Browsing Charities
34901 - 34925 of 52.4K results

DALAID (UK, 1064655) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Yad Yisroel's mission is to care for the homeless, abandoned and abused Jewish children of Belarus. We provide them with a loving home, essential social services, an education in a revitalized Jewish community and an opportunity for a brighter future through immigration to Israel or elsewhere.

FINCA (UK, 1127778) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

FINCA provide financial services to the world's lowest-income entrepreneurs so they can create jobs, build assets and improve their standard of living. FINCA today reaches more than 1.5 million clients in 23 countries.

The Pelargos Foundation (UK, EW22221) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We are a charitable foundation that aims to raise money for worthy causes both within the UK and across the globe. These will change annually to ensure we can have as much positive impact to the world as possible. How we raise money for these causes is by organising events, taking part in fundraising challenges and donating our time to help those in need. A key aspect of our work is that we take no fee and subsidise the cost of running the charity ourselves. Every penny possible is given to the causes Beyond our goal of raising money for worthy causes and keeping a large group of friends in tact over the coming years, we also aim to inspire others to act against inequalities and hardships. We aim to be a beacon for positive change, to raise awareness for different causes of all scopes and scale and organise fun events. The Pelargos Foundation was founded in Stamford, Lincolnshire in 2014 when a group of old friends decided that the best way to: Raise money for causes personal to us and for which we believe are most worthwhile and, Keep our ties of friendship and shared experiences in tact over the coming years was to form a charity. The Pelargos Foundation is this aspiration brought to life.

NORPRO TRAINING LTD (UK, 1079789) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Buddy Bear Trust (UK, Buddy Bear Trust - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Welcome to the Buddy Bear Trust Just Giving Page. The Buddy Bear School was set up in response to the pleas of parents who wanted conductive education for their children, who suffered from cerebral palsy and other motor disorders. Any support, big or small is always welcome.

The Holly Eatwell Trust (UK, 1139812) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

It is a grant based charity that supports people with cancer through the provision of financial assistance, equipment, support and education.


YTD Raised: n/a

SUNBEAMS PRESCHOOL (UK, 1147838) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Regimental Association Fund (UK, SC037561) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Regimental Association Welfare and Benevolence Fund of the Royal Regiment of Scotland is commited to providing support to all serving and ex Jocks and their immediate dependants.

WISDOM (ZHIHUI) FOUNDATION (UK, 1162663) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

SALFORD HEART CARE (UK, 1136710) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Sir John Lawes School Association (UK, 292123) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Sir John Lawes School Association is a volunteer group of parents and staff working together to raise extra funds for the school, to encourage parents to become more involved with the school community and to promote greater links between home and school. We are currently raising funds for Project Oasis - a huge project which will transform a large area of barren land in the middle of the school into a beautiful place for students and staff to enjoy.

Empuaan (UK, 1125175) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Empuaan - Entegel Enkishon Survival - Choose Life Empuaan is a UK-registered charity that works with Maasai communities to design, develop and deliver culturally-appropriate HIV and AIDS prevention resources and education. We provide the information, skills and debate that individuals and communities need if they are to protect themselves from the spread of HIV and the development of AIDS-related illnesses. We provide a link connecting communities and individuals to exisiting HIV and AIDS services, and we provide health care staff with information and materials that can help them with their work.  Your support will help us continue pioneering culturally-appropriate approaches to HIV and AIDS prevention among the Maasai. 

1st Brompton on Swale Scout Group (UK, 1st Brompton on Swale Scout Group - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

1st Brompton on Swale Scout Group is based in the village of Brompton on Swale near Richmond, North Yorkshire. The group consists of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts sections. The group will be undertaking a challenge hike on the 5th October as part of the C3 Challenge Week raise funds for Summer Camp 2014.

White Collar Events Corporation (UK, 813442649) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

THE BURNLEY GARRICK CLUB (UK, 1064853) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

The Shade Trust (UK, 1147738) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Sovereign Harbour Community Association (UK, 1146249) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Sovereign Harbour Community Association (SHCA) promotes social and leisure activities within the Sovereign Harbour neighbourhood in Eastbourne East Sussex. Activities are organised in the community, or in hired premises.  However, the SHCA has been working for some time with local authorities for the provision of a community centre, and this project is nearing completion.  It is hoped work will soon start on the construction. When construction of the centre has been completed, the SHCA will be responsible for operating and equipping it and is, therefore,   organising fundraising events to fund these activities. For 2014, the SHCA has joined the Rotary Club of Sovereign Harbour in organising the annual Harbour Walk. Click here to visit the SHCA website. Click here to visit the Harbour Walk website

The Actors Centre (UK, 275934) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Actors Centre is the UK's leading organisation which supports actors throughout their professional careers.We also provide opportunities for the public to engage and participate in performance and acting through our introductory workshops, theatre programmes and related events.

The Steam Tug Portwey Trust (UK, 1081015) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Portwey is the last active twin screw, coal fired steam tug in the UK, and possibly the entire Northern Hemisphere. Built in 1927 by Harland and Wolff in Glasgow for the Portland and Weymouth Coaling Company ( hence the name Portwey ) she helped supply large steam ships with coal and water while also being on call for any ship requiring assistance or salvage. In 1967 she was rescued from the breaker's yard by Richard Dobson with the intention of restoring and maintaining the tug to be enjoyed for generations to come. Dobson's vision for Portwey has been carried out by a dedicated group of volunteers who work tirelessly to keep her seaworthy and provide the public with a glimpse into the tug's history. She is now based at South Quay, Canary Wharf, London. Unfortunately, years of operation have taken their toll on the tug and she is in dire need of major work on the hull frames and plates as well as the propellor shafts. Now, the Steam Tug Portwey Trust is hoping to secure funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund in order to make the necessary repairs and keep the tug operational. In order to do so, the crew must raise 10 percent of the £2 million needed and they need your help. Please donate what you can to help save Portwey from the breaker's yard and keep a bit of British history alive. Additionally,our running costs are very high with coal costing £300 per tonne and we need 1/2 tonne just to warm up to operating temperature. Suggested donations:- £15 will pay for 50KG ( 1/20th tonne ) of coal. £25 will pay for membership of the trust for one year. £250 will pay for a Steam Experience Day (see website for details). Regular monthly donations are especially welcome as they enable us to plan ahead for our expenditure.

Cary-Mufulira Community Partnership (UK, 1047556) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

At the core of CMCPT is the exchange of pupils and teachers between communities in Somerset, UK and the town of Mufulira at the heart of the Copperbelt in Zambia. Mufulira is a town that owes its existence to the discovery of copper by the British in 1923 and the subsequent mining and smelting which has continued ever since.   The relationship between UK visitors and citizens of Mufulira in recent years has led to many practical outcomes. Amos - 13 years - From the 'Climate Crew' at Mine Primary School On the surface, the exchange of cultures and making of long-lasting friendships has permeated every layer of both communities and has been the catalyst for practical advancements in Mufulira. An example of this is the promise given in 2012 by the mine-owners to reduce excessive levels of sulphur emissions to World Health Organisation (WHO) standards, by an investment of $145mln in sulphur capture equipment.  This is due to be completed by January 1st 2014. Over the last 4 years the CMCPT has benefited from its relationship and continuing support from The Minor Metals Trade Association, based in London.  Ansford Academy/Mufulira High School This founding exchange has been running for 20 years and has successfully linked over 100 students.  The school's last exchange focused on the mine and its impact on the local community and wider world.  These trips show our young people what it is like to live next to a copper mine as well as gain an insight into how resources, taken for granted in our consumer society, are produced. The Zambian students on their visit to the UK, live within our community; share daily life, attend classes at their partner schools and compare and contrast ways in which each community works - for example, quarrying and recycling - two activities which are analagous in each community. In March 2014 the next exchange groups were selected. The groups are now beginning the huge task of fundraising to make the exchange visits in 2015 a reality. All students at both schools will be involved in joint school projects with the students travelling acting as ambassadors for their schools. Sexey's School/MCM Mufulira Trust School The first student exchange between the two schools took place in July 2013 with ten students and two teachers travelling from Mufulira to Sexey's in Bruton. The theme of the visit was 'Land, Livelihood and Leisure' and students also visited a local primary school where they told traditional stories and demonstrated traditional Zambian cookery. Ten students from Sexey's will travel to Mufulira in July 2014. The students are currently making preparations for their visits to primary schools and a presentation on local environmental issues. They are also looking forward to meeting up with friends and experiencing life in a culture different to their own. Primary School Partnerships A number of strong partnerships exist between primary schools in Mufulira and Somerset. The primary school pupils share and collaborate on joint projects, write letters to each other and have been able to Skype and send videos about their lives.  The projects aim to develop an understanding and appreciation of the pupil's own communities, recognise their place and relationship with the wider world and consider ideas and issues beyond their own daily lives.  Community Partnerships and Links In 1978 the Diocese of Bath and Wells linked with the Zambian Anglican Church and this has resulted in several local churches having links with churches in Mufulira. Hospitals, Rotary Clubs, Guides, Brownies, Town Councils and other community groups have all been involved in valuable linking activities between the two communities.

Tumaini Fund (Scotland) (UK, SC044613) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page. The Tumaini Fund supports orphans and widows in Kagera, in north west Tanzania, the region bordering Rwanda and Burundi, by improving their standard of living and promoting their health and education.The Tumaini Fund (Scotland) is one of a group of Christian charities, raising funds and awareness of the work of the Tumaini Fund in Tanzania. The Tumaini Fund in Tanzania was established in 2003 by a Scottish doctor (Susan Wilson MBE) in response to the suffering of AIDS widows and orphans in Kagera. Susan, awarded an MBE in June 2013 for her work with Tumaini Fund, is now based in Guernsey and she leads the charity from there making regular trips to Kagera. Local social workers are employed in Kagera and they work in partnership with the local churches, providing practical, financial and emotional assistance to the widowsand orphans with regular visits, as well as making distributions of clothes, food, school materials and mosquito nets. In the last two years, The Tumaini Fund (Scotland) has funded a series of wells in Kagera so providing clean, accessible water for over a thousand people. A tailoring vocational school is currently being built with funds raised in Scotland.The Tumaini Fund is involved in various other projects including * microfinance initiatives, enabling orphans andwidows towards independence. * a carpentry school, enabling skills development and so opportunity to earn an incomeThe objective of The Tumaini Fund is to support the Aids widows and orphans of the Diocese of Kagera in North-West Tanzania, thought to number 200,000, towards independent existence, by improving their standard of living and promoting their health and education.More details about the Tumaini Fund can be found on the website,, the Scotland and the Anglican Diocese of Kagera, under the poverty alleviation tab. Charity No: SC044613 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter YouTube