Browsing Charities
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Mind - The Mental Health Charity (UK, 219830) Browse events

YTD Raised: £919,193.10

We’re Mind, the mental health charity. We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. We’re here for you. Today. Now. Whether you’re stressed, depressed or in crisis. We’ll listen, give support and advice, and fight your corner.

Dementia UK (UK, 1039404) Browse events

YTD Raised: £554,524.66

Dementia UK is a national charity committed to improving quality of life for all people affected by dementia. The charity has three core areas: - Admiral Nurses - Admiral Nursing DIRECT - Uniting Carers

Campaign Against Living Miserably (UK, 1110621) Browse events

YTD Raised: £227,030.20

CALM, the campaign against living miserably, offers men support and information when they’re down or in crisis at We exist to tackle suicide, the single biggest killer of men aged between 20 and 49 in the UK. Latest figures show that 77% of all UK suicides are male.

Samaritans (UK, 219432) Browse events

YTD Raised: £153,153.98

Samaritans is available round the clock, every single day of the year providing a safe place for anyone struggling to cope, whoever they are, however they feel, whatever life has done to them. For more information please visit

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide (UK, 1070896) Browse events

YTD Raised: £119,701.65

PAPYRUS is the national charity for the prevention of young suicide.We operate HOPELineUK - 0800 068 41 41 a freephone national confidential line staffed by trained professionals providing practical advice, support and information to anyone concerned that someone they know is feeling suicidal.

Mental Health Foundation (UK, 801130) Browse events

YTD Raised: £113,812.95

The Mental Health Foundation is the UK's leading mental health research and development charity. Since 1949 we have been working tirelessly to improve the lives of people affected by mental health problems.

beat (UK, 801343) Browse events

YTD Raised: £112,310.57

Beat is the leading UK charity for people with eating disorders and their families. Beat provides helplines for adults and young people, online support and a UK-wide network of self-help groups to help people beat their eating disorder.

Pobl (UK, X) Browse events

YTD Raised: £104,869.55

POBL is a new Mental Health charity based in Wales that aims to educate the public and the business community around issues concerning Mental Health.We are a charity that will provide mobile support and assistance to people throughout Wales taking our road show to the communities who need us most.

Heads Together for Mind (UK, 219830HT) Browse events

YTD Raised: £87,570.95

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry are spearheading a new campaign, Heads Together, to end stigma around mental health. It will be the biggest single project Their Royal Highnesses have undertaken together. The Heads Together campaign aims to change the national conversation on mental wellbeing and will be a partnership with inspiring charities with decades of experience in tackling stigma, raising awareness, and providing vital help for people with mental health challenges. We’re Mind, the mental health charity. We’re here to make sure anyone with a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support.

Young Minds Trust (UK, 1016968) Browse events

YTD Raised: £76,693.96

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading campaigning charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. We provide a range of services to improve mental health including our Parents Helpline which provides a lifeline to thousands of parents every year.

Scottish Association for Mental Health (UK, SC008897) Browse events

YTD Raised: £63,302.64

We are Scotland’s leading mental health charity. In Scotland 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem and each day 2 people die by suicide. We work to combat stigma and campaign for better mental health. Help us take positive steps towards a mentally healthy Scotland.

Heads Together for The Mix (UK, 1048995HT) Browse events

YTD Raised: £51,754.24

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry are spearheading a new campaign, Heads Together, to end stigma around mental health. It will be the biggest single project Their Royal Highnesses have undertaken together. The Heads Together campaign aims to change the national conversation on mental wellbeing and will be a partnership with inspiring charities with decades of experience in tackling stigma, raising awareness, and providing vital help for people with mental health challenges. The Mix is a multi-channel service designed to support the physical and mental wellbeing of young people under 25 across the UK whatever their issue through the technology of their choice. •             31% of younger people will have experienced family breakdown by  their 16thbirthday. •             52% of those seeking help with homelessness are under 25 •             Nearly 80,000 children and young people suffer from sever depression •             70% increase in those attending A&E as a result of self-harm Whatever issue a young person is facing, The Mix is always there for them, providing help information and support – 24/7 and 365 days a year. The Mix is a free, confidential support service offering help through phone, text, web, social, and counselling. Your fundraising will help The Mix support vulnerable young people all over the UK.

Pieta House (UK, 20062026) Browse events

YTD Raised: £47,657.91

Pieta House, the centre for the prevention of self-harm or suicide opened its doors nearly a decade ago in Lucan, County Dublin. In the intervening years we have seen and helped almost 20,000 people in suicidal distress or engaging in self-harm, and opened up eight subsequent centres.

Action Mental Health (UK, NIC100753) Browse events

YTD Raised: £42,708.72

Established in 1963, we are a leading mental health charity with projects throughout Northern Ireland. Please contact us and we will help support your personal challenge as you TAKE ACTION on Mental Health!

Heads Together for YoungMinds (UK, 1016968HT) Browse events

YTD Raised: £41,200.99

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry are spearheading a new campaign, Heads Together, to end stigma around mental health. It will be the biggest single project Their Royal Highnesses have undertaken together. The Heads Together campaign aims to change the national conversation on mental wellbeing and will be a partnership with inspiring charities with decades of experience in tackling stigma, raising awareness, and providing vital help for people with mental health challenges. YoungMinds is the UK's leading charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Driven by their experience, YoungMinds creates change so that children and young people can cope with adversities, find help when needed and succeed in life. YoungMinds also provides expert knowledge to professionals, parents and young people through their Parents Helpline, online resources, training and development, outreach work and publications. To find out more, go to

Heads Together for CALM (UK, 1110621HT) Browse events

YTD Raised: £36,680.07

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry are spearheading a new campaign, Heads Together, to end stigma around mental health. It will be the biggest single project Their Royal Highnesses have undertaken together. The Heads Together campaign aims to change the national conversation on mental wellbeing and will be a partnership with inspiring charities with decades of experience in tackling stigma, raising awareness, and providing vital help for people with mental health challenges. CALM, the campaign against living miserably, offers men support and information when they’re down or in crisis at We exist to prevent suicide, the single biggest killer of men aged under 45 in the UK. Latest figures show that 76% of all UK suicides were male.

Mental Health Aberdeen (UK, SCO12306) Browse events

YTD Raised: £32,767.48

Mental Health Aberdeen is a local mental health charity dedicated to delivering services and promoting mental wellbeing to people affected by challenges related to mental health within the North East of Scotland. We strive to raise public awareness and understanding of mental health issues.

Alchemy Charitable Trust (UK, 1145254) Browse events

YTD Raised: £32,135.00

 Alchemy Charitable Trust: Alchemy Charitable Trust (ACT) has been established to provide support and assistance to families and individuals living in East Sussex who face exceptional need. Our approach is discreet, positive, and practical. We hope that ACT can make a difference to the lives of the families and individuals who receive our help. We have all encountered times in our lives when we have faced unexpected financial demands, pressure or hardship when, no matter how hard we have tried, worked or saved, we simply cannot find the funds or help needed to resolve the problem. For some, family or friends, the State or other charities are able to provide the necessary support but for others their needs fall outside the usual parameters for State or charitable assistance and there appears to be nowhere else to turn. We hope that ACT can make a difference to the lives of the families and individuals who receive our help, by enabling them to overcome their short-term needs. We trust that providing that little extra support we can enable people to face the future again with renewed optimism. Support is through gifts in kind i.e. a donation of the actual goods or service required or in certain circumstances a grant of financial assistance. Very often these grants can help to prevent an immediate crisis from spiralling and threatening the stability of families and individuals. Even where these families and individuals are tackling complex and difficult issues, a small grant or practical gift can make a big difference.

Grassroots Suicide Prevention (UK, 1149873) Browse events

YTD Raised: £30,662.50

Grassroots teaches suicide alertness and intervention skills to community members and professionals. Since 2006 we have trained over 5,000 people in suicide prevention and mental health. Together we can make our communities safer from suicide.

Heads Together for The Anna Freud Centre (UK, 1077106HT) Browse events

YTD Raised: £26,870.74

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry are spearheading a new campaign, Heads Together, to end stigma around mental health. It will be the biggest single project Their Royal Highnesses have undertaken together. The Heads Together campaign aims to change the national conversation on mental wellbeing and will be a partnership with inspiring charities with decades of experience in tackling stigma, raising awareness, and providing vital help for people with mental health challenges.

Petals (UK, 1150375) Browse events

YTD Raised: £24,855.83

Petals counselling service can be accessed by any parent affected by trauma or the loss of their baby. Petals provide this service at no cost to the parent and offer up to 6 one hour counselling sessions. Petals also aim to raise awareness of psychological issues in this field.

Action Around Bethlehem Children With Disability (UK, 1097623) Browse events

YTD Raised: £21,373.40

ABCD is dedicated to improving the quality of life for those children in Palestine suffering from physical, mental and psychological disabilities

North London Buddhist Centre (UK, 801632) Browse events

YTD Raised: £20,891.00

It offers meditation and Buddhism to anyone who has an interest in exploring them. It supports those who want to take their practice of Buddhism further. It makes available a quiet calm physical space as a refuge from the world. It offers a range of activities including yoga that can help people develop spiritually.

Glasgow Association for Mental Health (UK, SCO11684) Browse events

YTD Raised: £20,662.10

Glasgow Association for Mental Health (GAMH) is an independent charity registered in Scotland. We provide a range of innovative and person centred support services to people with mental health problems and their carers, including Young Carers. Our work produces positive life enhancing outcomes.

Sport in Mind (UK, 1161323) Browse events

YTD Raised: £19,435.34

An independent charity based in Berkshire, providing sport and exercise sessions to improve the well being of people experiencing or recovering from mental health issues. 1 in 4 people in the UK are diagnosed every year and your funds will really help sufferers regain their lives and self worth.

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