Cahonas Scotland exist to increase the availability of and facilitate access to information and support services geared to the needs of men experiencing cancer and life limiting disease. To advance education of the public in matters relating to male cancers and to undertake where necessary the prevention of discrimination and stigma arising from diagnosis and the cancer experience.
YCH Charity Fund has been created to formalise the fundraising by the staff at Yorkshire Coast Homes. We aim to raise money to support and improve the lives of the people in our community.
We are raising funds for a new building for an amazing preschool whose care has been rated outstanding by Ofsted two consecutive inspections, but whose building is at the end of its serviceable life - Please help us rehouse this amazing service at the heart of our community!Since Sept 2016 we have raised £156,000. Our target is £300,000 We have served our village for nearly 50 years - generations of villagers have come here, but the building was a temporary war time canteen never intended for full-time use, and it is now too costly to maintain, not big enough for demand and not accessible enough for modern requirements. Most fundraising will be done through grant applications, but we are more likely to secure funding if we can prove how important we are to the wider community - so please make a donation, every little helps - the more people who show their support, the more likely the funding bodies are to back us! Charity No: 1016990 Find out more Website
Created via charity sign up service.
The Hargreaves Lansdown Charitable Foundation seeks to support a number of staff selected charities that fall under one or more of the following four pillars: The Next Generation Community Improving Lives Well being
We are UK's first charity organisation training Assistance Dogs for British ex-servicemen and women with service-related mental health conditions. Veterans are training in partnership with dogs, strengthening their bond and understanding, leading to greater independence, improved self-esteem and increased quality of life." "Helping Lead Independant Lives"
We aim to ensure the safety, improve the quality of life and reduce repeat victimisation of adults and children fleeing from or living with domestic abuse, by providing a comprehensive service of support. This involves offering advice and information, safe refuge accommodation, community based floating support, a 24 hour support line, counselling, legal services, education and training (in life skills such as literacy, numeracy, language, hobbies and employability) and specialist support (for clients with additional substance misuse or mental health problems).
Death and bereavement bring many changes which are often difficult and painful. Some people find it helpful to talk to a volunteer who is trained to support you and help you talk about all that has happened. We have supported the bereaved since 1982. All our services are free and confidential and are offered to people who live in Tower Hamlets or whose families are or have been patients of any of the hospitals within Barts and the London NHS Trust. We offer different kinds of bereavement support: Bereavement Counselling which includes Counselling for Couples after the death of a child. We also provide a Bereavement Befriending Service and a Muslim Visiting Service.
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh (May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you). Welcome to Masjid Alhikmah, a new family friendly Masjid and Community Centre being built here in Aberdeen to serve the community.
Bromley Y is a long established local agency offering free, confidential counselling to young people between the ages of 11-23 within the borough of Bromley.
Piggles Trust is committed to providing pre-schooleducation to children and their siblings, within the hospital environment. Creating a ‘normal’ environment within the most ‘abnormal’ of situations is the hardest challenge any children’s department within a hospital is faced with. Whilst addressing the clinical needs of the most unwell children, it is no less important to consider the overall emotional, developmental and mental wellbeing of the child and their family. The complete upheaval, change of environment away from ‘normal’ family life, coupled with the fear of uncertainty all play a huge role in this hugely distressing time for both the child and, just as importantly, their family. Piggles Trust aims to bridge some of these gaps by creating more of a ‘home from home’ experience, specifically through education. Charity No: 1171147
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) is a UK wide charity which provides information and support to families and professionals caring for individuals with severe learning disabilities, who are described as having challenging behaviour.The CBF was founded twelve years ago by a parent carer Vivien Cooper: "When our son Daniel was diagnosed with Cri du Chat Syndrome, the only information given was a single sheet of paper. This wasn't much help when Daniel was pulling the curtains down, ripping his mattress open and eating the stuffing, or banging his head. With specialist help, children like Daniel can learn ways to communicate that mean they don't need to resort to challenging behaviour. Frustrated that this specialist understanding had not reached us sooner when we needed it, I set up the foundation in order to provide information and support to other families caring for individuals with severe learning disabilities"The CBF provides a range of resources on issues surrounding challenging behaviour and actively campaigns at national policy level. Resources are free to parent carers."Our aim is for children and adults with severe learning disabilities, who are described as having challenging behaviour, having the same life opportunities as everyone else, including home life, education, employment and leisure" 01634 838739
Chase Terrace Technology College, part of the Stephen Sutton Multi Academy Trust, is an 11-18 school of 1400 students in Burntwood, Staffordshire. We are a forward thinking school with high expectations for all of our students. We prioritise teaching and learning and the majority of our funding is invested in the curriculum. The costs associated with maintaining our school environment are becoming increasingly challenging with changes to school funding. We would like to raise £100,000 to continue to improve our school and the provision for our students by funding the following projects:- * £50,000 to upgrade the lift in our main school building for Daniel Ball, one of our year 8 students who has a rare genetic condition and requires the use of an electric wheelchair to move around school. * £15,000 to extend our Accelerated Reading programme for all year 8 and 9 students, to increase the range of texts available and upgrade the technology in our library which is used as part of the accelerated reader programme. * £35,000 to renovate Lees Hall, our main school hall and theatre which is looking very tired. We would love to replace the carpets, curtains, upgrade the technology and install air conditioning.
We raise awareness of mental health through education and providing support for those experiencing or affected by mental ill health and suicide. We offer a safe and welcoming atmosphere where anyone can find tailored advice on mental health, free relaxation therapy and free counselling.
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital is one of the UK's leading specialist hospitals for cardiothoracic care. Without your help, our Appeal could not support our Patient & Family Centred Care Programme, purchase vital equipment and fund innovative research for patients with heart and lung disease.
Ski4All Wales provides equipment and access to facilities to enable disabled people to Ski. We aim to promote self-confidence and a sense of achievement by making the exciting sport of skiing open to all.
Kipkelion District is a rural area in Western Kenya. We are working with local people and partner organisations (including The Friends of Londiani) to provide clean water, better schools and healthcare. In 2013 we supported the following projects: Kimologit Community Water Scheme- this will ensure that a safe water supply is provided to the community of Kimologit throughout the year. The main element will be the building of a storage tank with a capacity of 100 cubic metres. School washrooms for girls- Girls in rural Africa frequently miss school when they have their periods, as the schools' washing facilities are generally inadequate. We are helping to build four girls' washrooms in schools in Kipkelion District. School toilets- we are supporting the building of a new pit latrine block at a primary school in Kipkelion District. We are collaborating on all of these projects with our sister charity The Friends of Londiani, an Irish registered charity (number CHY 16505) which is very well established in the area. These projects will cost approximately £40,000 in total. Please give what you can!
We focus on raising funding to enable high-impact, New Zealand-based medical research to help save, extend and improve the lives of children diagnosed with serious life-impacting and life-limiting health conditions.
Weizmann UK supports and raises awareness of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. The Institute is one of the highest ranking multidisciplinary scientific research institutes in the world. Its dedicated scientists are working on more than a thousand projects ranging from cancer to computer science, from nutrition to nanotechnology, from Alzheimer’s to astrophysics. They are following their curiosity to make discoveries that aim to solve humanity’s greatest challenges.
InTouch Foundation is a Charitable organisation, and is a community based effort to address the plight of homeless men and women on the streets of Yorkshire and at times of crisis accross different parts of the world. Our dual purpose is to bring attention to this plight and provide an organisation where volunteers can become directly involved in the preparation and feeding of the less fortunate that exist on the edge of our society. We deliver hot meals and emotional support to men and women directly on the streets – wherever the need is greatest.
The Primary Club raises money for sport and recreational facilities for the blind and partially-sighted. It is an official charity of the Professional Cricketers' Association. Anyone who has been out first ball at any level of game, and all who love cricket, are welcome to join the club.
Jubilee Debt Campaign UK is part of a global movement demanding freedom from the slavery of unjust debt for impoverished countries. We campaign for a financial system where debt is not a tool of control for the rich, and people do not have to pay the price for reckless lending. Break the chains!