Browsing Charities
4651 - 4675 of 54.4K results

Colchester Youth Enquiry Service - y.e.s. (UK, 1058420) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,965.98

Colchester y.e.s. supports young people between the ages of 11-25. It provides a range of services including debt management, homelessness, housing and welfare benefits information and support, benefits reviews,teenage pregnancy and young parent support work.

Scottish Wildlife Trust (UK, SC005792) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,965.06

Formed in 1964, the Scottish Wildlife Trust is a charity with the objective to “advance the conservation of Scotland’s biodiversity for the benefit of present and future generations.”

T.E.A.MS (UK, 1196693) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,965.00

Epsom & Ewell Foodbank (UK, 1002721) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,964.95

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: 1002721 Find out more Facebook Twitter


YTD Raised: £3,961.93

Nightingales Childrens' Project (UK, 1047698) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,961.55

1) The relief of poverty, sickness and distress and to advance education and integration amongst children and young people in Cernavoda and the surrounding areas; 2) The relief of poverty, sickness and distress amongst the disadvantaged families in Cernavoda and the surrounding areas by the provision of support and resources.

Remember My Baby (UK, 1159657) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,960.98

Remember My Baby’ (RMB) is a UK registered charity that offer's remembrance photography free of charge to parents experiencing the loss of their baby before, during or shortly after birth.

The British Charitable Fund, Paris (UK, 243880) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,960.61

We help British citizens resident in France, who are experiencing financial hardship or distress. Through a wide range of discretionary grants, we can provide continuing support for the elderly and give prompt, temporary assistance to younger people and families to overcome short-term difficulties.

ENABLE Glasgow Branch (UK, SC021077) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,960.30

ENABLE Glasgow is a membership organisation which works with people with learning disabilities and their carers in Glasgow in order to ensure that they get the most from life. We run a range of services including supported living, training for work, social activities, advice, and information.

Love Russia (UK, 1092154) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,957.90

Love Russia is a charity that works to help the needy in Russia. We work with orphaned and abandoned children living in orphanages or foster families, the disabled and the elderly. We help to provide food, clothing and shelter as well as education; giving the vulnerable hope for their future.

TheSchoolBus Foundation (UK, 1157548) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,957.00

The purpose of the School Bus Foundation is to further the advancement of education in England by providing disadvantaged children and young people in mainstream education with opportunities that can make a positive difference to their lives.

Kidney Cancer Scotland (UK, SC043642) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,956.07

Kidney Cancer Scotland aims at increasing awareness of kidney cancer among health professionals and the general public. It supports patients and their families through the provision of information and research into the causes, prevention and treatment of the disease.

Jigsaw4u Limited (UK, Jigsaw4u Limited - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,956.00

CHIPS Peace (UK, 1174527) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,953.52

We are Christian peacemakers who live in communities which have experienced violent conflict, empowering and equipping them to make peace. We go where we are invited, live at the heart of conflict, stay for the long term and take sides - both sides

The Samaritans of Tyneside (UK, 242810) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,952.90

Samaritans' vision is that fewer people die by suicide. We work to achieve this by being available 24 hours a day to provide emotional support to people experiencing feelings of emotional distress including those which may lead to suicide. We reach out to high risk groups to reduce the risk of suicide, work in partnership with other organisations, and seek to influence public policy and raise public awareness

Fund for Dhital School (UK, 1124599) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,951.68

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: 1124599

FACE-FAW the school charity of Ampleforth College (UK, 1063808FF) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,949.36

Many of our students have reserves of empathy and compassion: when they see the suffering that exists in the world, they may be moved to help. Sometimes it is hard to know where to start. FACE-FAW is the students' charity, and operates under the auspices of the St Laurence Education Trust, the registered charity of Ampleforth College. It provides the students with an opportunity to do something in response. FACE-FAW stands for “Friendship and Aid, Central and Eastern Europe, Friendship and Aid, the World.” It is the name of students' charity, which I suppose for many, sounds strangely convoluted but as Fr Francis eloquently put it, this name expresses “accurately and beautifully what it is - the word “Friendship” expresses the Motivation, the word “Aid” the Response, the Action.” He also sensed, I think, that FACE-FAW was an implicit invitation to be open to others from all corners of the globe. We fundraise and then re-distribute all money to charities specifically selected by our students. We support a wide range of worthy causes and our hope is that this allows our students to engage with the Christian works of mercy: to feed the hungry; to give water to the thirsty; to clothe the naked; to shelter the homeless; to visit the sick and the imprisoned.

Lattitude Global Volunteering (UK, 272761) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,945.00

Lattitude Global Volunteering is a youth development charity that provides overseas volunteering opportunities for 17-25 year olds. Our aim is help develop the life-skills and opportunities for young people worldwide and to increase their awareness of global issues.

Christian Blandford Fund (UK, XT22155) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,943.00

The aim of the Christian Blandford fund is to raise money for hospitals where sick children are treated. Often treatment is given under a "joint care" program where a specialist hospital such as Great Ormond Street or The Royal Marsden provides the main treatment and the local hospital is used if, for example, a child gets an infection. The specialist hospitals are usually far more comfortable and well equipped than the local NHS hospitals mainly due to extra funds from government and charity. We have chosen to raise money for local hospitals as we discovered during Christians treatment that they needed it more. So far, the majority of the money raised has gone to St Georges Hospital in Tooting. Here are some of the differences we have been reponsible for - • The Child Development Centre opened its doors following a £550k refurbishment in June 2009, having received a £100k contribution from the Christian Blandford Fund. The CDC provides services for children with developmental difficulties over a broad spectrum of disciplines • All patient rooms on Pinkney now have wall mounted flat screen TVs and DVD players • A large flat screen tv has been installed in the parents’ room • A number of hand held computer games, games consoles and games have been purchased for use by Pinckney patients • New sofa beds have been ordered for parental use • Magnetic white boards and laminated posters will be provided to allow children to customise their rooms with their own familiar decor • A portable ultrasound machine has been purchased to allow patients to be scanned on the ward at a cost of £23k, saving unnecessary trips to other departments and allowing canulars to be inserted much more easily. This is usually a very stressful procedure for the child, parent and doctor! • Magazines for the dayroom are now delivered monthly to ensure a constant supply of fresh reading matter for quiet times • An Information Pack is being produced to offer new parents and patients on the wards easy access to all they need to know • A new selection of bravery stickers and awards are now available for all our small soldiers!

DKMS (UK, 01150056) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,943.00

ANVIL TRUST (UK, 1010354) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,943.00

Rotary Club Of Congleton - Trust Fund (UK, 1020403) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,942.75

Service above Self

Night Before Christmas Campaign (UK, SC047995) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,942.33

In November 2015, a 12 year old girl from Annbank asked her mum if every child got a Night Before Christmas Box like her. Her mum, Jodie McFarlane, explained “not every child is as lucky as she is, some children don’t get anything at Christmas time”. She was saddened by this and asked her mum to help her to make boxes for children in their local area so they could feel the same magic at Christmas that she does, Jodie and her mum, Isabella Mcfarlane started a small campaign. They collected and distributed 90 boxes with only weeks to spare before Christmas. In 2016, Jodie and Isabella continued their night before Christmas campaign and made it their mission to spread the Christmas spirit beyond Annbank and Ayrshire. Jodie’s friend Gail Fisher and her daughter Taylor Fisher joined the team to lead collections and distributions in Renfrewshire and Glasgow. We were overwhelmed by the amount of support we got from the individuals and organisations, who helped us smash our target of 250 boxes, we distributed 593 boxes. On a cold November morning, we spent hours in Glasgow giving out food, hats, gloves and hot drink vouchers (all of which were donated) to the homeless. It really opened our eyes and we were shocked to see how many people are currently sleeping rough on Glasgow's streets. At this point we decided we had to do as much as we could to help and we started collecting backpacks for the homeless and took the decision to register as a charity to take forward our mission.

Umeed Welfare trust (UK, 1106147) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,942.16

Serving Humanity

The Dermatitis and Allied Diseases Research Trust (UK, 1016315) Browse events

YTD Raised: £3,941.85

The Dermatitis and Allied Diseases Research Trust (also known as Dermatrust) supports the advancement of research and treatment of benign and malignant diseases of the skin, and the development of new medicines and equipment for the relief of persons suffering from such diseases.