Neighbourhood help to the elderly or disabled using volunteers for one off tasks such as emergency shopping, gardening,escorts plus befriending links for the isolated elderly.
EMMS Nazareth works in Nazareth, providing primary health care, education, social enterprise and Christian service. It seeks to address the challenges of the region through integration, cooperation and delivery of key services with the love and compassion taught by Jesus.
The Samaritans are trained to listen to anyone who needs to talk about a crisis or personal difficulty, in confidence. You can visit the North West Surrey Samaritans between 9.30am and 9pm to see someone in person. No appointment is needed, however, if the phones are busy they may not able to answer the door straight away. There is parking directly outside.
Sutton Carers Centre (SCC) supports people who care for family members or friends unpaid. This could mean supporting a disabled child, a husband with dementia, or a sister with mental health problems; a young carer could be looking after a parent with MS or a sibling with autism. SCC provides advice, information, support, therapies and breaks, so that carers can stay well and supported too.
It is our aim to raise funds to assist in the treatment and care of teenagers and young people under the age of 24, within Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly, primarily for those undergoing and having had cancer and leukaemia treatment.
WAVE Trauma Centre is a grass roots, cross community charity offering care and support to people bereaved, injured or traumatised as a result of 'The Troubles' in Northern Ireland; irrespective of religious, cultural or political beliefs. Please browse our website at
Hope Housing (Bradford) aims to reduce homelessness in such ways as may be thought fit within the context of Christian values and practice, based on the biblical mandate to love our neighbour as ourselves.
Founded in 2011, ROK (Reach Out 2 Kids) is a small flagship charity, whose members are made up of black and minority ethnic professionals. We work and have specific expertise, in the area of diversity, inclusion and social mobility, providing a link and reference point between education and employment.
Wigan Warriors Community Foundation enables young people and adults from across Wigan and the North West to engage in physical activites that will positively impact upon their lives.
This charity is in honour of our daughter Sadie, she died of an Anaphylactic Shock in 2018 and was the UK’s No1 in Tennis for 9U. Our mission is to promote young people’s tennis, enhancing their wellbeing and to inform the public about the dangers allergies impose. “Don’t be afraid to be Great”
We are a registered charity providing Dramatherapy services across London, working with some of the most disadvantaged people in the community, aged 3 to 100. Since 1985, we have provided access to ways of communicating and expressing thoughts and feelings that lead to real change to people's lives.
The charity will provide funds to help with mental health and depression, help with learning support organisations and research into dyslexia and other related learning difficulties. It will also provide support for the arts.
Working to improve the diagnosis, treatment and quality of life for all those affected by heart rhythm disorders.
The University of Leicester is the most inclusive of Britain's top-20 leading universities with the greatest proportions of students from under-represented groups. Our commitment to an inclusive and accessible culture opens the doors to the very best, no matter their background.
Sports Connections Foundation is the charity that uses sport to help and inspire children
Co-operation Ireland is a peace-building charity working to advance mutual understanding and respect between the people of Northern Ireland and of the Republic of Ireland to build a shared and peaceful future. It gives people the opportunity to meet and share experiences and opinions with those of a different religion or tradition.
'Thank you for your generosity, on behalf of all our residents, staff and Trustees. Your fundraising efforts are making a real and lasting difference to the lives of people with learning disabilities.' Jill Scott, Founder and Trustee
Loving Humanity provides, at cost, ready-to-ship micro-factories that produce washable and disposable sanitary products to those in need. By providing sanitary products we are restoring personal dignity where it’s been lost—in war zones, refugee camps and slums. Our factories are staffed by refugee or vulnerable local women who, through their work, find or rediscover their self-worth. Menstruation and incontinence are not a choice. Every man, woman and child deserves personal comfort and dignity, even in the direst of circumstances. Our wider vision also is that girls everywhere should be free to attend school unhindered by a lack of a ‘period pad’. Ways to help: - become part of the 'Heart of Loving Humanity' by committing to a personal monthly donation of £5 or more - tell others about Loving Humanity - encourage your employer or company to sponsor a factory on behalf of its staff
We work with young people (11-19) with difficulties in their lives that stop them achieving all they can. We run a growing range of educational and support projects to help young people re-engage with education or training, learn vital life skills, and find employment. No matter what's happened in the past, or however tough the present, we believe that with the right help each young person can see and achieve a bright future for themselves and their communities. Please make a donation today to support our vital work, and help us to help disadvantaged and disengaged young people to build brighter futures. Thank you!