Drumduan School* is a modern and progressive, independent school, located in the beautiful north-east of Scotland, overlooking Findhorn Bay and the Moray Firth. For 30 years, we have been providing a child-centred, Steiner-inspired alternative to more mainstream educational models. Our curriculum emphasises experiential learning, nature connection, and the creativity that flows from children being given the space to develop in their intellect and imagination in a low technology school environment. That emphasis on the hand-crafted, the hand-drawn, the practical and the beautiful, throughout the school, helps our students become capable, practical and self-confident young people who know their own worth and their own minds. Our focus on project-based creation, rather than testing, also leads to kids who are less pressured and anxious. Our talented and dedicated teachers each bring their own gifts to bear on school life, but it is their shared ability to recognise the special gifts in each individual child that really creates a learning environment that allows each child to flourish. Drumduan has attracted parents and teachers from all over Scotland and the wider world, and has a vibrant and engaged community of parents and supporters, many of whom work and volunteer for the school in roles large and small. Drumduan School is funded almost entirely by our parents and through donations. We strive to keep fees as low as possible and offer generous bursaries so that no child be excluded because of financial hardship. As a small school, this places a heavy burden on our parents, so the more we are supported, the more it becomes possible to open up this transformative education to all and ensure that the school facilities are kept well-maintained. Please consider a regular donation and help Drumduan School to flourish! *Formerly The Moray Steiner School
The Calvert Trust provides people of all ages and all kinds of disability with the opportunity, through its centres in Keswick, Kielder and Exmoor, to participate in all kinds of outdoor activities including riding, sailing, swimming, rock-climbing, canoeing and much else. "It's not what you can't do, but what you can that counts."
Sozo Ministries International is one of the foremost Christian healing and deliverance ministries in the UK. Established in 1983 by Marion Daniel, our ministry's vision is 'to bring wholeness to the world through Jesus'. We share the incredible message of the whole Gospel - that Jesus came to save, heal and make whole. Throughout the year, we host regular events at the Dunwood Oaks Centre in Awbridge, Hampshire.
The Hardman Trust helps people who have been in prison for a long time to get their lives back on track when released. Through our award scheme and prisoner funding directory people, who might otherwise see no future, find work, support their families and become valued members of their communities.
The Church of the Martyrs is simply a group of people trying to live out the Christian life.We are passionate about working for justice in God’s world, with:Money Matters Leicester (free debt advice)Baby Basics (support for struggling new mothers)….as well as Justice Mail and Just (Leicester's Fair Trade shop) all founded and run by Martyrs members.Please note that all our projects accept and help anyone, of any faith or none. All projects have their own restricted funds, and full accounts are readily available on the Charity Commission website.If you kindly make a donation, please say in the description which project it's for (Baby Basics or Money Matters Leicester or for general church work) so we know who to allocate it to.For more info see:https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/moneymattersleicesterhttps://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/christmasfoodbagshttps://www.facebook.com/BabyBasicsLeicester First, we follow Jesus, because we’ve found him to be the way to a fulfilled life, knowing God as a loving Father who accepts us as we are and delights in our praises. We want to be up front and open about how fantastic that is; but we also want to be honest that there’s also so much in life that we’re still trying to figure out.Secondly, we want to be an outward-looking community, serving our local area. Thirdly, we want to be generous in attitude and action. We get out into the community as Street pastors (helping late night revellers in the West End), or at Tomatoes (cooked breakfast, chat and live music on Saturdays). We host the Women's Welcome Project for asylum seekers (food parcels, advice, classes and companionship) and volunteer at One Roof's Winter Night Shelters for the homeless. Charity No: 1134668 Find out more Website https://www.martyrs.org.uk
VESL is a small charity run by a dedicated team of past volunteers. We run worthwhile well-supported educational projects in the neediest communities in Thailand, Sri Lanka & India. Our volunteers help rural schools teach English, support orphanages, hospices & community development projects.
The Worthians Charitable Trust funds charitable activities in support of Worth Society, Worth School and the Abbey including School bursaries; the Global Action Awards which any Worthian who plans to spend time in voluntary service can apply; and initiatives such as the Glenn Robertson Memorial Fund
100% of money raised goes to other charities and individuals to improve the lives of a whole range of people from the young right through the age ranges to the elderly. We make grants to individuals and organisations, provide human resources to help the needy and fund projects which will improve the lives of the members of the local community
The Metropolitan and City Police Orphans charity is believed to be the oldest Police charity in the world.
Ashburnham Christian Trust runs Ashburnham Place and is a charity established as a gift to the Body of Christ locally, nationally and beyond. We exist to serve and equip those who are being salt and light, that they might have significant and long lasting impact in their communities.
The Medway Towns Bands comprises The Medway Band and Medway Concert Brass. Together we promote brass music locally, providing learning opportunities for local brass players and raising the profile of brass band culture.
PSA stands for Parent & Staff Association. As a registered charity (1096007), the PSA is made up of all parents, carers, and teachers of Ashley Down Primary School, who are passionate about supporting projects and raising additional funds for the school in order to enrich the fantastic teaching and learning environment at our school.
The Asian Association of Chesterfield an inclusive and welcoming organisation that encourages people from across the Chesterfield area to meet, learn and socialise with each other.
FORDTUK is a UK based charity working hand in hand with a Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) in India called the Rural Development Trust (RDT). It works with underprivileged and marginalized societies to improve quality of life. These societies comprise of dalits, tribals and social outcasts. Among them the handicapped are the most vulnerable and hence are given the utmost priority. RDT believes in holistic approach in its welfare schemes. People of these communities have been relegated to a life of oppression, bonded labor and poverty due to age old religious and cultural misconceptions; have been denied of basic human rights. Therefore, RDT provides them with facilities for education, healthcare, shelter and thus induce them to engage in gainful employment as individuals or in co-operatives. Women are empowered in the management of family as well as the society which is a noteworthy feature. Since RDT started in 1969, there has been a remarkable change in the lives of the target population. Encouraged by this transformation, the NGO is constantly extending its area of activity beyond the 3600 villages inhabiting some 4 million population. FORDTUK in addition to offering grants for projects and sponsoring vulnerable children would like to facilitate UK volunteers who are willing to share their professional knowledge and administrative experience, to travel to RDT and help with the program. The charity can be contacted through its web page, www.fordt.uk.net
This year we are bringing the Higher Tour to the region for the very first time, from Monday 29th June - Friday 3rd July 2020. We will be visting 8 local secondary schools from across the city, with three bands, seeing thousands of young people face to face through lessons & our Higher concert.
At 1st Carluke (St John's) Scout Group we aim to give all our members a wonderful and fulfilling experience in Scouting. Giving each child the opportunity to grow in knowledge, experience and confidence, while giving them life long values and friendships.
Working with children in Bangladesh slums. Among other we provide full educational expenses, uniform, transport, books, nutrition and comprehensive medical care to the entire family members. Average cost is about £22 per month. Our long term goal is to unlock the cycle of poverty.
The Sunny fund helps to motivate and inspire young people who are limited by social and economic hardship to develop to their full potential.
Charity Technology Trust's mission is to provide the best technology solutions available to enhance the ways in which charities interact with their supporters and clients, and manage their administration. We aim to build a sustainable presence in the sector and to substantially grow the impact we have by providing a high value ‘bridge’ between the private and the not for profit sectors