the people of Salford. Our core services are Advocacy, Advice, Mindfulness and our wellbeing Garden Centre that gives people with mental health problems a place to learn, make friends and rebuild their confidence. All of our services are free to access.

Doctors' Support Network (UK, 1103741) Browse events

YTD Raised: £650.00

DSN offers support and advice to doctors with mental health problems. We offer meetings, internet forum and telephone service. DSN also works with professional bodies as an advocate for mentally ill doctors. We aim to reduce the stigma of mental illness and encourage doctors to seek help early.

Ocd Action (UK, 1154202) Browse events

YTD Raised: £650.00

OCD Action's vision is of a society where Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is better understood and diagnosed quickly, where appropriate treatment options are open and accessible, where support and information are readily available and where nobody feels ashamed to ask for help.

Wigan and Leigh Carers Centre (UK, 1138908) Browse events

YTD Raised: £645.00

Wigan and Leigh Carers Centre offers practical and emotional support to Carers of all ages. A Carer is a person who looks after a family member, relative, partner, neighbour or friends who need help due to ill-health, old age, disability, drug or alcohol misuse or who has mental health issues.

Haringey Citizens Advice Bureaux (UK, 1069301) Browse events

YTD Raised: £645.00

Haringey Citizens Advice Bureaux (HCAB), has been providing free, confidential and impartial advice since 1998. HCAB ensures individuals do not suffer through a lack of knowledge of their rights & responsibilities or the services available to them or an inability to express their needs effectively.

Colchester Samaritans (UK, 249036) Browse events

YTD Raised: £640.00

Samaritans is available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide.

Lincolnshire Rape Crisis (UK, 1154562) Browse events

YTD Raised: £639.00

Lincolnshire Rape Crisis is a specialist support service for women and girls in Lincolnshire who have experienced any form of sexual abuse at any time in their lives. We provide support and information for women and girls through our helpline, email, one to one support sessions, group sessions, and counselling. We listen and believe.

Mersey Counselling and Therapy Centre (UK, 1141804) Browse events

YTD Raised: £637.00

We are based on the Wirral and provide counselling support to our clients irrespective of their ability to pay, but hope for a contribution where this is possible. We provide 000's of hours of support each year, and allow rapid access to our services.

Reflect (UK, 1118904) Browse events

YTD Raised: £636.00

Reflect is a free support service for men and women facing an unplanned or crisis pregnancy and for those who have experienced pregnancy loss. Our vision is to see women and men in York (and surrounding areas) enabled to make an informed decision about a crisis pregnancy without fear, pressure or judgment. Motivated by Christian compassion, we support people in this difficult situation through the decision-making process and beyond, whatever the outcome.  We raise awareness of the issues surrounding pregnancy including: parenting, abortion, adoption, miscarriage, and infertility, and support those affected. Many people are affected by these difficulties - 1 in 3 women will have an abortion in their lifetime, more will have a crisis pregnancy and 1 in 4 early pregnancies end in miscarriage. There is a great need for our work and every penny really does count. "We can safely say that the day we found Reflect was the day that changed our lives forever. We have a better understanding of ourselves, each other and have gained skills that will enable us to be strong and deal with whatever other events life has in store for us." (A couple who completed our Journey Course for post-abortion recovery)

PF Counselling (UK, SCO08875) Browse events

YTD Raised: £630.00

Counselling at the PF is always offered on the basis of voluntary donations by the client, according to their own assessment of what they can offer. Our aim is to provide quality counselling which is available to all members of the community and which is affordable to everyone. We are also always striving to improve the service that we offer to our clients and volunteers. Most private counselling typically costs around £45 for each session. However, many of our clients are unable to pay our suggested minimum contribution of £15 per session. Our policy of never turning anyone away because of financial limitations means we are always left with a funding gap to bridge. We do not receive any continuous funding from outside sources and rely solely on our own fundraising efforts and client donations, as well as the generosity of individuals who decide to give to the PF either on a one-off or regular basis. We recently moved into excellent premises in south Edinburgh using ethical loan finance.  The quicker we can repay the capital, the quicker we can become a permanently sustainable service to the community. We need your help!

Outward (UK, 800529) Browse events

YTD Raised: £629.13

Outward support over 1000 vulnerable people across London, including people with learning disabilities, older people, people with mental health problems, people with Autism & young people. Outward also develop programmes to engage people with activities to help them live more independently

Square Pegs Charity (UK, 1166034) Browse events

YTD Raised: £627.82

Square Pegs is derived from the idea that in society we are often forced to conform to society’s idea of normality, to fit into a neat ‘round hole’ pre drilled for us. However, by forcing ourselves, or being forced by others, to squeeze our ‘square peg’ selves in that round hole we are stripped of our unique individuality, our passion and creativity, often leading to a fencing in of the mind, body and soul, a losing of oneself. Many of us are Square Pegs, and when not being encouraged to; Be, think, creative, or take adequate rest, our energy and self-esteem often leads into a sense of disjointedness which this can manifest with both our families & peers. This increases poor mental and physical health, and isolation amongst many in the community. We are combating that by facilitating various crafting & well-being clubs, workshops & community events to encourage inclusiveness & a sense of fun into the lives of our beneficiaries.

Sunderland Mind (UK, 510830) Browse events

YTD Raised: £627.00

Sunderland Mind is an independent charity run by local people for local people. We have been providing support to the people of Sunderland for over 40 years. We provide confidential, high quality services for individuals, carers and families experiencing emotional or mental health problems. We aim to do this in a safe, caring, non-judgmental and supportive environment. We welcome referrals from community, voluntary, statutory, private sectors and other agencies. If you would like to support our work and help us to put the ‘SUNSHINE’ back into Sunderland then contact us for fundraising ideas or donate to us directly by using this page. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supports us here at Sunderland Mind.