Browsing Charities
33276 - 33300 of 50.9K results

Aid For Children With Tracheostomies (UK, 326511) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

A.C.T is a NATIONAL CHILDRENS CHARITY operating as a national self help group. Founded in 1983 A.C.T supports children who can only breathe with the aid of a Tracheostomy tube inserted into the throat. A.C.T provides advocacy, support, helpful advice and items of medical equipment to its members.

Sittingbourne's Steam Railway (SKLR) (UK, 1057079) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We have operated the Steam Railway at Sittingbourne since 1969. The ownership of the land at Sittingbourne and to Kemsley is now secure. Now we need to concentrate on the facilities for the public to visit and enjoy this unique line. We also have engines, wagons and carriages that need restoration.

Making Waves for Autism (UK, XT23802) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Making Waves for Autism provides vital educational resources for autistic children in mainstream schools. We raise funds and purchase equipment, facilities and services that enable children with autism to be included in mainstream education. These resources are not provided by local educational authorities. We believe that by arming teachers in classrooms with better resources, children with autism have the best chance of fulfilling their educational potential.

VaCO (UK, 1052313) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

VaCO is a UK Registered Charity that provides professional training & performance opportunities through its residential chamber music courses for aspiring young music performers, attending music conservatoires, universities and schools throughout the United Kingdom and Europe.

Volunteer Africa (UK, 1097963) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Volunteer Africa is unlike other volunteering organisations. We are run by a team of committed returned volunteers with the dual aims of enabling people to make a difference to the lives of rural Africans and to raise funds for our partner NGOs. Volunteer Africa does not spend any money on paid advertising and our operating costs are minimal meaning that the money you pay to participate is spent in Africa enabling community development. Volunteers participate in our programmes from all over the world including Denmark, Brazil, Mexico, Ireland, Canada, US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Hong Kong. Volunteers come from all walks of life and ages. Applications are welcome throughout the world. Volunteer Africa has worked with HAPA in Singida since 2002, the two organisations being successors to the highly successful HPA (Health Projects Abroad) programme that started in Singida in 1996. Volunteers work alongside villagers on community-initiated building projects. Past projects have included health dispensaries, school classrooms, pit latrines, homes for teachers and medical staff. Volunteers live in camp conditions in the village. Where possible we aim to place people in a group of volunteers but this is not always possible. You are fully supported during your time in the village by HAPA staff backed up by Volunteer Africa. The conditions are tough and most villages we work in do not have electricity or running water. The project for 2013 is We are planning to support school construction at a village called IKIWU at Kijota ward and Mtinko Division. At that village they have established a new school with three classes yet roofed. The village has six harmlets known as Nkwae, Muungano,Nambaro, Matundi and Mburi. Total population 4600. There is only one primary school that is hosting a total of 743 pupils using seven teachers. Most of the pupils walk about six kilometres to school and then six kilometers home again. The school seem to be conjested so have approached HAPA for support. So we are proposing to support this community for year 2013. There there will be more project to support including pit latrines, staff houses to work on so lots to do in 2013.

Swift and Bold - 3 Rifles (UK, 1119061rf3) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The RIFLES is now almost continuously deployed on operations in Afghanistan. Casualties are part of thei job. The Swift and Bold wristband campaigns provide funding for much needed immediate support and assistance for the families, girlfriends and boyfriends of the dead and wounded in those devastating first hours and days after a tragedy. Examples of fund uses can be found on

Cheltenham Youth For Christ (UK, 1059805) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Cheltenham Youth For Christ's vision is to take Good News relevantly to every young person in Cheltenham. Working in schools and in partnership with local churches we work with over 300 young people every week. Through PE and RE lessons, assemblies, after schools clubs, youth clubs and small group work we seek to enable young people to achieve their potential and discover more about God if they desire. In addition to our schools work we are developing community based sport initiatives and helping young people develop a Cheltenham wide prayer initiative.

Ditch Debt with Dignity (UK, SCO44705) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We provide free, confidential, non judgemental support and advice to those suffering debt and/or money worries.

Hilltop aid (UK, 1141131) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Hilltop Aid is a registered charity that promotes independence for women and children faced with homelessness through advice, practical and emotional supports leading to appropriate accommodation,training and employment

Motorcycle Outreach Limited (UK, 1114675) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Motorcycle Outreach (MoR) is a registered charitable (non-profit) organisation which works to introduce effective healthcare delivery in remote areas of developing countries. We currently support the Health for All (HfA) project on the island of Flores in Indonesia. Effective healthcare in rural areas depends on transport. Those living in outlying villages have no means of accessing health centres, and healthcare workers have no other vehicles which can access those villages. This can result in local people using "witch doctors", local untrained medical practitioners who do not have the skills or knowledge necessary to give effective medical care. Vehicles used for this purpose need to be systematically maintained and managed. Motorcycle Outreach assists governmental and non-governmental organisations in this. Motorcycles are used because they are the only practical form of transport in an area where roads are no more than tracks, often in very bad condition; 4-wheel vehicles  find it impossible to use these routes, and the distances involved make it impractical for healthcare workers to get to outlying villages on foot, or in time to deal with genuine emergencies (eg during childbirth). Therefore HfA extends the effectiveness of existing health resources already provided through the national healthcare system of Indonesia; local doctors, midwives, nurses and healthcare workers are trained to ride the motorcycles and HfA implements a program of Transport Resource Management (TRM) specifically to provide "zero breakdown" motorcycles for rural health deliveries. This includes vaccines for children, maternal and child health care, tuberculosis, malaria and STD-HIV/AIDS treatment.

St George's Hanover Square Foundation (UK, 1120505) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Restore, Refresh, Rejoice! Supporting the restoration of St George's Hanover Square - church and organ. Please help us to preserve our church and organ for future generations. The church is a community space in Mayfair with a wonderful musical history that we are working to maintain.

Matrix Arts Centre (UK, 1022336) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: 1022336 Find out more Website

Gullane Sports Development Trust (UK, SC043385) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Gullane Sports Development Trust has been set up to enable the development of sport within all parts of our community by providing facilities, equipment and support to those wishing to participate in sport, bringing the community together under a common sporting umbrella.

Keighley & District Volunteer Centre (UK, 1090144) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Keighley & Distrioct Volunteer Centre provides essential volunteer led services including: GRASSROOTS gardening service for older people. CARELINK befriending service for older people. SUPPORTED VOLUNTEERING project for adults with learning disabilities HELPING HANDS diy/handyman for older people.

Hackney Cypriot Association (UK, 1097727) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Cycle Across Barriers is a project by the Hackney Cypriot Association which started in 2010. Its purpose is to promote bi-communal friendship between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities, and raise funds for the chosen charities.It is a cycling tour of Cyprus whose route covers both sides of the divide, crossing the Green Line in the process.The next event will be 7 days from 14th April to 20th April 2018, followed by a Cycling Tour of Lefkosia on the 21st with children from the chosen charities, and then a fundraising event in the evening at the premises of Home for Co-operation in the UN Buffer Zone. You are welcome to come and join us for the whole or part of the journey. If you would like more details, please contact us directly.   The money will be donated to three charities. Hackney Cypriot Association is a bi-communal organisation, aiming to establish friendship and harmony in between the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.Two Cypriot charities for disabled children TBA  Charity No: 1097727

TEAM ABERDARON (UK, 1045501) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Youth Department of the North England Conference owns and operates 3 weeks of Summer Youth Camps in North Wales. These camps provide a welcome retreat in the countryside along with a range of fun and educational activities. Each year we renew our equipment and the money raised will go to this

Batley & Spen Youth Theatre Company (UK, 1172974) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

B&SYTC has been set up to celebrate the life and values of the late Jo Cox MP, and leave a legacy for young people in the town. The company is particularly interested in working with young people who have not previously engaged with the performing arts, and who do not feel theatre is for them.

Edu-Care:Making a Difference (UK, XT27874) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00 target="_blank" title="Link opens in a new window"> Edu-Care is a UK charity raising funds for primary and nursery education, health and human rights for young people in Cameroon, West Africa. We provide funds for building materials, education and medical equipment, clean water supply and sustainable electricity to schools and empower young people to learn about their rights and uphold them. We also co-ordinate volunteers sponsoring children in schools and assisting very poor youth with hospital bills. We believe that sustainable education especially for young people is the best way out of poverty, corruption, abuse of human rights and child exploitation which are common practices in Africa. The project in hand is the building of a nursery and primary school in a remote village in Cameroon to serve about 700 children. View the recent pictures in the photo gallery. We have raised about £31,000 which was our primary target. But this was a great under-estimation given the inflation. Therefore your generous donations will be very much appreciated to add a further £10,000 to complete the venture.

Computer Charity (UK, 463051518) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Sibs (UK, 1094282) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Siblings who grow up with a disabled brother or sister often have more worries, more responsibilities and less attention from parents than those who don’t. Sibs is the UK charity for siblings and provides information and support to siblings of all ages.

Greyhound Gap (UK, 1113207) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Greyhound Gap is a registered charity that rescues takes in and re-homes death row Greyhounds and Lurchers who find themselves in a PTS situation in UK pounds.

Samaritans of South West Herts at Watford (UK, 260598) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Samaritans of SW Herts is an independent charity, affiliated with the national Samaritans charity that supports people who are troubled, despairing and suicidal in the whole of the South West Herts area and sometimes beyond. We have to raise about £30,000 per year through our own efforts to keep the service going in the community. From our centre in central Watford about 118 volunteers provide a free telephone, email, personal visitor and outreach service to a population of more than 600,000 people. It costs about £80 per day to keep our centre operating; if we paid for the volunteer time at the national average wage , it would cost more than £700 per day. For many people our emotional support service is their lifeline. We depend on the generosity of others to keep our centre open -- thank you for your support!

Samaritans of Bury St. Edmunds and West Suffolk (UK, 1174114) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: 1174114

Seham School (UK, 1113335) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

It supports the building and maintenance of primary schools in Indian villages and invests in primary school education for poor children.


YTD Raised: n/a