"Inspired by the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi,We at the Capuchin Day Centre welcome people in need of food aidwho have no home, or are socially excluded, and respecting their dignity provide a caring, pastoral, holistic and non-judgemental service responsive to their needs". (Mission Statement) + The Capuchin Day Centre is run as an apostolate (work) of the Irish Capuchin Franciscan Order and since the late 1960's has operated a food and day care facility for people who are homeless or in need. From humble beginnings of providing soup and sandwiches for about 50 people, we have grown to be the biggest food centre in the city. In keeping with the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, we make no charge for any of our services. We operate an 'Open Door' policy and ask no questions. Other than for child protection and medical purposes we keep no statistics and endeavour to protect the privacy and anonymity of the people who attend the Centre. The challenge for the Centre is that following the collapse of the Banks in September 2008, our numbers have doubled and we now have about 200 people for breakfast and over 400 people for dinner each day. Apart from the people who eat on the premises, every Wednesday we distribute up to 1,000 food parcels for people on the poverty threshold who find it difficult to manage on social welfare benefits and need a help to feed their families.
Self Help Africa has been working in sub-Saharan Africa for thirty years. Established in the immediate aftermath of the Ethiopian famine, we have been striving ever since to tackle the root causes of hunger and famine across the continent. Up to 70% of people living in sub-Saharan Africa rely directly or indirectly on farming for their survival. This is the area we focus on, because we know this is where we can make the biggest impact. Farming is a business, and by helping small holders to move from subsistence to surplus, long term sustainable farm businesses are created. In July 2014, Self Help Africa merged with Gorta, Ireland’s longest established NGO.
Aidlink is an Irish NGO working in international development for over 30 years. Aidlink provides direct support to local NGOs in Kenya, Uganda and Ghana, delivering sustainable improvements to water and sanitation, educational environments, food security and health. Aidlink has a vision of a world that recognises the dignity of each individual person having the right, the duty and the means of self and community development.
Concern Worldwide works with the poorest people in the poorest countries of the world to enable them to transform their lives. Concern works to alleviate hunger and suffering in the world’s poorest countries. When an emergency strikes Concern is on the ground taking action. Working with both local and international partners Concern is dedicated to assisting, protecting and empowering the world’s most vulnerable people.
We are dedicated to ending hunger and enabling small family farmers to feed their families and provide for their better future. Investing in agriculture is the most cost effective way to fight extreme poverty. We help farmers break out of the cycle of poverty and change their lives for the good.
Vita is an Irish NGO working to combat poverty and climate change in East Africa. This is achieved through partnering with communities to build sustainable livelihoods where they have access to water as well as food and energy security.
Anaphylaxis Ireland is a national charity, which is totally dependent on fundraising and voluntary donations. The organisation was established to support children and adults who live with severe allergies, which can be life threatening. There has been a dramatic increase in the last 10 years in the numbers of children and adults in Ireland affected by severe allergies. Anaphylaxis Ireland provide· A telephone helpline offering support and information · Workshops for children and parents on managing food allergies · Product recall information with the assistance of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland · Support group meetings
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) is an international development charity that works through experienced volunteers living and working as equals alongside local partners. It is the largest independent volunteer-sending organisation in the world. Our vision is a world without poverty in which people work together to fulfil their potential. Instead of sending food or money, we send women and men from a wide range of professions who want the chance to make a real difference in the fight against poverty. These volunteers work in partnership with colleagues and communities to share skills and learning and achieve positive change together. It costs VSO €7.80 on average to support a volunteer living and working alongside some of the world’s poorest communities for a day. That €7.80 enables them to pass on skills and share their experience with local people to help them lift themselves out of poverty. But as a charity we need your support. Please make a donation today and help make sure we have the money to send our volunteers to the places where they’re so desperately needed – and keep them there. Thank you.
Ndiini School Food Programme is a registered Irish charity (CHY No 20136) that provides the students of Ndiini School in Kenya with daily lunches.As a result the lunch programme,attendance at Ndiini Primary School is close to 100%. Often,our lunches are the only meal some students eat all day.