Browsing Charities
45601 - 45625 of 50.7K results

World Charity Organisation (UK, 1151314) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Horsham PCC (UK, 1132246) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Our purpose is to to serve the work of God’s Kingdom in our Parish and beyond.

Rigul Trust (UK, 1124076) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Funding education & healthcare projects in Tibet and elsewhere. 100% of funds received go to help these projects, with nothing taken out for admin or advertising.

Seventy4 Foundation (UK, 270137) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Seventy4 Foundation is a London charity that offers support to people suffering from addiction problems, including drugs, alcohol, gambling and eating disorders. Since 1974, Seventy4 has helped thousands of people to overcome their struggle with addiction and live more fulfilled lives.

Horsham Matters (UK, Horsham Matters - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Mosaic II (UK, 1155213) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Mosaic II offers support to families whose lives have been affected by sexual abuse by offering counselling, complementary therapies and physical well being sessions.

Halcyon London International School (UK, 1150105) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Halcyon London International School is the only not-for-profit, co-educational, exclusively International Baccalaureate (IB) school in central London. Halcyon’s mission is “to educe” - to draw out and nurture the unique potential in each child. We do this by providing a student-centred learning environment that focuses on student wellbeing, digital integration and by developing, life-ready, responsible, global citizens. Your donation makes a difference. Whether you are able to donate £10, £1,000 or more, once or monthly, your gift will support a variety of projects and areas, including Halcyon Bursary Programme, broadening access for students; improving our digital offerings; enhancing creative arts and sports provision, capital fund to support the renovation of our facilities.As an independent school in the UK, Halcyon receives no Government funding. To be a part of developing Halcyon’s unique vision we invite you to support the school through donations. By giving, you become a partner in innovative, student-centred education, today and for generations to come. Charity No: 1150105 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter

Music'all (UK, 1141138) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Music'all is a music school run as a charity with the objective of providing high quality, affordable music tuition within the community.

The Imbaseni Trust (UK, SC028456) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Imbaseni Trust is a small charity to assist Tanzanians who have a concern to improve the life of their fellow citizens. All projects are local initiatives aimed at self-sustainability. Current projects: Nuru Centre for disabled adults, street children work,& Youth Information Centre in Zanzibar.

High Carntyne Parish Church (UK, SC006729) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Sadguru Kabir Seva Samaj (UK, 1090142) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Sadguru Kabir Seva Samaj is a grant giving charity that works in partnership with NGOs in India for the relief of poverty, suffering and sickness. The charity raises funds to provide primarily to improve education and health care in the Jamangar District of India. This area of Gujrat is mainly draught striken.

The James Naylor Memorial Trust Fund (UK, 1132424) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The aim of the charity is to raise funds for UK organisations committed to the prevention of young suicide and the promotion of mental health and wellbeing of the young

Education Fund for Luweero Orphans (UK, 313) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

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YTD Raised: n/a

Leeds Advocacy (UK, 1000375) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Leeds Advocacy is a voluntary, not-for-profit organisation set up to provide advocacy services for adults with a learning disability in the Leeds metropolitan area. Leeds Advocacy's purpose is to speak out for people with learning disabilities and help them to speak up for themselves.

Silver Pearl Trust (UK, 1120230) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Silver Pearl Trust is a non-profit organisation which has been set up to provide natural complimentary therapies, holistic care and specialist advice for those affected by cancer. Our services aim to complement the treatments that people are already receiving and any other issues they have at any stage.

RAINBOW EARLY YEARS (UK, 1016250) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

St Abbs Lifeboat (UK, ST01567) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We're working to setup a new lifeboat station at St Abbs. We want to have a new lifeboat based back in St Abbs as soon as possible. To ensure that the fishermen, divers, anglers, walkers, surfers, kayakers, sailors, birdwatchers have the best chance in the event of an accident.

Primrose Foundation (UK, 205861380) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Telferscot Parent Staff Association (UK, 1085252) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Telferscot PSA is a registered charity working in partnership with Telferscot Primary School in Balham, London. The Parent Staff Association (PSA) aims to provide financial support to the school to support the children's learning and playing environments and experiences.  We try to make sure that every child, regardless of their financial circumstances, gets to enjoy the diverse learning experiences that our school has to offer.  From Bikes for Juniors, where children can learn to ride a bicycle at school, to spending a day-long history lesson dressed as Victorian school children at the Ragged School Museum. In addition to funding plays, trips, excursions and sports equipment, in the past few years we have also focused on funding a 'Forest Schools' outdoor classroom and a dedicated sports coach for the school. Our key objective this year is to provide funding for the school to buy and install new playgound equipment following recent building works and the future school expansion. Your donations help us to continue our work. Thank you!

University of Chichester (UK, University of Chichester - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We aim to be a socially responsible university that is recognised internationally, significant nationally, important regionally and vital locally – not only in teaching and student experience, but also in research and in its diverse communities and the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Young Cumbria (UK, 1096253) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Our Vision is to create positive and lasting change in the lives of young people in Cumbria and particularly to make a significant difference in outcomes for those young people most disadvantaged, we do this in partnership with local communities and the wider voluntary sector network.

St Sebastian's PTA (UK, 1091106) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


Sustain (UK, 1018643) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00


The Said Foundation (UK, 1125521) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

KRSF brings positive and lasting change to the lives of children and young people in the Middle East. The Foundation supports the further education of talented young people, partners with local children's organisations working in disability, health, education and risk reduction and promotes an improved understanding of Arab culture.