Browsing Charities
5226 - 5250 of 54.5K results

Bandanas for the Brave (UK, 101835) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,423.85

..Our Aim is to give every child & young person (0-25) that has been given a cancer diagnoses in Uk & Ireland a FREE Bandana. Bandanas for the Brave is a Charity that has been set up after my own son lost his hair, when going through a long course of chemotherapy, for his Brain tumour in 2010.

Hope2Sleep Charity (UK, 1168089) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,420.00

Hope2Sleep raise awareness of Sleep Apnoea, UARS and all Sleep Disordered Breathing. We offer support to existing sufferers on CPAP and Ventilation, along with parents/carers. Sleep Apnoea is one of the most common yet vastly underdiagnosed conditions - and lives + health improve when treated!

Myrddin Special Children's Group (UK, 1051356) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,420.00

We are an active but small group supporting Myrddin Special Unit in Carmarthen West Wales. The pupils at the school are aged 3-11 and have autism, severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties. The school is a happy and safe place, with a bright and engaging environment. We strive to provide specialist resources to meet the needs of these very special children, helping them with their learning and development in all ares of the curriculum; and in life in general. The school is small (only 28 children), bilingual Welsh/English, in a rural area of West Wales It serves a wide catchment area with some of the children travelling up to 25 miles to get to school...but it is worth it!

The Janice Ann McNaughton Foundation (UK, 1193871) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,420.00

To advance in life and relieve needs of young people through: (a) Advancing education by providing bursaries to support disadvantaged children and young people to improve access to education and training opportunities for this cohort focusing on careers in Social Care, Healthcare and Community Engagement that provide specific support to disadvantaged children and young people. (b) Relieving sickness by funding support to children and young people who have life threatening or limiting conditions. This may be because their current Healthcare Trust are unable to provide the treatment required and therefore getting treatment required may involve additional travel and treatment costs.

Garioch Heritage Centre (UK, SC035165) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,419.42

Since 1987, the Garioch Heritage Society has been collecting artefacts and information relating to the history of the Garioch from its earliest times to the present day. We are delighted to have now been given the opportunity to make it all available to a wider public in this iconic building.

Hotwells School Parent Teacher Association (UK, 1049963) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,419.00

Were running for school!  We are a group of about 20 parents of Hotwells Primary School and we are working hard to get fit to run the Bristol 10k on May 9th 2010.  Our biggest incentive (other than getting fit) is to raise as much money as we can for our school - so please dig deep and help us along with our training - Make a donation now. There are two ways to donate - Click on the button on the right 'Make a donation' -  but you can't leave us a message (although it appears that you can - and you won't be able to see how much is being raised) - so you may prefer to  click here  Hotwells PTA raises valuable funds that help support the school in giving their children such meaningful memorable learning experiences. The PTA raises money for equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the facilities in school. Hotwells PTA funds are for the ‘extras’ not provided by the school budget, that make our children’s learning experiences so much more fulfilling and exciting.

Toilet Twinning (UK, 265464A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,415.50

Toilet Twinning is a unique way to help transform lives in poor communities across the world. By twinning your toilet, you can link your loo with a latrine in Africa, Asia or the Americas. You'll receive a framed certificate complete with a photo of your toilet twin, its location and its GPS coordinates so you can look it up on Google Maps. International NGO Tearfund will use the money raised through Toilet Twinning to help households in poor communities to learn about the importance of sanitation and hygiene; have their own loo; access clean water; enjoy better health; go to school and work; and ultimately break the cycle of generational poverty.

Dr Bell's Family Centre (UK, SC037216) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,414.44

Dr Bell's Family Centre - working to provide support forvulnerable families with young children in Leith.The Centre was set up in 2006 as a joint collaborationbetween City of Edinburgh Council, NHS Lothian and Community Groups, to provideearly intervention support at an early stage for families struggling to copewith financial, social, health and cultural difficulties. Families come to usbecause we provide a Safe, Trusted, Family-focused and Welcoming Creche and Support Centre. Wesupport the whole family and strive to provide a ‘safety net’ to those familieswho otherwise are likely to become “at risk” and needing substantial SocialService and NHS resource at a later stage. ● Dr.Bell’s Family Centre islaunching a fundraising appeal in January 2017. ● Ourappeal needs to urgently raise £25,000 by April 2017 to keep the centre open,and so safeguard the reduced level of services we currently provide to childrenand families in Leith.● Ourambition is to return to being a full-time one-stop shop for the community, aswe were established to be ten years ago. Raising these funds will put us on asecure footing us to look the long-term future of the Family Centre. ● Theappeal follows a 50% reduction in funding from Edinburgh Council last year.● Inorder to avoid complete closure, we have now significantly scaled back our coreservices and reduced staff numbers. Charity No: SC037216 Find out more Website Facebook

Dover Cultural Centre (UK, 1155365) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,412.45

Created via charity sign up service.

Peterborough CIty Rowing Club (UK, 1095872) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,410.00

Created via charity sign up service.

Bushy Leaze (UK, 1168585) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,409.99

Bushy Leaze Children and Families Centre works with families in the community to ensure their children have the best possible start in life. We provide an expertly staffed, caring, safe and stimulating environment to develop parenting skills, self-esteem and children’s health for families in Alton and the wider East Hampshire area.  Our charity was formed in 2016, in the wake of recent funding cuts, to save the Bushy Leaze and allow us to continue providing our vital services to support the future of around 1,500 local families a year. We need to raise £130,000 every year to do this.Attention... The wonderful and courageous Beth Dye is shaving her head in aid of Bushy Lease, please take the time to visit the link below and give generously before she looses her glorious locks.  Charity No: 1168585 Find out more Website Facebook

UK Branch of Meir Panim (UK, 1129738) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,409.90

As one of Israel’s largest relief organisations Meir Panim is on the front line in the daily battle against poverty and hunger in Israel. MANNA - Meir Panim's UK branch aims to raise awareness and support for the organisation's work in Israel.

Amor Europe (UK, 1176567) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,409.00

Rotary Club of Chichester Priory (UK, 1041210) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,407.51

The Rotary Club of Chichester Priory was established in 1987 and supports local charities in the Chichester area and raises funds through its annual events of The Chichester Dragon Boat Challenge (15 Jun 14), The Chichester 10k (Feb 14) and a Boxing Evening (Jan 14)

Adoption UK (UK, 326654) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,407.00

Adoption UK is a national charity that has worked with and on behalf of adoptive parents for 40 years. We provide information, training and guidance at all stages of the adoption process and campaign to ensure that adoptive families receive the support and encouragement they need.

The Raymond Fernie Foundation (UK, SC049825) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,405.37

Created via charity sign up service.

BRIDGE VILLAGE PLAYGROUP (UK, 1029286) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,405.00

COMFORT CASES UK (UK, 1196357) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,403.04

Eye Hope (UK, 1177770) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,402.00

The charity Eyehope was formed in 2007 by a group of leading London ophthalmologists. Our Trustees and volunteers are passionate about improving the treatment and care for eye disease. Eyehope funds research into all causes of sight loss.

Sefton Women And Childrens Aid (UK, 1066878) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,401.00

SWACA provide free and confidential support services to women, young people & children in order to survive the impact of Domestic Abuse. Established in 1975, SWACA was one of the first Women's Aid organisations in the country. Specialist services are provided on a residential and non-residential basis and include advocacy, advice, structured programmes of work, parenting support and therapeutic support on a one to one, family or group work basis.


YTD Raised: £3,401.00

Solihull Mind (UK, 516058) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,400.00

Solihull Mind believes that people who have mental health problems have the same rights as any other person; that they should not be disadvantaged or subject to prejudice and should have the right to live an ordinary life in the community with the necessary support to ensure fulfilment and independence. As a local, user led, mental health organisation Solihull Mind seeks to improve the quality, quantity, and accessibility of services for people with emotional distress.Our own services support these beliefs, enabling people to move towards the lives they want using whichever of our services they need, when they need them; whether for a one-off situation needing help or guidance; for longer term support, perhaps using more than one service; or returning to a service when needed at a particular time. We also provide support to access other services. We provide a variety of services including therapeutic services such as counselling and support groups; social support/activities including a drop-in, music, art, and horticulture; practical support around, for example, benefits, housing, financial issues and employment; and information and advice on particular diagnoses or mental health issues and what help is available. We also provide a crisis support service on weekend evenings for those needing immediate support (including counselling) when other mainstream services aren't available.

Ymca South Devon (UK, 1086783) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,399.84

We are a not-for-profit organisation, like all other YMCA's we are completely autonomous and are needs led to serve our local community. We serve young people, their families and the local areas of Torbay and the South Hams and pride ourselves on offering excellent service to all. Our various programmes and events help create a sustainable future for our charity. We reinvest in our facilities and our staff to continue developing what it is that we can offer.

Age International (UK, 11282678) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,397.32

We’re here to help older people in developing countries by reducing poverty, improving health, protecting rights and responding to emergencies.