Browsing Charities
4526 - 4550 of 54.4K results

Money For Madagascar (UK, Money For Madagascar - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,084.00

LAPResearchUK (UK, 1130523) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,082.20

LAPResearchUK funds research into any disease of the Liver, Pancreas and Biliary tree. It promotes education of these diseases and research for both the medical community and general public.

Fullarton Parish Church (UK, SC008725) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,080.87


Guy's And St Thomas' Kidney Patients' Association (UK, 1165881) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,078.00

The principle objects are to promote the welfare of and facilities for patients of Guy's & St.Thomas's Hospital and their satellite units who are suffering from kidney disease or renal failure, to work co-operatively with the Primary Care Trusts and the Hospital Trust, staff and other charities to secure the best outcome for all people with kidney disease and to provide funds to support the Renal Research team at Guy's Hospital.

Design Museum (UK, 800630) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,076.36

The Design Museum is the leading museum devoted to contemporary architecture and design in the UK. Through its engaging exhibitions, learning programme and events, the museum aims to inspire everyone to understand the value of design and the vital contribution it makes to society and the economy.

The Dear Toby Trust (UK, 1187575) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,076.28

The Dear Toby Trust is a charity dedicated to helping children with rare cancers by funding research into new treatment.

QUIDSMART (UK, 1194744) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,076.20

The Quidsmart vision is to make sure every student leaves school financially literate and to inspire people to create change in the community

Renewed Hope Trust (UK, 1161502) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,075.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. The Renewed Hope Trust exists to show our deep concern for the homeless and disadvantaged in the Redhill area through the running a year-round Drop-In and Winter Night Shelter. We completely rely on the generosity of our volunteers and supporters for the running of the charity. This enables to provide food and support at our daytime Drop-In sessions in our town centre location in Redhill.In an atmosphere of unconditional love and compassion we seek to offer acceptance and respect to all. This includes practical support such as food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, assistance finding employment and training as well as building relationships, listening and caring. Charity No: 1161502 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter

Unique (UK, Unique - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,072.36

WALL REBUILDERS (UK, 1134336) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,072.00

The Parish of Ludlow Saint Laurence (UK, 1132703) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,071.00

St Laurence's Church is a worshipping community, maintaining a tradition of public worship stretching back more than 800 years. In 1999 St Laurence's was one of only 18 churches given a FIVE STAR rating by Simon Jenkins in England's Thousand Best Churches.

Time to Talk West Berkshire (UK, 1155235) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,068.72

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Time to Talk West Berkshire is a free, confidential counselling service for young people between the age of 11 and 25, who live, work or are educated in West Berkshire.

Rafiki Thabo Foundation (UK, 1193124) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,066.58

We support education projects in Kenya, Uganda and Lesotho. We give grants to promising students whose families can't pay their fees so they can continue their education. We also provide a meal every day for 70 of the poorest students at a school in Uganda. We support school development projects.

Team Jak Foundation (UK, Team Jak Foundation - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,065.00

Oxygen - Kingston Borough Youth For Christ (UK, 1086608) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,065.00

Oxygen aims to encourage young people of all socio economic, ethnic and religious backgrounds to grow in their identity, encouraging them to understand themselves and the world. This we do through the values of serving, building relationships and relying on God.

The Rotary Club of Monmouth (UK, 515576) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,065.00

Thank you for visiting us at My Donate. Monmouth Rotary Club is affiliated to the "Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland" organisation. The Rotary Club of Monmouth raises money for local, national and international causes.

Friends of Winchelsea School (UK, 291713) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,063.80

Created via charity sign up service.

The Wallich (UK, 1004103) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,063.49

Established in 1978, The Wallich is a homelessness charity dedicated to helping the most excluded people in our society; vulnerable people with multiple and complex needs who often cannot access any other accommodation or support services. We work together with other agencies and government to deliver innovative solutions to homelessness that are as diverse as the people we help. We help people to find the accommodation and support, which will enable them to live safer, happier and more independent lives. We support over 1000 people a day, employ some 200 people and operate more than 50 projects across 15 Local Authorities in Wales. For those people who are forced to sleep rough, our Rough Sleepers Intervention Teams will provide a hot breakfast and help to get off the streets. If poor mental health or drink and/or drug use is ruining a person’s life, one of our specialist supported accommodation projects will help them find stability. If someone is in danger of losing their home due to family breakdown, debt or health problems, our Tenancy Support Services will try to prevent them from becoming homeless. If renting a home is impossible due to lack of a deposit, our Bond Board Schemes will provide people who need help with a bond and secure them a place to live away from expensive and unstable temporary accommodation. The Wallich has succesfully housed many who have been street homeless, helped those with severe social problems and supported many people in rebuilding their lives after experiencing homelessness.  

Essex Dementia Care (UK, 1129038) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,061.24

  ESSEX DEMENTIA CARE Essex Dementia Care recognises the importance of meaningful occupations and companionship for well being and health. By specialising in this very practical care approach we aim to maintain a quality of life for the individual and support the family carers.   We also recognise that people with dementia have a fragile sense of self-worth, and need to be treated with courtesy, however advanced their dementia is.     When a person with dementia finds that their mental abilities are declining, they often feel vulnerable and in need of reassurance and support.  The people closest to them – including their carers, health and social care professionals, friends and family – need to do everything they can to help the person to retain their sense of identity and feelings of self-worth.   The experience of dementia is unique for each person and their family. Essex Dementia Care strives to provide an active and stimulating environment tailored to the special needs of the person with dementia.   Our aim is –   ·      To offer simple choices wherever possible by informing and consulting the person concern about matters that concern them, giving them every opportunity to make their own choices. ·      Give plenty of encouragement, letting them do things at their own pace and in their own way. ·      Do things with the person, rather than for them, and helping them retain their independence. ·      Try not to correct what the person says; the accuracy of the information is not as important as what the person is trying to express. ·      Understanding the importance that people with dementia are treated with respect; remembering that the person with dementia is still a unique and valuable human being despite their illness. ·       Supporting other carers in helping them to see the person       they’re caring for is a person and not simply “someone with dementia”.      Dementia is nothing to be ashamed of.  It is no one’s fault.   If your life, or the life of your love one is touched by dementia we are here to help.    See our web site for more details of how your donations will help give quality

Friends of St Peter's Junior School Ruddington (UK, 1170095) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,060.00

We organise fundraising events to benefit the children of St Peter's Junior School, Ruddington. FOS is a registered charity set up to support the school socially, culturally and financially. We organise fundraising events and help recruit volunteers for school activities and events.

TreeSisters (UK, TreeSisters - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,060.00

The SUDC Foundation (UK, 465008779) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,060.00

A registered charity in the U.S., The SUDC Foundation is the only one of its kind, dedicated solely to supporting families and professionals worldwide who have been affected by the sudden and unexpected death of a child, through increased awareness, funding research, and advocating for their needs.

Human Care Syria (UK, 1145092) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,057.43

Human Care Syria's purpose is to reduce the humanitarian suffering and contribute to sustainable development for an all inclusive and harmonious society in Syria.

The Nayamba Trust (UK, 1165845) Browse events

YTD Raised: £4,056.95

We are a small UK charity who ensure 100% of all our donations go directly to support Nayamba School, in Zambia. We also visit the school at least annually to see the difference our financial support is having, to identify future needs and to support practically with teacher training etc. This school provides education to 300 children who had never been able to have an education as other government schools are too far away and too expensive. We help the school by raising money for essential resources, cover the cost of teacher salaries and also contribute to capital building projects. For more information go to