The Property Industry Foundation (PIF) is the charity of choice for the property and construction industry raising funds and awareness for marginalised youth and kids at risk living rough on our streets. PIF not only engage Senior Management through our restricted CEO Forums but also offers networking and volunteer initiatives for young professionals through our PropertyBlitz and PAExclusive programs.
More than 332,000 Australians are living with dementia and thousands more are diagnosed each year. Alzheimer’s Australia NSW is the peak body for people with dementia and their families and carers. We provide advocacy, support services, education and information. We aim to give people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia the respect they deserve and the services and support they need, whilst raising community awareness and understanding of dementia.
More than 62,000 people in Queensland have been diagnosed with dementia, which is already the third leading cause of death in Australia after heart disease and stroke. Alzheimer's Australia (Qld)'s mission is to reduce the impact of dementia in the community. We do this by providing information, services and support for people living with dementia, their families and carers, and related health professionals. We also work to raise awareness of dementia and promote risk reduction strategies. Your support will help us to carry out our vital work and will directly contribute to the health and wellbeing of people living with this terminal condition in Australia. Thank you!
Education is a fundamental human right. It creates chances and choices in life. We deliver tailored education and wellbeing programs that overcome barriers to education by providing vital learning and wellbeing resources and activities.
The Edmund Rice Foundation supports development projects within Australia and overseas. Our focus is to liberate the lives of people living in necessitous circumstances via the provision of education and health programs.
Liverpool Women's Resource Center is a not for profit organisation that operates on feminist principles to assist, support and empower all women, particularly women who are marginalised and disadvantaged. We provide opportunities for women to improve their skills and knowledge, establish support networks and gain greater access to resources. Even though we assist all women we focus on women living in the Liverpool LGA with an emphasis on those residing in the 2168 postcode.
Our vision is for the students of Ripponlea to be global and creative thinkers who are empowered with the skills and empathy to engage with an ever-changing world. They care, they create, they connect.
International Women’s Development Agency is the only Australian development organisation entirely focused on women’s rights and gender equality. IWDA’s vision is for a just, equitable and sustainable world where women have a powerful voice in economic, cultural, civil and political life. IWDA is secular, not-for-profit and works in partnership to create positive change. We believe that women are agents of change and development can only be effective and sustainable if women are active participants in all aspects of economic, social and political life. Our practical and rights-based projects directly address poverty and oppression in developing countries. We undertake projects that are devised and managed by women who live and work in the communities themselves. Today, you can invest in change. Your gift will support life changing programs for women and their communities across Asia and the Pacific. Be part of the movement. Donate now.
The National LGBTI Health Alliance works to improve the health and wellbeing of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex Australians through: promoting the prevention of disease, reducing disadvantage and discrimination experience by LGBTI people, increasing the availability of health related services and developing the capacity of our Members to promote the health and wellbeing of LGBTI people.
RESULTS Australia is part of an international network of grassroots advocates aiming to generate the public and political will to end poverty. Each month our volunteers tackle a pressing poverty issue, which relates directly to the Millennium Development Goals. We get informed, advocate to politicians and raise these issues in the media. RESULTS also conducts crucial research and partners with a number of key organisations to ensure that the level and effectiveness of Australia’s aid program operates at an optimum. Over the past 25 years our actions have affected real change. RESULTS has helped mobilise hundreds of millions of dollars for life saving immunisations, education , health care and towards providing microfinance loans lifting tens of thousands out of poverty. Our work has contributed to the reduction in child mortality worldwide. Twenty years ago 40,000 children under the age of five died every day from preventable causes. Today, less than 20,000 children die each day.
Alzheimer's Australia SA is the leading voice in South Australia for people with dementia. We support leadership in dementia policy and services, encourage and participate in research initiatives and aim to extend the knowledge and skills of others working with people with dementia, their families and carers.
ActionAid is an international anti-poverty agency working in over 40 countries, taking sides with poor people to end poverty and injustice together. ActionAid tackles the root causes of poverty to create long term change for the better in the world's poorest communities. Empowering people to claim their human rights is at the heart of everything ActionAid's work. By taking a rights based approach to development, ActionAid is better positioned to help poor people stand up and claim their rights and put an end to poverty in their own lives.
Harri’s Walk With Wings was established in honour of Harrison who died suddenly in 2013. Walk With Wings provide Angelcare Sound and Movement Monitors, provide training on all aspects of their monitors and teach parents CRP. Happy Castings With Wings specializes in NICU, SCN, PICU, Palliative Care and Stillbirth and Infant Loss hand and feet castings. Walk With Me help children who have experienced the death of a loved one learn how to understand and cope with the emotions in which they are experiencing. With Me will also provide parents with education packs on how to help their child grieve.
Created via charity sign up service.
As Australia's oldest and largest dementia organisation, Alzheimer's Australia WA is at the forefront of dementia care services, with world-class research, risk reduction and education and training programs designed to meet the challenge of what has been described by Access Economics as "a national dementia epidemic".
Variety – the children’s charity NT is part of a national not-for-profit organisation committed to empowering Australian children who are sick, disadvantaged or have special needs to live laugh and learn. By giving practical equipment, programs and experiences. Variety NT helps children in need to overcome whatever obstacles they face and live life to the fullest and all funds raised in the NT stay in the NT.
The Run2Revive mission is to inspire achievement beyond perceived limits, promote mind & body wellness, and fight Alzheimer's & ALS.
The Australian National Committee is an NGO representing UN Women. UN Women works in over 100 countries empowering women and girls to ensure they have educational and economic opportunities, and women's voices are heard in every facet of society. If you empower a woman, you empower a nation.
The Vision of Alzheimer's Australia Vic is a society committed to the prevention of dementia while valuing and supporting people living with dementia. Our role includes policy and advocacy, community education and facilitating dementia research. Our services include: information provision, library, website and publications, educational courses and workshops; and support - advice, guidance and counselling programs.
UOW is a global leader in discovery and learning, working to transform people and the world we live in.
Created via charity sign up service.
WorldShare (formerly CNEC Partners International) has a rich 70 year heritage. We are an Australian-based forward-thinking, international Christian development and mission organisation that is part of a global affiliation. Our core areas of focus are: • Children & Education • Empowering Women • Christian Witness • Health & Hygiene • Economic Development We exist to connect Australians with our overseas partners in challenging regions by resourcing, enabling and encouraging them with their vision to bring ongoing spiritual, physical and social transformation to their own people.
Non-for-profit organisation with the mission to get more people cycling more often.
Created via charity sign up service.
Alzheimer's Australia ACT represents the interests of people living with dementia in the Australian Capital Territory. We provide a comprehensive range of services including advice, counseling, education and support for people impacted by dementia.