We are committed to perpetuating the memory of 10th Battalion The Parachute Regiment who lived in Somerby, Leicestershire during WW2. We aim to build a commemorative sculpture. In September 1944, 582 men of the Battalion left for the Battle of Arnhem, two weeks later only 36 returned to the village.
SASH Charity raises money to enhance the patient care provided at Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. We do this by investing in state-of-the-art equipment, enhancing the hospital environment, supporting health research, providing specialist training and funding additional clinical resources.
Focuses on charities for children with learning and physical disabilities as well as disabled adults and charities which encourage self help amongst young people. It gives preference to charities which do not benefit from state funding. The trust receives funding from S&U and its employees.
The PBC Foundation provides vital support and information to those affected by Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC). Our services include our helpline, regular publications, regional support groups, and the education of medical practitioners. We also support research into finding a cause/ cure for PBC.
The Bridge Foundation is a Bristol-based charity that provides high quality counselling and psychotherapy services to a wide range of people. Since our formation in 1983, we have grown into a Centre of Excellence, specialising in child and family mental health and providing services in schools.
YMCA Somerset Coast continues to be ground breaking in the scope of its community regeneration and development projects while remaining true to the three founding principles laid down by George Williams - to enrich mind, body and spirit.
Hannan School Morocco is a UK registered charity aimed at Education and social development in the Middle Atlas Mountains of Morocco. We sponsor children to attend school and run a pre-school in the village of El Borj. We have given chickens and goats to poor women of the village and helped with small businesses. Our aims are to lift the cycle of poverty through education bringing Hope to Berber people. We hope to build a new purpose built school in the village and have bought land for this purpose. Our Pre-school is growing and expanding with new facilites and on going teacher training. We have been granted a certificate of excellence by the government inspectors. We have started women's workshops and hope to begin adult literacy classes in the autumn. A craft co-operative is also in the planning stages.
Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Logan's Fund are a children's cancer charity who will try and provide something special, whatever it may be, for a child and their family when they need it most. Please donate to support our cause.Our aim is to provide anything that will give a cause for optimism or an alternative focus away from hospital and beyond the treatment they are going through for any child and their family affected by cancer. Our philosophy is to try and win back some of the childhood lost to time in hospital. We want to give a child’s horizon a sprinkling of magic dust. Charity No: SC040619 Find out more Website http://logansfund.org/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LogansFund/?fref=ts Twitter https://twitter.com/?lang=en-gb
Samaritans provides non-judgemental emotional support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to those experiencing feelings of despair or distress, including those which may lead to suicide. At the Harrogate branch our volunteers give their time unpaid to ensure we are there for our callers when they need us.
Eagles Wings provides food, water, clothing, shelter and healthcare to children and families and those living in desperate circumstances in Kenya, Uganda, India and Russia through trusted partners. 2011 target: to build a maternity clinic in Nebbi, north Uganda. Two acres of land has been bought.
Wyre Forest and South Worcestershire Nightstop and Mediation Service is a local charity providing emergency accommodation for young people at risk of homelessness aged 16-25. Our mediation service works with young people aged 11-25 and their family to reduce conflict in a fair and equal way.
Who are we? The DT38 Foundation has been set up in memory of Dylan James Tombides. Dylan was an Australian International and West Ham United professional football player who passed away aged 20 in April 2014 after a 3 year battle with testicular cancer. The West Ham Family thought so highly of Dylan that they retired his number 38 and made DT38 one of their principal charities. The charity has been formed as a result of Dylan initially being misdiagnosed. Our vision is to change the way testicular cancer is diagnosed by implementing best practice diagnostic guidelines for patients who present with testicular symptoms. We also aim to arm future generations of young men with the necessary knowledge about testicular cancer that will enable them to be confident when taking health matters into their own hands. Our mission is to raise awareness and change the stigma associated with men’s health issues with a focus on testicular cancer. We aim to do this through providing educational programmes and opportunities for the youth of our community, to help shape a generation of children who are self- aware about their health and wellbeing. Our main goals are to: 1. Drive the SELF- AWARENESS campaign for the early detection of testicular cancer 2. Focus on youth EDUCATION through various teaching programme's aligned to national curriculum 3. Provide OPPORTUNITIES linked to fun and accessible activities within the community September 1st 2015 when Premier Colin Barnett and the Tombides family unveiled a bronze statue of Dylan outside NIB Stadium- Perth’s home of football. Both events were extremely momentous occasions and highlight the high regard in which Dylan was held both as a footballer and a person. As we are set up in both the United Kingdom and Australia we work hard to work hand in hand in both locations to deliver our vision. The charity has come about as a direct response too Dylan’s personal story and the current status of testicular cancer awareness in society. We at the DT38 Foundation believe that awareness is the key to addressing this illness. We know that our vision and mission clearly state the changes we plan to bring about in the future. What do we aim to do? Our key milestones in the next 3-5 years are to: awareness about testicular cancer and general health and wellbeing in schools and community organisations. • Develop self- awareness programmes and deliver testicular cancer awareness campaigns in schools and wider community organisations • Work with medical researchers to enhance early detection • Introduce medical screening routines and mobile vans CHILDREN’S PICTURE BOOK AND TEACHING PROGRAMME We will be publishing a children’s picture book and teaching programme in July 2016 in the UK and in September 2016 in Australia. The book has been written in memory of Dylan and the storyline follows his life adventures. The book aims to teach the youth of today of the importance of being resilient when they are faced with challenged in their lives. Other important messages it promotes includes the importance of positivity, love for family and friends, passion for sport, having goals and dreams, respecting people of all cultures, defying the odds, travelling the world, being there for others through difficult times, coping with death, taking care of general health and wellbeing and most of all sharing meaningful experiences with all those who enter your life. These are all attributes Dylan had and simple life lesson people need to be reminded of. Thank you for your Support
Young carers are children aged up to 18 who have caring responsibilities in their home. The person being cared for may have a physical or mental illness, a terminal illness, or have problems with alcohol or drug misuse. Help us give these young people a break from their challenging daily routines.
Accuro provides an invaluable support service to enable people with disabilities of all ages to participate in everyday pursuits and leisure activities. All the schemes are needs led and are designed to increase confidence and reduce isolation. The charity also provides respite relief for their families and carers.
Acquired Brain Injury can affect anyone at any time. Each year as many as 1 million people attending hospital in the UK will have sustained a head injury. Of these, about 135,000 are confirmed as having a brain injury. The problems caused by a brain injury may not be obvious to other people. Brain injury can, however, completely change the life of the survivor and their families.Regardless of the cause Headway Black Country can help. We are dedicated to supporting adult brain injury survivors, their carers and families whose lives are often turned upside down by a brain injury.We have a small, expert team that can help guide you to the information and support you may need. We also provide a specialist Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service that offers a wide range of activities designed to help brain injury survivors relearn lost skills and gain new ones. Headway Black Country relies on voluntary donations and fundraising to continue to provide vital services to brain injury survivors and their families. We are responsible for raising our own funds locally, which all goes directly into our work with brain injured people and their families based in the Black Country area of the West Midlands. Headway Black Country is independent and impartial. As more people now survive accidents and live with brain injury, the need for our work is growing.Donations are used are to help us, for example, purchase or provide: • Items required for activities such as equipment, training materials, craft items etc. • One off items needed such as furniture, electrical items etc. • Publicity materials • Special projects and services • Continued services for people affected by brain injury.
The aim of the charity is to provide legal assistance and legal support where required for those who cannot afford legal representation and without it will remain detained indefinitely.
Fintan's Fund is a locally run charity based in Belfast. We support young adults aged 18-35 through their cancer experience. We provide grants for memory-making activities and enable people to spend quality time with their loved ones doing the things they enjoy!
We provide emergency dormitory style accommodation in church properties for up to 14 guests from those who are sleeping on the streets, are at immediate risk of rough sleeping locally and the ‘hidden homeless’. Our shelter is open during the winter months.
Supporting disaster and conflict areas for 7 years. We don't do simple - Whether its taking a convey of mobile vehicles across continents or rebuilding flood hit areas, where there's a need we aim to make a difference. 2015 challenge - We're pushing our physical limits to cycle around world!
Clowns in the Sky is dedicated to the research and treatment of childhood brain tumours and to the welfare of affected children and their families. It's aim is to bring a smile to the face of a child and their family, by granting them a wish, which will provide distraction from their treatment. Clowns in the Sky offers discretionary support grants to enhance the quality of life for those who have been affected by childhood brain tumours.
SNAP is a voluntary organisation based in Inverness. It offers; leisure and socialisation opportunites to the young people, aged 5 -30, who all have learning disability. SNAP offers After School Clubs, Holiday Leisure Schemes, Saturday outings and weekend breaks.
S.E.E.D Lancashire are an Eating Disorders charity offering support to sufferers of eating, food and weight related issues as well as their carers, families and friends.