Cats Protection is the UK's leading feline welfare charity. We help over 230,000 cats and kittens every year through our network of over 250 volunteer-run branches and 30 centres. We find homes for cats, promote the benefits of neutering and produce a wide range of cat care information for owners.
Dogs Trust is the largest dog welfare charity in the UK. We rescue and rehome dogs all over the UK (Ireland too). We never put a healthy dog down. We also promote responsible dog ownership through youth education, neutering and microchipping campaigns. A dog is for Life, not just for Christmas ©
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - the UK's largest animal welfare charity. We rescue, rehabilitate and rehome hundreds of thousands of animals each year in England and Wales and offer advice on caring for all animals and campaign to change laws that will protect them.
The Donkey Sanctuary has taken in over 16,500 donkeys and has over 45 welfare officers who follow up reports of cruelty. It works worldwidde helping improve conditions for working donkeys and mules. A Charity registered with the Charity Commission for England & Wales. Charity Registration No 264818
Battersea Dogs & Cats Home’s vision is of a world where all dogs and cats are in caring and permanent homes. The Home is a charity that aims never to turn away a dog or cat in need of our help. We reunite lost dogs and cats with their owners and, when we can’t do this, we care for them until new homes can be found for them.
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People is a world-leader in training dogs to alert deaf recipients to important sounds and danger signals, providing life-changing levels of independence, confidence and companionship. Our dogs also help reduce the feelings of isolation and loneliness that deafness can bring.
The Lewa Wildlife Conservancy works as a catalyst for the conservation of wildlife and its habitat. It does this through the protection and management of species, the initiation and support of community conservation and development programmes, and the education of neighbouring areas in the value of wildlife.
Animals In Need is a voluntary organisation dedicated to rescuing sick, injured, trapped and distressed wild and domestic animals. We provide veterinary treatment where necessary, care for and rehabilitate animals until they can be released or re-homed.
Yorkshire Cat Rescue offers a rehoming service for unwanted and stray cats and kittens in the West Yorkshire area. YCR operates a no-kill policy and neuters all cats and kittens before rehoming. YCR receives no central funding and has to fundraise to meet its vet, food and heating bills etc.
Canine Partners trains assistance dogs to transform the lives of people with disabilities. Call us on: 08456 580480 Visit: Like us: Follow us:
Nuzzlets is a small Charity based near York. Our objectives are to provide loving homes for unwanted animals and free access to all children for therapy and education. Particularly welcome are disabled and special needs children and children with life threatening illnesses. We offer many services to the local and wider community and are keen to involve the local community in our work. As many of our animals have been mistreated, we try to educate young people about the cost and long term commitment of looking after animals. We run an animal welfare club, offer work experience, deliver talks to the Beavers, Young Farmers, St John’s Ambulance Cadets and school assemblies. We also visit after school clubs and encourage Duke of Edinburgh students to carry out their service section at Nuzzlets. Activities include walking goats and rabbits, goat and rabbit agility, collecting eggs and stroking all the animals. Many disabled, special needs and terminally ill children visit Nuzzlets, either with their special schools, their families or with the children’s hospice. We also take the animals to the children’s hospice; the animals encourage movement and have a therapeutic effect. More recently we have visited deprived family groups and disabled adults have visited us. We arrange children’s birthday parties for disabled and special needs children. Everyone benefits, both the animals and the children.
RPFB was set up to support those with retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic condition that leads to loss of sight and often blindness.The charity provides services to help live with sight loss and supports funding research into potential treatments. RP affects people of both sexes, all ages and all races.
Massive habitat loss over the past 100 years has wiped out 90% of the Asian elephant population, along with entire eco-systems they used to support. Elephant Family exists to save this iconic animal from extinction in the wild, along with all the other animals who share their forest homes.
Raystede aims to give animals a better life through rehoming, rehabilitation & sanctuary & give people the support and knowledge they need to treat animals with care and respect. Raystede is situated approx 5 miles NE of Lewes. Open daily 10am-4pm. Free entry & visitors are welcome.
We’ve been dedicated to the health and happiness of pets since 1897. Abandoned or unwanted, ill or injured – we do what’s needed to give every pet a healthy life in a happy home. We’re a charity, so the more help you give us, the more help we can give pets.
Ability Dogs 4 Young People is a new charity on the Isle of Wight. We are training assistance dogs for young disabled people (aged 16-24) here on the Island. Our highly trained assistance dogs will provide practical help with tasks like picking up dropped items and opening doors, and will help to increase the young people’s independence as they start going to college or work. There are over 700 disabled young people on the Isle of Wight under the age of 25, which has a population of just 150,000. We have a very open mind about who our dogs help and hope to include young people with any disability. If an assistance dog can help, we will do our best to train a dog to meet the young person’s specific needs. Ability Dogs 4 Young People was started in 2012 and we already have puppies in training living with Puppy Parents on the Island. It takes two years to fully train each dog, from an eight week old bundle of fun to a calm, responsible assistance dog. For more information about Ability Dogs 4 Young People (registered charity number 1148751) visit
RSPCA Suffolk East and Ipswich Branch is a separate registered charity which runs a Re-homing Centre at Martlesham and a Veterinary Clinic in Ipswich. We are entirely self-financing, receiving no funding except what we raise through fundraising activities, donations, legacies and our two charity shops in Felixstowe and Ipswich. Each year we re-home over 500 animals and treat many wild birds and animals at our Centre in Martlesham. At our Clinic we provide low-cost treatment to animals belonging to members of the public in receipt of benefits and we help in the region of 1600 animals each year in this way. We take part in RSPCA campaigns and give talks to inform and educate members of the public. We also offer low cost microchipping and provide heavily subsidised and/or free neutering through special projects throughout the year.
Living Coasts is an innovative coastal zoo and discovery centre where you can take a journey around the coasts of the world and see amazing animals and plants in specially-designed naturalistic habitats. It is an educational and scientific charity dedicated to conserving our global wildlife heritage and inspiring its visitors to have a life long respect for animals and the environment.
IAPWA are a UK registered charity established to prevent cruelty, neglect and inhumane practices for thousands of dogs and cats in the northern part of Borneo.
The Scottish SPCA is Scotland's leading animal welfare charity. The Scottish SPCA is entirely separate from the RSPCA which works only in England and Wales. With no Government or lottery funding, the Society relies on the generosity of the Scottish public through donations, legacies and fundraising events.
The charity provides riding lessons, equine assisted therapy and horse care lessons to children and young people. A major focus is on children with a variety of special needs. By working with and caring for animals, the children learn how to work and integrate with each other. It offers a broad, supportive educational experience.
Pounds for Poundies raises vital rescue funds needed to save the lives of dogs on death row in the UK. The funds raised are used to pay for life-saving emergency boarding, transport and vital medical treatment and directly help the Poundies on their way to happy futures.
WLT is an international conservation organisation that takes action to save rainforest and other wildlife habitats. Supported by Sir David Attenborough and working with local organisations in Central and South America, Asia and Africa, WLT has helped protect over 500,000 acres of wildlife habitats.