Browsing Charities
31126 - 31150 of 50.9K results

The High Sheriffs And Humberside Police Tribune Trust (UK, 1079830) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Created by Charity Import

Tasc Madagascar (UK, 1130610) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

TASC Madagascar helps the disabled, sick, orphaned and needy in the Vohipeno region of Madagascar. we are a small charity with minimal overheads. A little goes a long way in Madagascar, and we ensure donations are well spent and achieve the best possible results.

WELLCOME LEAP FUND (UK, 1184097) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

21st Century Legacy (UK, 1123945) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

21st Century Legacy uses Olympians and other inspirational role models to support young people to be the best they can be. Uniquely the young people set out their own success maps and use coaching and peer mentoring to develop awareness and responsibility, allowing them to make the right choices and fulfil their potential.

Seasons For Growth (England and Wales) Ltd (UK, 1091766) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Seasons for Growth, (SfG) is a programme for children, young people and adults who have experienced significant change or loss. SfG is based on the belief that change, loss and grief are normal and valuable parts of life. We examine the impact of changes such as death, separation, divorce, loss of employment, and war (refugees and armed forces families) upon our lives, and explore how we can learn to live and grow from these experiences. The core intention of this programme is the development of resilience and emotional literacy to promote social and emotional wellbeing. The programme is educational in nature and does not provide therapy or counselling, but is delivered in a therapeutic way. The programme is based on William Worden’s 4 tasks of grief. We use the imagery of the four seasons to illustrate that grief is a cyclical experience, not a linear journey with a clear end. Trained ‘Companions’ facilitate small groups where participants share their experiences, and support and learn from one another. Peer support is a key element of the programme, and confidentiality is strongly emphasised.

Street Child Africa (UK, 1074832) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Street Child Africa supports children living and working on the street. We fund prevention work, street outreach programmes, centres, education, skills training and family reintegration services. We work with grassroots organisations in Ghana, Senegal, Uganda, DR Congo, Mozambique and Zambia.

Colchester Hospitals Charity (UK, 1051054) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. CoHoC is the charity for Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust. CoHoC makes a real and positive difference to patient care by providing many extras that would not or could not be provided by the NHS alone. Please donate to support our cause. Please let us know which part of the hospital you wish to support and we will ensure that you gift is used in that way. If you would like to discuss this with us please call 01206 745282 Charity No: 1051054 Find out more Website Please click here to visit our website Facebook Twitter YouTube

Herts Against Cancer (UK, 1137328) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Looking cancer in the face and beating it   Herts against Cancer is a local charity that has been set up to raise awareness of the importance of early detection and diagnosis The need for our work is highlighted by the fact that the UK trails most of Europe. Evidence shows that early detection is key to boosting survival rates Recent Government research shows a very strong correlation between UK regions with good early detection levels and better survival rates Our charity aims to acknowledge the fact that 1 in 3 of us will be affected, and that recognising the signs and acting swiftly really could save your life or the life of someone you love


YTD Raised: n/a

Friends of Africa (UK, Friends of Africa - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Our motto is "small steps together". The projects we support reflect this motto, because when we are working together we achieve far more by way of creating a sense of ownership, achievement and empowerment, both for the African people we work with and for ourselves.

City Circle (UK, 1088931) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The City Circle is an open circle for open minds where individuals are pushed to think outside the box.

Yorkshire & Humberside Circles of Support Accountability (UK, 1131916) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

YHCOSA is a community response to sexual offending, working in partnership with criminal justice agencies. We aim to reduce the risk of future sexual offending by supporting and holding to account those who have committed not to re-offend.

Vinjeru Education in Malawi (UK, 1084136) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00



YTD Raised: n/a

Swansea Bay Asylum Seekers Support Group helps asylum seekers and refugees here feel welcome and safe and respected. We are "Newcomers and Locals United". We are a world community: Welsh, British, European, Asian, Middle Eastern, African, South and North American... We meet at two weekly drop-ins with childcare, informal English teaching, recreations and conversations in many languages, signposting and advice.Our projects include "Share Tawe" (local volunteer hosts shelter and/or feed destitute, homeless asylum seekers and refugees) and "Hafan Books" (we publish books of stories, poems and opinion pieces by Wales-based asylum seekers and refugees and writers in solidarity with them).  Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: 1125649 Find out more Website Please click here to visit our website

Held In Our Hearts (UK, Held In Our Hearts - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Offenham Cricket Club (UK, Offenham Cricket Club - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

2010 sees the club fundraising for a new pavilion. We are a friendly village club that currently plays friendly matches on a Sunday. We also field a midweek 20/20 side, a side that plays a few touring sides, sometimes a winter indoor team and a junior squad that plays a few games a year.

Toma Fund (UK, 1142271) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Dedicated to helping N E children, teenagers, young people and their families who are fighting cancer. We aim to ease the financial burdon of families supporting their children and we strive to provide items that will give these brave children and young people a boost and aid with their recovery.

RC NATIONAL SHRINE (UK, 265755) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Basilica of Our Lady of Walsingham - England's National Shrine to Our Lady From the beginning of time some places have been regarded as especially holy places of mystery and atmosphere. Walsingham in England (United Kingdom) has been such a place for almost a thousand years since Richeldis de Faverches was inspired by Mary to build a Shrine in perpetual memorial of the Annunciation. One of the greatest Shrines in Medieval Christendom – when travel to the Holy Land was virtually impossible – the original Shrine was destroyed at the Reformation. Charity No: 265755 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter

Dancers' Career Development (UK, 1168958 ) Browse events

YTD Raised: n/a

Dancers’ Career Development (DCD) is an ambitious, forward-thinking charity with a proven track record in supporting professional dancers to successfully transition into a post-performing career. DCD supports professional dancers when injury, age or circumstance mean that they are no longer able to dance professionally. Along with a range of support services, including careers guidance, networking and mentoring, DCD provide financial retraining grants that allow dancers to study for an accredited course or purchase equipment to support their new career. Founded in 1974, DCD has supported over 1,700 professional dancers. DCD operates nationwide and is the only organisation of its kind in the UK. Diversity is our strength: we support all professional dancers from all genres including: ballet; hip-hop; contemporary; commercial and musical theatre to transition into careers such as scuba-diving, accountancy and floristry. DCD supports dancers to continue to work within the wider dance profession; many achieve success as leaders of arts organisations. Through our distinctive work, we create opportunities for dancers to help themselves achieve positive change in their lives. Results of a 2011 survey show that 77% of dancers agreed that their retraining helped them to gain their current employment and 89% of retrained dancers are working in the profession they retrained in. We are proud of our ability to support dancers through an often difficult time.

NSARDA (UK, 1069110) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

We promote, on a national and international level, the charitable life-saving work of the various search and rescue dog associations of the UK and Ireland by collecting and distributing funds to the operational teams.

Project Embabazi (UK, 1161140) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Project Embabazi works with Bakiga communities in rural south-western Uganda to prevent and relieve poverty by providing funding, training and support for sustainable community projects.Thank you for visiting our profile page on MyDonate. Project Embabazi requires local community associations to be established in south-western Uganda and they submit proposals to the organisation for grant funding.The local Ugandan people are responsible for implementing the projects including resourcing materials and labour. Project Embabazi oversees the decisions, advises and guides when appropriate, fundraises, provides resources and ensures transparent transfer of funds by keeping full accounts in the UK and Uganda.Please donate to support our cause. Charity No: 1161140 Find out more Website Facebook Twitter

Usk House Day Hospice (UK, 1038509) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Usk House is a day hospice helping patients with long term and terminal illnesses, and giving support to their families, carers and those who have been bereaved. Help is available through its day centre, the cancer drop-in centre, and in patients' own homes, and is given by qualified nurses and complementary therapists.

Belfast Star Basketball Club (UK, Belfast Star Basketball Club) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Belfast Star is a basketball club in Belfast and a registered charity in NI.The club's aim is - The promotion of community participation in healthy recreation in particular by the provision of facilities for playing the game of basketball and the teaching of life enhancing values including sportsmanship, integrity, transparency, accountability, fairness and equality among players.

The Greenforce Foundation (UK, 1138690) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

The Greenforce Foundation has been set up solely for individual and corporate donations to aid the development of a sustainable future for the communities are volunteers and ourselves work with. We independently fundraise to help provide local solutions to specific programs that may arise from the core work that our parent organisation greenforce undertakes. For example an ongoing Greenforce run project may include the construction of a school or a clinic. However there may be an ongoing requirement to fund a teacher or medic to staff the school or clinic that greenforce has built. This is where The Greenforce Foundation steps in, providing vital ongoing support. 

Brain Injury Matters (UK, NI:103691) Browse events

YTD Raised: £0.00

Promotes understanding of all aspects of brain injury via information and support to survivors, families and carers. Runs social reintegration service for survivors, facilitating groups to increase ability to re-establish independence and social skills. Counselling and emotional support provided.