Browsing Charities
48526 - 48550 of 50.7K results

Macclesfield Athletics Development Fund (UK, 1041755) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

MADF aims to improve athletics facilities in Macclesfield by supporting provision of an indoor athletics area to complement the outdoor athletics track. MADF further supports athletics development by organising athletics coaching clinics open to all ages and abilities.

St. Peter's Church, South Croydon (UK, 1136488) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

St Peter's, with St Augustine's Church, is part of the South Croydon Benefice in the Church of England. The two congregations are raising funds on their 'Roof4Shurugwi' project to support a poor parish in Central Zimbabwe. Currently all donations made through this account support that project.

NEWCASTLE DOG AND CAT SHELTER (UK, 1201840) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Foundation (UK, 760566689) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

St Mary's Church, Caterham (UK, 1134342) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

St Mary's offers a wide range of activities and organisations, including Parent & Toddler Group, Junior Church, Youth Groups, Uniformed Organisations, a traditional Choir, 'Free Spirit' Music Group, Bellringers and occasional Alpha Groups.

Advocacy Partners (UK, 802342) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Advocacy Partners enables people with learning disabilities, older people and people with mental health needs or physical impairments to have rights that are respected, voices that are heard and real control over life decisions. We support people to be treated fairly and to participate fully in community life.

Loldia School Fund (UK, 1089816) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Loldia School Fund is dedicated to the support of Loldia Primary School, Lake Naivasha, Kenya. The school has 1,600 children aged 4-16 and few resources of its own. Loldia School Fund helps provide buildings, support teachers, provide teaching equipment and scholarships to secondary school.

BREATHE EASY DARLINGTON (UK, 1204360) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Home-Start Calderdale (UK, 1112185) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Home-Start Calderdale offers a unique service. It recruits and train volunteers who are usually parents themselves to visit families with at least one child under five, at home, and offer them informal, friendly and confidential support.

1st Cathays Al-Huda Scout Group (UK, 1st Cathays Al-Huda Scout Group) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Scout Group

Salter Statues Campaign (UK, 1148242) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are a group of local residents that want to celebrate the lives of Alfred and Ada Salter.They contributed so much to our city and in particular to the Bermondsey area. To the great distress of many local residents and visitors to the area, the famous statue of Alfred Salter, ‘Dr Salter’s Daydream’, was stolen from outside the Angel pub, Bermondsey Wall East, SE16 4NB, in November 2011. This was one of a spate of thefts of works of art stolen for their scrap metal value. A reward of 1,000 was offered for its return, but sadly to no avail. We aim to raise £100,000 to replace the statues of Alfred and Joyce, the former stolen by metal thieves, to add Ada Salter - a heroine in her own right - and to ensure the future security of the statues. Find out more about the Salters and our campaign at To donate please go straight to our fundraising page: Thanks for your support, Catherine, Gary, Amanda, Imran, Sheila and Graham - the Salter Statues Campaign Trustees

The Devonshire and Dorset Regimental Association Charity (UK, 1054963) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Devon and Dorset Regimental Association charity was setup to facilitate and maintain contact between all ranks of the Regiment, fostering mutual friendship between members and providing social gatherings for them. The association preserves the traditions and heritage of the Devonshire and Dorset Regiment, whilst fostering Esprit De Corps, comradeship combined with welfare support to it’s members. The Devonshire and Dorset Regiment was formally disbanded on 1st February 2007. No longer funded by the Army the associations remit is to continue to support those who served within it’s ranks for this country. As our comrades grow older the association is determined to support the old and bold but need your support to do this, we ask that you give generously for our veterans.  

WORLINGHAM PRE-SCHOOL (UK, 1027941) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

The Bear Church (UK, 1050844) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Bear is a community church. It runs parent and toddler groups, gives meals and assistance to homeless.


YTD Raised: n/a

Inclusively Taekwondo (UK, 1160621) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The main aim of Inclusively Taekwondo is to support children and adults with additional needs enabling them to have equal access to taekwondo at Wirral & Chester Taekwondo Academy. The Academy is an established, family orientated taekwondo centre in Bromborough, Wirral. Students with additional needs are given tailored, individual support enabling them to train, progress and compete as independently as possible within their individual capabilities. The support offered is tailored to individual needs and includes: 1. Basic skills. These classes are offered to complete beginners and to those already attending Academy classes who are struggling with the taekwondo basics. 2. One to one lessons. Some may not have the confidence to attend the six week course or Academy classes and may benefit from one to one sessions to learn the basics. 3. Supported sessions in Academy classes An Inclusively Taekwondo Instructor supports students with additional needs within Academy classes. The concept of the charity began with a young boy called Ryan who has a social communication disorder. This is what his mum has to say: Before finding this club, my son Ryan had always been unable to participate in any clubs (despite my best efforts) due to his social disorders and worrying low confidence. However, since receiving help from the club, Ryan has come on in leaps and bounds, not only physically but socially and emotionally also. From not being able to leave my side and train on the mats...... (with tireless efforts and encouragement from the instructors) he has now completed six gradings and is looking forward to competing in a competition next year! 18 months ago I could have never dreamed of this. I really can't recommend them enough and I am thrilled that this support could now be extended for other children to benefit from, as I know first-hand what a huge and positive impact it can have on their lives! From Angela Donegan (a very proud 'Inclusively TaeKwon Do parent!)

4th Fulwood Guides (UK, 4th Fulwood Guides - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Hakuna Matata (UK, 1135589) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The mission of Hakuna Matata is to develop longterm financial support for the activities of the project 'Help a Village' founded by Fausta Pina and Father Tarcisio Moreschi in the villages of the parish of Mtwango in the region of Iringa in central Tanzania.

Kingmoor Park Charitable Trust (UK, 1102594) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Gorta UK (UK, SC036100) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Gorta’s mission is to work for a world free from the injustices of chronic hunger, poverty and disease, having special regard for the plight of children and the empowerment of women. Gorta establishes partnerships with local communities to ensure that their needs are met in a holistic and sustainable way.

You and Me Counselling (UK, 1146266) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

You and Me Counselling advocates for young people aged 10-25 and their families who have experienced various types of abuse and may have disadvantage backgrounds. We provide practical rehabilitation for young offenders being released from prison and support their reintegration into the community.

Hampshire Riding Therapy Centre (UK, 1062253) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

It's philosophy is to help children with life long conditions; physical and psychological needs. It instills confidence, self-worth, independence and responsibility. It does this by encouraging the child to be responsible for the welfare and care of a horse, and ultimately relating the importance of this to themselves.

St. Leonard's Church (UK, St. Leonard's Church - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

For 700 years the church has been at the centre of the village in times of joy and sorrow. Today its members are an integral part of every aspect of village life. Its worship, brings people together to share their faith. However, the cost of maintaining the building and ministry is high.

Devizes And District Opportunity Centre (UK, 1011774) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Specialist Early Years Centre for young children with complex disabilities and learning difficulties Our principle aims are to provide specifically targeted Early Years Education and therapeutic care, according to each child's individual needs together with, vital ongoing emotional support, guidance, information and practical help for their parents, who constantly face increased levels of stress and anxiety. Why the community needs this charity We provide vital ongoing individually targetted developmental support for children with a variety of disabilities, difficulties and complex life threatening conditions, through a wide range of early years learning activities, therapeutic care, specialist intervention strategies, fun and social experience We also provide emotional support, guidance and information for their parents enabling them to help their child at home and better cope with the extreme levels of anxiety they face. Results and outcomes Working together with Health and Education professionals we provide an effective Team Around the Child, offering a comprehensive package of specialist support in order to promote the overall development of each child and thereby extend their potential and maximise their life chances.