Browsing Charities
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Irish Cancer Society (IE, Irish Cancer Society - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: €75,741.00

We do this by providing up to date information and a range of services and by influencing change and raising awareness of cancer issues.

Research Motor Neurone (IE, CHY17822) Browse events

YTD Raised: €67,779.02

Research Motor Neurone, formerly known as The Irish Motor Neurone Disease Research Foundation is a charity set up in 2007 for the sole purpose of promoting education through research into the causes, treatment and clinical management for those diagnosed with the presently incurable disorder, known as Motor Neurone Disease (MND).

South Eastern Cancer Foundation - Solas Centre (IE, CHY15280) Browse events

YTD Raised: €61,598.66

THE South Eastern Cancer Foundation - SOLAS CENTRE - Providing support to cancer patients and their families in the south east. The Solas Centre is a place where cancer patients and their families can find support to help living with cancer. Our staff and volunteers provides a service to suit each persons needs. We provide confidential listening; relaxation therapies such as reflexology or massage; counselling; art therapy; support groups; stress management; art groups, yoga and art psychotherapy for children. The new SOLAS CENTRE which was built entirely by donations of opened in 2011 and will improve and expand the service that the SECF provides in Waterford and throughout South East counties of Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Carlow and Wexford with our outreach service. All funds raised now will go to expand and improve our services to cancer patients. We will be able to support four times as many people in the new centre as before. We expect to be able to provide services to over 1000 cancer patients per annum in the future. All services are provided free of charge, and are paid 100% from YOUR generous donations. Please donate to help fund our services. Thank You! See our upcoming events on events link. South Eastern Cancer Foundation, Solas Centre, Williamstown, Waterford. 051 304604

CROSS Rugby Legends Cycle - Atlantic 1000 (IE, CHY20887) Browse events

YTD Raised: €48,990.74

The CROSS Rugby Legends Atlantic 1000 is part of Friends of CROSS, a voluntary group which aims to raise cancer awareness. We support the work of Prof John Reynolds and his teams in St. James’s Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, by raising funds for cancer research, prevention and treatment.

The Friends of St Luke's (IE, CHY5854a) Browse events

YTD Raised: €47,837.84

The Friends of St Luke's Cancer Care supporting St Luke's Radiation Oncology Network Dublin was established to provide cure, care and comfort to the patients attending St Luke's Hospital and St Luke's Radiation Centres at St James's and Beaumont Hospitals.

Breast Cancer Research (Formerly NBCRI) (IE, CHY09997) Browse events

YTD Raised: €36,925.65

In Ireland, 1 in 10 women will develop breast cancer during their lifetime. These women are our mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, friends and neighbours. We know these women, they play major roles in our lives. Breast Cancer Research is a national charity that funds a comprehensive research programme at the National University of Ireland, Galway. We know that breast cancer research has improved the diagnosis, treatment options, and outcomes for those who develop the disease. We want to fund these research programmes to continue to impact the outcomes for those who develop the disease in the future. The research team, in collaboration with universities and hospitals across the globe, focuses on the development and improvement of diagnostic techniques and treatment strategies, to drive real and measurable improvement in clinical outcomes for breast cancer patients.With your help we can positively impact the future for women.

The Children's Medical & Research Foundation (IE, CHY4483) Browse events

YTD Raised: €36,535.91

The Children’s Medical and Research Foundation (CMRF) is the principal fundraising body for Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin as well as the National Children’s Research Centre and is dedicated to working to improve the quality of life for this and future generations of sick children.

Breast Cancer Ireland (IE, CHY19926) Browse events

YTD Raised: €33,626.25

Breast Cancer Ireland is a registered charity established to raise significant funding to support pioneering research programmes nationally as well as to promote education & awareness on the importance of breast health amongst women of all ages.

Down Syndrome Ireland (IE, CHY06062) Browse events

YTD Raised: €30,195.89

Down Syndrome Ireland is the national organisation of people with Down Syndrome and their families with over 3,000 member families and 25 voluntary branches nationwide. It is dedicated to being the primary source of support and information to people with Down syndrome, their families and the professional community, working towards an improved quality of life along with a respect and acceptance of people with Down syndrome as valued members of Society. Down Syndrome Ireland provide a wide range of supports and services to people with Down syndrome, their families and the professionals that assist them, from support services in the early days for new parents; through to early development; educational support; health advice; projects to develop independence; advocacy; and social activities, at both national and local level. Down Syndrome Ireland is almost fully reliant on donations and fundraising to support their work, so every penny really will make a difference. For more information on Down Syndrome Ireland visit

Brain Tumour Ireland (IE, MYC0130) Browse events

YTD Raised: €30,011.30

The charity was founded in 2012 by a small group of people caring for a family member who was sadly lost to a Brain Tumour in early 2012. As a national voluntary organisation our aim is to continue to fight the battle against the disease in her honour. Through the Ronnie Fehily Foundation we hope to create a place where people can come for information , guidance and comfort. A place to learn what to expect and a community to provide support.

CRY - Cardiac Risk in the Young (IE, CHY14506) Browse events

YTD Raised: €28,397.43

So Young .. So Fit ... So Active .... SO SUDDEN. CRY AND THE DRIVE TO BET SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME. CRY in Ireland was founded in March 2002 by parents who had experienced the effects of sudden and unexplained death within their famlies. CRY is a self supporting registered charity. CRY receives no Government funding of any kind and is therefore, dependent on your help to:-Raise awareness of cardiac risk in the young through media campaigns and public information meetings Support a National Screening Centre where families and individuals at risk can be evaluated Provide counselling and support to families affected.

Irish Heart Foundation (IE, CHY05507) Browse events

YTD Raised: €28,250.36

The Irish Heart Foundation works hard to prevent people developing cardiovascular disease and to support those affected by it. Our charity is the only national charity working to reduce death and disability from heart disease and stroke. We are 91 per cent funded by public donations. Nearly 10,000 lives are lost to this disease in Ireland every year - that's 27 people a day - and thousands more are left with disability as a result of stroke. By making a donation to our charity, you are helping to make life better for people affected by cardiovascular disease.

The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland (IE, CHY05365) Browse events

YTD Raised: €23,358.80

Mission Statement To enable and empower people affected by Multiple Sclerosis to live the life of their choice to their fullest potential.Our VisionMS Ireland has a vision of Irish society where all people affected by MS live positive and active lives in the community.Our Aimsto facilitate people with MS to control their lives and environment, to live with dignity and participate in the communityto provide support for the families and carers of people with MSto co-operate with the medical, scientific, social and caring professions to promote scientific research into the cause of, cure for and management of MS, and the alleviation of medical and social symptomsto exchange and disseminate information relating to MSto provide an identifiable focal point by developing an efficient, effective and caring organisation to serve the needs of PwMS By joining Team MS Ireland you are helping us ensure this becomes a reality - thank you. Get involved today!

Diabetes Federation of Ireland (IE, CHY6906) Browse events

YTD Raised: €21,403.44

Diabetes Ireland is the national charity dedicated to providing support, education and motivation to all people affected by diabetes. We also raises public awareness of diabetes and its symptoms. Through our subsidiary charity, the Diabetes Ireland Research Alliance,we fund Irish based research into finding a cure for diabetes. In the absence of a register of people who have diabetes no-one can be entirely sure how many people In Ireland live with diabetes; the Institute of Public Health’s report Making Diabetes Count (2007) estimated that there were about 143,000 people with diabetes in Ireland (based on in 2005 figures) and predicted that this number would increase by 37%, to 194,000 people, by 2015. The Institute of Public Health’s subsequent report, Making Chronic Conditions Count (2010), revised upwards the forecasted number of people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, who are over 20 years of age to 194,000 in 2015 and 233,000 in 2020. Most recently, the International Diabetes Federation’s Diabetes: The Policy Puzzle, Is Europe Making Progress? (2012) estimates that there are 191,380 people with diabetes in Ireland (with a prevalence of 6.1% in the population) and that by 2030 there will be 278,850 people with the condition (with a prevalence of 7.5% in the population). When you fundraise for diabetes Ireland you can choose to direct your fundraising to one of 5 different areas: Diabetes Type 1 ResearchDiabetes Type 2 ResearchSupport Education ServicesSweetpea Kidz ClubTeen Activity Day For more information on any of these areas please go to or contact Diabetes Ireland on 1850 909 909 / [email protected]

St. Vincent's Foundation (IE, CHY1183) Browse events

YTD Raised: €21,091.59

St.Vincent’s Foundation is run on a voluntary basis which means that all donations go to the specified cause without deduction of any costs.The fundraising of St. Vincent's Foundation is to support patient care, research and medical education primarily in St. Vincent's University Hospital.Through research and clinical care we can significantly increase the number of people we help to recover from illness and improve their quality of life.Improving the lives of our patients is our number one priority and is at the heart of what we do. With your help, we can make our goals a reality.You can nominate the cause within the Foundation you would like your money to go to. All monies received will go directly to your chosen cause and patient care.With your help St. Vincent's can realise its world class potential.HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE TODAYSt. Vincent's University Hospital is a voluntary, not-for-profit hospital.St. Vincent's Foundation complies with The Principles of Good Governance and with The Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising.

Irish Injured Jockeys (IE, CHY21119) Browse events

YTD Raised: €13,356.24

Irish Injured Jockeys raises funds and increases awareness of the requirement for public funding to provide for our injured jockeys. Irish Injured Jockeys works with individual cases and also supports The Jockeys Emergency Fund, The Drogheda Memorial Fund and The Irish Jockeys Trust.Irish Injured Jockeys was set up in 2014 to increase awareness and raise vital funds to support our injured jockeys. Funds raised through Irish Injured Jockeys go to the injured riders who are in most need of support.With the nature of horse racing posing such high risks to our jockeys on a daily basis, it is essential that we have a public fundraising vehicle in place through which we can raise much needed funds on a regular and consistent basis.There are lots of ways that one can help from buying some Christmas cards or other merchandise from our collection, organising fundraising events, making a donation, volunteering to help out at events or putting a legacy in place.Irish Injured Jockeys – Charity Registration Number 21119

Irish Cancer Society (IE, CHY5863) Browse events

YTD Raised: €11,472.76

Our vision is a future without cancer. Through our work to empower people to reduce their risk, to support those living with cancer, to fund excellent collaborative research and to inform and influence public policy, we will ensure many more people will have a future without cancer.

HHT Ireland (IE, HHT Ireland - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: €10,588.54

Irish Heart and Lung Transplant Association (IE, CHY13628) Browse events

YTD Raised: €10,215.72

The Irish Heart and Lung Transplant Association is a voluntary organisation which provides support for patients pre and post transplantation We also identify and maintain Donor awareness initiatives and we work closely with our colleaugues in the Irish Donor Network in promoting and improving all areas of organ donation and transplantation. We also provide support to the Heart and Lung unit of the Mater Hospital by funding training and research and also equipment. As we are a voluntary patient group all funds received are used totally towards our objectives.

Irish Heart Foundation (IE, CHY5507) Browse events

YTD Raised: €9,988.08

The Irish Heart Foundation is the national charity fighting heart disease and stroke. Our mission is to lead in improving the cardiovascular health of people living in Ireland so they do not experience disability or die from preventable heart, stroke and other blood vessel diseases.

OvaCare (IE, MYC0072) Browse events

YTD Raised: €9,861.02

OvaCare's mission is to: “Improve diagnosis and education of ovarian cancer within Ireland, through sharing global research and best practice, and providing support and advocacy through OvaCare’s dedicated support network” Follow us like us

One in 1,000 - Cystic Fibrosis Ireland (IE, CHY06350) Browse events

YTD Raised: €8,971.93

Are You One in 1000?Take part in the VHI Women's Mini-Marathon on Monday June 1st 2015 and raise much needed funds for Cystic Fibrosis Ireland. Over the past 4 years, the CF Ireland "One in 1,000" appeal has raised a whopping €700,000 for people with cystic fibrosis (CF) in Ireland. These funds have allowed CF Ireland to fund a new state of the art 4 bed ward for children in Crumlin Hospital, to provide support and services for people with CF and to fund new and additional isolation beds and treatment units nationwide. This is one of our biggest fundraising events, we need your support and dedication to continue this good work. Training for the mini-marathon is a great way to get active and help raise much needed funds for a worthy cause. The Mini Marathon is a great event for individuals or teams, whether you use it as a team building event for your staff or a way to promote interaction with your customers. Like previous years CF Ireland will have be hosting a party in Dublin all day with refreshments, music and prizes to reward all our participants. Cloakroom and refreshments will be provided.So lace up those runners and get ready to take up the Challenge For CF! The first step is the hardest to take, but with a team of 1,000 by your side we guarantee you will cross the finish line and have fun on the way!

Féileacáin (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Association of Ireland) (IE, MYC0048) Browse events

YTD Raised: €7,623.65

Feileacain (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Association of Ireland) was founded by a group of bereaved parents who came together to offer hope and support to other parents who unfortunately would need our help. We aim to help anyone affected by the death of a baby.

DEBRA Ireland (IE, CHY08703) Browse events

YTD Raised: €7,432.88

DEBRA Ireland is the national charity established in 1988 to provide patient support services and to drive research into treatments and cures for those living with the genetic skin condition, epidermolysis bullosa (EB). Our patients who have EB, have skin that is as delicate and fragile as the wings of a butterfly, and just as easily damaged. EB has been described by a Consultant Dermatologist in Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital as “easily the most debilitating and devastating disease I have ever seen.” The condition is extremely painful and leads to disability and deformity. Many of our patients who survive childhood face the frightening reality that they could develop a very aggressive form of skin cancer, due to the constant breakdown of their skin.DEBRA Ireland offers hope and support to these patients, which is only possible thanks to the ongoing generosity from people like you.

SHOUT for better cancer care (IE, CHY175535S) Browse events

YTD Raised: €6,868.23

SHOUT was originally established in 2003 with the aim of targeting fundraising initiatives to benefit both the service and patients in the provision of better Cancer Care for the region. The committee comprises Sligo General Hospital specialist staff and members of the Sligo Business Community. We are dedicated to proactively supporting cancer patients and their families through their cancer journey, by: Supplementing existing services for patients in the North West Region. Financial Support to patients and their Families. Cancer Related Research

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