Browsing Charities
38676 - 38700 of 52.2K results

Just Imagine (UK, 455006478) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Building Lasting Hope (UK, 1136116) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Building Lasting Hope is charity in memory of Siphiwo Ntshebe. The charity is to promote the benefit of the people in South Africa and the UK by the advancement of education and training and the relief of poverty, sickness and distress; and the promotion of good health.

Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund (UK, 1085689) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Rabbits are the third most popular pet in the UK, and yet many live miserable lives confined to small hutches with no little or no space, companionship or exercise. The RWAF aims to improve the lives of these beautiful, intelligent and neglected animals. Because Rabbits deserve better!

Friends of ADI (UK, 1076992) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Friends of ADI supports the work of Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI). ADI is the worldwide federation of Alzheimer's societies. Each ADI member is an organisation that supports people with dementia and their families. ADI works to strengthen these associations and raise awareness of dementia.

Fife Hospitals Kidney Support Group (UK, SCO37210) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are a group dedicated to helping sufferers of Kidney disease and kidney failure throughout Fife as well as promoting the kidney donor scheme.

Sutton Schoolswork (UK, 1052418) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Sutton Schoolswork are a Christian charity that aims to support children and young people in the place they spend the majority of their time-school. We support students through the following:-Education about Christianity-Providing tools for pupils to develop morally, spiritually and emotionally. Charity No: 1052418 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter

Claydon Preschool (UK, 1025650) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

It provides a safe and fun environment for preschools to learn to learn

Basics (Hampshire) (UK, 1083110) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Supporting Hampshire Ambulance Service with specialist out-of-hospital medical help during serious or major incidents. Members number 30 doctors and 1 nurse, all providing their time on a voluntary, unpaid basis. All equipment and training is paid for by local fundraising. BASICS Hampshire annually receives over 700 requests for assistance."

Portsmouth Mind (UK, 1102203) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are growing a Peer Support Network in the city. Group meetings and activities are run by members with the aim of giving and receiving help founded on the key principles of respect, shared responsibility and mutual agreement of what is helpful.We provide the training structure and promotion.

Voice Of Young People In Care (UK, XR63386) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

VOYPIC is a charity that was set up by 50 young people in 1993. It is an organisation that works throughout Northern Ireland, one which is outside of Social Services and works for children and young people in Residential Care, Foster Care, Leaving and Aftercare or any child or young person who has an experience of care.

Taverham Recreational Facilities Ltd (UK, 1062217) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

TRF Ltd., operates in the parish of Taverham to the north-west of Norwich in Norfolk. We were set up to develop and manage sports and recreation facilities in Taverham for the benefit of all residents and anyone coming to the area for sport and recreation. Broadland Hockey Club and Norwich City Hockey Club developed this idea into an exciting and inavetive partnership including Taverham High School and Taverham Parish Council. The first development was an artificial sports pitch constructed in 1995. Working with the high school the charity helped it to obtain Sports Specialist status in 2004 which helped to drive forward the construction of a £500,000 Sports Pavilion alongside the artificial pitch. The building has changing facilities, offices, meeting rooms and club room. It is used by the school for small group teaching, meetings, tutorials and for training purposes especially for the local School Sports Partnership. In evenings and weekends it is open for community use and for supporting the regular football and hockey training and games. The third phase of development on this site is the construction of a second artificial pitch to meet the increasing demand for flood lit facilities for sport. As well as a new sports pitch we are providing a BMX track for local young people to have a safe but exciting place to ride their BMX bikes. In the future there is space on this site to develop further recreational facilities for the benefit of the local community and support various initiatives being developed to involve all sections of the community.

WPG Trust (UK, SC042134) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The WPG Charitable Trust funds inspirational projects and individuals, primarily in the areas of sport and arts in Scotland.   In our first 12 months we: Provided travel and course fee bursaries to promising young musicians Supported a local nursery in building an outdoor play area Provided sponsorship in support of development at Cricket Scotland Supported a young athlete through travel and equiopment bursaries Sent sports equipment to a school in Malawi Made a donation toward a fund for a bus for special needs Supported a national non-auditioning children's orchestra.    We actively look for circumstances where our direct donations will make a significant difference to an individual or organisation   WPG Trust......throwing something back in!

THE BUTTERFLY TRUST (UK, 1092537) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Kinship (UK, 1112519) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

KINSHIP has been sailing the world for ten years with the aim of creating safe, exciting spaces for Kids In Need of Somewhere Happy & Interesting to Play. Since our first voyage in 2005, when we were invited to redevelop an Infant Playground space at Upper Tibetan Children's Village, Dharamsala (India), members of the KINSHIP team have helped children realise their playful visions in Ladakh (India), Adafiatsimo (Madagascar), Abu Dis (Palestinian Territory, Israel) and at play projects across the UK. These projects have been made possible by the generosity of our friends and family at a number of KINSHIP fundraising events and parties; through a substantial legacy from the Jenny Raper Estate; and through a one-off grant from the Edward Starr Charitable Trust. We would like to express our thanks to all who have supported us on our journey thus far and look forward to increasing support for our projects as they develop and prosper.

UK Sepsis Trust (UK, 1146234) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Sepsis accounts for 37,000 deaths annually in the UK, that’s more than breast cancer, bowel cancer and prostate cancer put together. Sepsis is the acute bodily reaction to infection. Symptoms initially present as flu like but can rapidly deteriorate into a life threatening condition.

ABLE (ACTION FOR A BETTER LIFE) (UK, 1068536) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

St Luke's Advice Service (UK, 1094894) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

We directly support those who are particularly at risk from social exclusion due to issues such as low income, debt, and disabilities. We provide free advice and help with form filling in relation to debts, benefits and we assist clients to claim benefits to which they are entitled.

The Maseno Project Trust (UK, 1116863) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Maseno Projects main objectives are to empower people to set themselves free from poverty and to advance the Kingdom of God in Western Kenya. This is done through the implimentation of Farmers Field Schools- there are currently 28 Farmer Field Schools runnning in the Maseno region with over 900 farmers involved. The charity has churches who are financial partners in England, Scotland, Sweden, USA and Holland. We also work with local orphan programmes and many of our farmers are widows and/or have orphans living with them. The project also runs a micro finance programme to assist people to move further from poverty. Your donation will help to further the work of the Kingdom of God in this region

UNITED in Hammersmith & Fulham (UK, 205856) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

We want people who live, work and play in Hammersmith & Fulham to have fulfilling lives. Working with local residents, businesses and organisations, we want to create communities and neighbourhoods in which people feel safe, valued and connected.

Hope House (Chesterfield) Ltd (UK, 1183254) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Building hope - creating community. We offer support, advocacy and a 13-bedroom home in central Chesterfield. With a Christian ethos and a structured routine, including assessment and training, we help people to move towards successful and independent lives after 6-month to 2 year stay.

Halstead In Bloom (UK, 1104804) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

To clear, clean and brighten Halstead for the benefit of residents, those who work in the town and our many visitors

Friends Of Cavendish School (UK, 510906) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Cavendish High School is a very special school for children and young people with complex learning difficulties including autism and physical disability. Our charity, The Friends Of Cavendish, was formed when the school first opened in 1978 and we are really fortunate to have people who raise money on our behalf. All the money is spent on extra things ranging from trips out to a hydrotherapy pool. Our motto is "Inclusion through Participation" and we are proud that fund raising is through our friends. We want to be part of the community and fund raising helps us to extend our friendship with others. Currently the school is raising money for our own cyber cafe that can be used by the pupils, the community and especially ex-pupils. We hope to have specialist IT equipment available for all to use giving access to computers and augmentative communication aids. Thank you so much for supporting us and we really look forward to opening up our cafe in the near future.

The Simon Poultney Foundation (UK, XT22663) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Simon Poultney Foundation is doing grassroots community development in a rural area of Central Zambia in the Kapiri Mposhi district. Our focus is on empowering the people in the community to improve all aspects of their lives - health, education, food security and finances - by providing them ways enhance their existing talents and skills. Through our Isaiah Project we : - Work with existing public institutions : schools and clinic- Have in place a micro-loan fund- Sponsor 20 community-based orphans and assist widows- Sponsor girls to go to high school (currently three on the program) - Are developing better water resources- Are providing training and resources to enhance agriculture production More information about specific projects can be found by selecting one of them from the list on the left hand side.  You can also make a donation to a specific project by selecting it on the left.To make a donation to any of our appeals, please click Here.