Browsing Charities
49676 - 49700 of 51K results

YMCA Scotland (UK, SC013792) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

YMCA Scotland is a leading charity working with over 14,000 at risk young people every day through our network of some 40 local centres from Stornoway to Stranraer. Led by volunteers, YMCA provides a wide range of community initiatives from alcohol and drug intervention to homeless units, street-based youth work to childcare and family support services. With your support, we can continue our work with young people disfigured by disadvantage and lift their aspirations for them to achieve their fullest potential.

City Faith Ministries Trust (UK, 1045627) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Christian Life Ministries (CLM) is a project set up by a parent charity City Faith Ministries Trust. City Faith Ministries Trust is a registered charity and was established on the 22nd of March 1995. The charity is committed to a variety of schemes, social action being a major theme. The social action projects of Christian Life Ministries are expressed through Christian Life Ministries (CLM).              

Naiscoil Eoghain (UK, Naiscoil Eoghain - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Naiscoil Eoghain is a newly formed Irish language preschool in Cookstown.

Kingdom Storehouse - Harold Hill Foodbank (UK, 1143583) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Kingdom Storehouse is a charity that runs a Trussell Trust Foodbank in Harold Hill Essex.

Whitgift SNAP (UK, 1147526) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Whitgift SNAP (registered charity number 1147526 & registered company number 8018183 - formerly operating as Whitgift Special Needs Activity Project, registered charity number 1056828) provides activity schemes for disabled children and young people aged between 5 - 25, living in the Borough of Croydon. The schemes provide the opportunity for the children and young people to experience a wide range of sporting and leisure activities during the school holidays, in a multi-cultural environment, whilst encouraging a sense of independence and self-confidence.

Craftspace (UK, 1001237) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Craftspace is an award-winning craft development charity with 28 years’ experience. We commission and showcase contemporary craft and invest in developing makers. We develop opportunities for creative engagement and participation in contemporary craft for all.

LBC 97.3 Charity Appeal (UK, 1091657LBC) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

LBC's Help a London Child, was set up to help disadvantaged young people in London. We support children a young people affected by abuse, homelessness, disability, poverty and illness.  This Christmas LBC's Help a London Child is supporting the charity Missing People.  The funds we raise will go towards funding Missing People’s 24 hour helpline to provide a lifeline to families facing Christmas with an empty seat at the table and Christmas presents still wrapped under the tree. Their trained volunteers also provide confidential support to young runaways, helping them to find a safe place to stay when required and giving them the option to send a message to loved ones that they are safe or better still, that they want to come home. Make a difference, help us reunite families this Christmas.  LBC's Help a London Child is an appeal run by Global Charities, a registered charity in England and Wales (1091657) and Scotland (SC041475)

St Luke's CARES - Phocus (UK, 1097720) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Phocus as a project is run under St Lukes CARES, currently in Partnership with Mission Direct.  Linking local estate youth work with young people aged 14 - 22 years from often very challenging home environments with international expedition to some of the poorest countries in the world, currently Sierra Leone, West Africa.   Phocus aims to Create Opportunities 4 Change, enabling local young people to dream bigger dreams for their lives, to know that good things are possible for them, and if they work towards stuff they can achieve it.  A belief in innate value, teamwork and the development of life skills sitting at the heart of what we do.Whilst on expedition we link with local grass roots projects, doing building work, working with AIDS orphans, street kids, those with polio and the elderly. Whilst at home in the UK we are based in South Leeds, and work on the estates daily, walking with individuals though the challenges of their lives - high un-employment, high levels of domestic violence, substance misuse, low self esteem and minimal aspirations.As a project Phocus has seen amazing results, increased confidence, better educational choices, apprentiships, university, to name just a few. Our local estates are not easy places to live, but in time I believe that transformation is possible, this will come from the inside out, but it must begin from the outside in. It is fundamental that our kids believe that the are well worth investing in; that they too have much to give."I learnt that happiness isnt something that can be switch is a feeling that you are not on you own & that you are an individually special & cared for person" (Male, 17)."It changed my life. I used to have panic attacks all the time before I went, now I dont.  I have gone back to school & control my anger better" (Male, 15).By sponsoring Phocus as a project you will without question be playing a key part in positively transforming peoples lives.  Thank you.   Registered charity number : 1097720

The Knowledge To Action Foundation (UK, 1140395) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Knowledge to Action Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation committed to positively improving the quality of life of children around the world. Focusing on education, life skills and youth leadership initiatives, the foundation strives to equip young people with the essential building blocks of life. We believe that every child deserves the best chance in reaching their full potential on the road to adulthood.

Grow Movement (UK, 1139083) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

GROW is a UK registered charity providing free business consulting to micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) in developing countries. Grow remote-based volunteer consultants work with selected entrepreneurs with a focus on driving tangible business growth and, in turn, stimulating positive consequences on the wider community. Through a system of remote volunteer consulting via internet and phone, the solution is sustainable and ensures that costs are kept low and resulting impact high.

Age UK Ashford (UK, 1152993) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Sporting Marvels Limited (UK, 1101562) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Hello and welcome to our Charity Page! Its easy and simple to Give just look to the right at the Support Us section.   Sporting Marvels: Keep upto date all the time with our Offical Sporting Marvels Page on Facebook: Watch the latest videos on our Offical Sporting Marvels Youtube Channel: To visit our website or email us look to the left of the page for details.   Quick and to the point - Who we are, What we do:               More Infomation: If you would like further information please go to our website. If you find yourself with a question that hasn’t been answered via our website or videos then please email us. Many Thanks for your donations and your kindness to help this worthwhile cause. Regards, Sporting Marvels

The Mission House (UK, 1107874) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Our Vision... the removal of poverty through sustainable development and transformation of people. Our Mission... to deliver continuous improvement to the quality of life of poor people using community development - sponsorship of orphans, health education, clean water, proper sanitation, life skill education, business skills training and support of micro finance initiatives. We really do welcome your interest. Your first easy step is to visit   The Mission House   and explore the possibilities

Vedic Organisation For Indian Culture and Education ( VOICE) (UK, 262684) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

VOICE is a Manchester based charitable organisation, to promote Indian art and culture. It also teaches rich values like doing sewa ( voluntary work). We are working towards 'Care for Carers' project organised by Sewaday, therefore raising ALL THE MONEY to help feed local NHS workers. We aim to provide with one healthy meal a day. We plan to extend our services to other stranded doctors and carers too. EVERY PENNY IS USED FOR THIS GOOD CAUSE, SO PLEASE HELP US AND DONATE GENEROUSLY. Thank you

The Leicester Diocesan Board Of Finance (UK, 249100) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Diocese of Leicester. The Church of England in Leicester & Leicestershire. Our current campaigns are for: the Lent Appeal Nablus Well Appeal in Palestine and  Emily Walkers Emily Goes for a Walk Lands End to John O Groats walk in support of the Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation hospital. Click on the relevant pages to see more details and please make a note of which campaign you are supporting to when you make your donation.

Books Alive (UK, 1077435) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

 As well as being a Christian Bookshop we are also a charity and as part of our work we try each year to raise funds to put Bibles and Christian books into local state primary and junior schools. We have discovered that where schools are either unwilling or unable to buy christian books they are more than happy to accept them as a gift to be put in their libraries. We also include a couple of R.E. books that the teachers can use in class  Every little bit you can give will help. If you pay tax please remember to tick the box for 'gift aid' and let the chancellor help us as well :) many thanks All at Books Alive.      

Kuluka (UK, 1136664) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Kuluka  ("to weave" in Chichewa - a Malawian language), is a non-profit development organisation which focuses on the developing community healthcare and welfare in Malawi.Kuluka implements projects that provide an inclusive mix of services and facilities which respond to some of the healthcare and welfare challenges faced in Malawi. Kulukas current key project is "I give blood. Do you?" - which aims to increase blood unit availability in Malawi, in order to work towards the UN development goals for maternal and infant mortality, and reduce the disparity in blood donation between developed and developing countries.  Thank you

Jubilee Training Centre (UK, 1090619) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The heart of Jubilee Training Centre is to practically equip, raise and release leaders within the Church, community and business world with a Christ-centred foundation enabling them to make godly decisions that will sustain them in every area of their life and ministry. Jubilee Training Centre is firmly rooted within the local Church, as this is God’s intended vehicle for the equipping of the saints. We are pastorally covered by Jubilee Church, which is a resource church involved in training leaders and giving input into various churches locally, nationally, and internationally. We receive students from many countries, church backgrounds and at various stages of life. Our desire is for all students to be given the opportunity to experience all aspects of Christian ministry, gaining a solid foundation of theology and practical testing of their character. Those who are sent by their local church are then sent back to their local church to serve as God desires.

Blackwater Valley Scouts (UK, 278525) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Our Scout Group provides Traditional Scouting in a modern environment for local youngsters. Empahsis is on dicipline to enable activities of all types at all level of ability. We are raising £250,000.00 to re-build our Scout Hut. We've a new lease, more land, new fence; - help us if you can!

The Blue Lamp Trust (UK, 1137786) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Blue Lamp Trust is a registered charity. It is a partnership between Hampshire Police, Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service, business and the community. It was established to promote community safety and security in Hampshire through three strands; The Bobby Scheme -  Providing practical help to vulnerable victims of crime through activities such as making repairs after a burglary, fitting security chains, window locks, spy holes and the installation of smoke alarms & providing fire prevention advice to guard against the risk of fire. This service is provided free of charge to the service user and will make them less likely to become victims of crime in the future and make them feel safer in their own home. Blue Lamp Trust Grants - Providing grants to local projects that address the aims of the Trust in Hampshire. Blue Lamp Driver Training - Delivering driver training for business to help them evidence a commitment to meeting their duty of care to employees who drive on company business and at the same time reduce the numbers of people killed and injured on our roads. All monies generated from driver training sales (after running costs are deducted) are put back into the Bobby Scheme and Blue Lamp Trust Grants.

Abbey Centre Baptist Church (UK, 1130147) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Abbey Centre Baptist Church seeks to serve the spiritual and social needs of South Northampton by recognising and affirming the presence of God in everyone. The Abbey Centre is regularly used by about 40 groups such Brownies and Scouts, Beekeepers, local schools, a monthly luncheon, Princes Trust, Stamp Fairs, the Abbey Centre Preschool not to mention the church that meets twice on Sunday. There is always a warm welcome awaiting all who come to the Centre.

St Peter's Trust (UK, 1060924a) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

St. Peter’s Trust for Kidney Bladder & Prostate Research is unique in the UK in funding research on disorders that affect any part of the urinary tract -from the kidney to the bladder to the urethra. The Trust, established in 1970, took its name from St. Peter’s Hospital in central London, which was founded in the 19th century for the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract disease. The St. Peter’s Hospital Group and its research and teaching base - the Institute of Urology & Nephrology - are now incorporated into UCL Medical School and its associated hospitals.    From 2nd April 2012, St Peter's Trust is under the umbrella of the Royal Free Charity (Fund 543), Charity Number 1060924.

BEAT PARKINSONS (UK, 1153678) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

BQL FOUNDATION (UK, 1194488) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Training And Research Global Education Trust (UK, 1109621) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

TARGET's motto is to empower individual young people, specially girls, through education and training,  to generate self confidence  and to prepare them for financial independence. TARGET supports disadvantaged and underprevileged pupils to enable them to take their place with dignity. TARGET is currently sponsoring fifty of these girls in a long established famous private school in Kolkata.  TARGET also supports 6 village centres for disabled children. TARGET established and fully supports a pre-schooling facility for 50 slum children each year to initiate them into school life. TARGET established and continues to support a computer centre in an eminent Primary School, where computer techniques and processing is introduced to classes 2 to 4 for about 450 pupils. Please join TARGET now and sponsor a child.   Visit our website:     Below is the link to short excerpts of the Annual Concert 2011: Colour Costume Music and Action - "JOY" - sponsored by TARGET. Students from village centres & the Special Child Development Center of  REACH in Kolkata, together with ALO (underprivileged children from the nearby communities between ages 3-5) & challenged adults from a Day Care Centre put up a truly pectacular evening show.    Village School students