Browsing Charities
50076 - 50100 of 51.1K results

De Regenboogboom (UK, 41157872) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Cramar Cat Rescue and Sanctuary (UK, 519102) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Striving to rescue, re-habilitate and rehome stray and abandoned cats and kittens throughout the West Midlands.

Green Lane Playgroup (UK, 256053) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Jumbo GB organisation (UK, 506169) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

providing an annual outing, to a suitable venue for children with disabilities & special needs, we call it "The Jumbo Run" children are taken to the venue in Sidecars, 3-wheeled cars & trikes, escorted by riders on motorcycles. The children are looked after by the same rider or couple for the day.

Jumpstart Youth (UK, 1160877) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Jumpstart Youth mission: to inspire and empower disadvantaged young people through enterprise.

Vicarage Park Community Centre (UK, 1158292) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Vicarage Park Community Centre (VPCC) was formed in January 2014 by members of the local community in Poulton-le-Fylde. We are raising funds to restore, repair and develop a former Church Hall and turn into a community hub for the benefit of all sections of the local community.

Caer Las Cymru (UK, 504094) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Established more than 35 years ago, Caer Las is a charity dedicated to tackling both the causes and effects of social exclusion across south Wales. Headquartered in Swansea, Caer Las covers Swansea, Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot, Cardiff and Carmarthenshire.

Specsavers Children's Charity (UK, 109) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Specsavers Children's Charity was formed in 2000 and since then has donated over £180,000 to needy and disadvantaged children in the Bailiwick of Guernsey. The charity is run by staff in the Guernsey support office, in addition to their normal jobs, and is funded by donations and fundraising.

FRIENDS FIGHTING CANCER LTD (UK, 01155194) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Xenia Hospice (UK, 27340781) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

De Stichting Vrienden Xenia Hospice, opgericht op 2 april 2009, heeft ten doel het financieel en materieel ondersteunen van de activiteiten van Stichting Xenia Hospice voor jongeren en jongvolwassenen. Hierbij valt te denken aan het verkrijgen van giften, donaties, erfenissen en legaten.

FOGH & FOSSS (UK, 1096109) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


So The Child May Learn (UK, 1164875) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

SO THE CHILD MAY LEARN is a UK registered charity working alongside local schools and communities to improve the educational prospects of children living in the remote and often overlooked middle hill regions of Nepal. We are a small organisation currently working with three schools in the Bhimkhori Village Development Community (Kavre District) 90km east of Kathmandu. Founded in 2014 by John Clark (UK) and Binay Lama (Nepal), the charity ensures that 100% of every donation goes directly to support the schools. We cover all travel and administrative expenses ourselves. Our work relies entirely on voluntary contributions and is not connected to any government agency or international charity. (If you are able to donate using Gift Aid, please ensure that any message you attach is signed by one person only, otherwise unfortunately Gift Aid will not be applied.) Projects so far have included: three new classrooms at Krishna Lower Secondary School (2013), employing two teachers of English at schools which previously had none, and rebuilding the main classroom block at Jugeshwor Lower Secondary (2015). We also provided emergency shelter for 276 local families after the April 2015 earthquake. In 2016 we start work on the construction of six classrooms at Pokra Secondary School and in 2017 will embark on further developments at Krishna to provide a science lab and an IT room. Alongside all this are ongoing initiatives to improve standards of teaching and learning. We visit the area regularly (John and other trustees twice a year; Binay monthly) to assess needs and make sure that work is on target. Our emphasis throughout is on close cooperation with local communities. Charity No: 1164875 Find out more Facebook Flickr

St Patrick's (UK, St Patrick's - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Friends of Stepgates School (UK, 1146969) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Forth Valley Deaf Children's Society (UK, SC045573) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Forth Valley Deaf Children's Society is a local charity run by parents and carers of deaf children living in Forth Valley. Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Our Missions: We aim to provide social activities that will promote the interaction of our deaf children with other deaf children and their hearing peers. We want to be able to use this page to encourage people who are interested to join our friendly group and be able to be a part of our events and fundraising activities, and also to support us as a charity.Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: SC045573 Find out more Facebook

ChinaNext Foundation (UK, 1149502) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

ChinaNext Foundation supports and fosters the development of civil society in China. We do this by helping the people behind the nascent voluntary sector in China, which is massively underdeveloped and posses a big obstacle to the forming of a functioning civil society. Within the remit of existing law, ChinaNext Foundation aids, supports and trains individuals in China's voluntary sector, to develop awareness and skills necessary in the next generation Chinese citizens. In the process, we provide ample opportunities for the younger generation in the UK to participate in what is set to be one of the greatest social transformations in the human history. We are agnostic about the exact charitable cause but rather focused on developing the awareness and action capabilities of the Chinese voluntary sector, an essential part of a civil society. For that end, we also host a series of events to encourage the exchange of ideas and best practices between the UK and Chinese voluntary sectors and on constant look for bright minds who are able to see what we see as the an unprecedented opportunity to make an impact in the world's most populous country. Facebook:   Follow us @ Twitter @china_next

ochre - a national cancer charity (UK, sc032343) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Ochre has been formed to promote awareness of oesophageal cancer amongst the public, professionals, politicians and patients. We also intend to encourage research into the causes of oesophageal cancer and to develop information and support services for patients and their families. Upper gastrointestinal cancers are classically detected as advanced tumours and as such have a poor prognosis. A five-year survival rate of only 6% is achieved even with use of radiotherapy and surgery; as such, oesophageal cancer is now the fourth highest cancer killer in the UK and causes around 4,000 deaths each year. There is at present little dedicated research into the causes of oesophageal cancer or ways in which earlier diagnosis can be made. Ochre is attempting to change this situation and has recently been instrumental in the purchase of a state-of-the-art LIFE-GI (light-induced-fluorescence-endoscopy) system, now in operation at Gartnavel General Hospital in Glasgow.The system, costing £39,000, is capable of detecting cancerous cells at a very early stage, thereby offering vastly improved chances of survival to oesophageal cancer patients.

East London Cabbies Outing For Children with Disabilties (UK, 1055257) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Helping disabled children from East london habe a fun day out to Maldon in Essex

Breast Cancer Arabia Foundation (UK, 1153107) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We sponsor surgery and treatment for women living and working in the United Arab Emirates, diagnosed with breast cancer who are unable to afford their treatment costs.

United Kingdom Sports Association For People With Learning Disability (UK, 1050767) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The UK Sports Association for People with Learning Disability (UKSA) is the national charity that promotes, facilitates and supports talented sports people with learning disability in the UK to train, compete and excel in national and international sport. UKSA believes athletes with learning disability should have the same opportunities in sport as any other person - equality of access; support; funding in the sport of their choice and at the level of their choice. UKSA recognises that sport advances our athletes, education, training, social development and life skills aiding social inclusion and integration. UKSA offers the choice to compete at a performance level and focusses on excellence, ambition and success and is part of the pathway to the Global Games and Paralympic Games.

The Charles Dickens Museum (UK, 212172) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Charles Dickens Museum is the only surviving London residence of the great Victorian novelist and social commentator. It houses the world's most important collection of his writing and material related to his life. Donate now to preserve the legacy of Dickens and his works.

167th Glasgow Boys Brigade (UK, SC030995) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are a youth organisation undertaking to provide leisure time activities to boys and young men aged 5-18 years of age through education, community involvement, self discipline, and sporting activity.

SMS (UK, 266461) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

.Salisbury Musical Society (SMS) is a mixed choir of about 144 voices that performs three concerts of choral music a year. We usually perform in Salisbury Cathedral. We aim for the highest standards and sing works ranging from the 16th century to the present..

Lifeline Pregnancy Counselling & Care Scotland (UK, SCO26943) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Lifeline provides a free counselling service for pregnancy related issues, practical help with baby clothes and equipment and free pregnancy tests.