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SISHA (AU, SISHA - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

SISHA is an investigative organization works to fight human trafficking, - Human Trafficking, - Bonded Labour, - Sexual Assaults & - crimes involving Children.

Blue Dragon Children's Foundation (AU, 76142233207) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Blue Dragon is an Australian NGO that reaches out to kids in crisis throughout Vietnam. Our residential facilities, centres, and programs give children and youth a new chance in life: the chance to have a home, a good education, and a happy, stable life. We aim to break the poverty cycle by offering education, training, and job opportunities to those who need them the most: street kids, child victims of trafficking, and the rural poor. For more information, please visit our website -

The Global Good Foundation (AU, 68127643921) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

1 in 5 Australian children have been impacted by domestic violence, and 80% of them will repeat the cycle as an adult. The Global Good Foundation is a charity that is setting a global standard on the rehabilitation methods used for those affected by domestic violence, through empowerment, education and opportunity. Our two major programs are our GGF Kids Camps, which provide ongoing support for kids aged 8-12 who have been impacted by domestic violence, and the Minute of Noise, which lets kids know it's ok to speak out about anything that is bothering them.

Child Wise (AU, 57098261575) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Child Wise is Australia's leading international child protection charity. At Child Wise we know that the biggest threat to children's futures is abuse. It destroys lives. This is why we are dedicated to protecting children from abuse and exploitation in Australia, Asia and the Pacific.

Jewish Taskforce Against Family Violence (JTAFV) (AU, 12324799192) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

The Jewish Taskforce Against Family Violence has been active in the community for the past 15 years organizing and facilitating education and awareness programs delivered by local and international experts in the fields of Family Violence and Sexual Assault. The Taskforce is a voluntary organization comprised of professional women who came together to address the issues of family violence in the community.  The JTAFV Inc. offers support, appropriate information and referrals to those members of the Jewish community who find themselves in vulnerable circumstances as a result of family violence and sexual assault.  Our services have been extended with the utmost discretion and we have always maintained the strictest level of confidentiality to anyone who has ever reached out to our members for assistance.  Phone 9523 2100

WIZO- Victoria (AU, 50756635036) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

  WIZO also operates services and a guidenace system for   The goal of WIZO is to respond to the challenges that arise in Israeli society - through every stage of life. To take on tasks to aid society and to care for those in distress, to focus on children and adults, to lend a hand to new immigrants and to protect those at risk -  

Yarredi Services Inc (AU, 27212931547) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Yarredi Services provides a range of support and accommodation to women and children who are affected by or at risk from domestic and family violence in the Port Lincoln and Lower Eyre Peninsula region. This includes crisis, and short through to medium term accommodation, counselling, and practical supports, and therapeutic interventions for children who have witnessed dv.

Crime Stoppers Queensland Limited (AU, 30010995650) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Crime Stoppers is a registered charity and community organisation that believes the general public can help make a difference in solving and preventing crimes. Crime Stoppers Queensland is delivering safer local communities and protecting our way of life. Crime Stoppers Queensland provides and promotes the 1800 333 000 hotline and website

IF Foundation (AU, 39151321694) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

At the IF Foundation our primary goal is to encourage WA youth to step away from violence and towards an environment that is nurturing and encouraging. Through positive parental interaction and engaging the whole community (both young and old) we believe we can have a positive, bright impact. Established in 2011, the Foundation was set up by the friends and family of Luke Adams (a prominent WAFL player for Swan Districts Football Club).Luke suffered life threatening head injuries during a night out in Perth. Luke’s story is just one example of the impact of senseless violence and antisocial behaviour in the community. The IF Foundation operates on the premise that community violence is preventable and tackling the issue is the responsibility of the whole community. The foundation’s strategies are strongly guided by the recently released framework developed by ICCWA and North Metropolitan Public Health Unit “Towards a Future Without Violence” One punch is too many. The IF Foundation implements and facilitates programs to shape the future of young West Australian’s.

B'nai B'rith - Courage to Care (NSW) (AU, 57735969893) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Courage to Care, a travelling exhibition, aims to inform and educate Australians of the dangers of prejudice and discrimination.   It educates visitors, in particular students, towards an understanding of the roles of victim, perpetrator and bystander by exposing them to survivors of the Holocaust and their rescuers.   Courage to Care combats bullying and racism by empowering the individual to make a difference.   The Courage to Care program is designed to convey a message of communal tolerance and living in harmony, through the stories of individuals who had the Courage to Care. It gives one the opportunity to meet a living historian. A key part of Courage to Care is our education program, particularly directed at years 5 to 12 school students.  The talks by Holocaust survivors, and our Living in Harmony workshops, run by professionally-trained facilitators, bridge the gap between the events shown in the exhibition and contemporary issues.     Courage to Care emphasises the importance of standing up against racism and persecution, especially in relation to minority groups.  This is done by focusing on the rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust. The brave people who put themselves at enormous personal risk to save Jews and other minority groups, with the overriding theme that just one individual can make a difference.    Courage to Care is committed to upholding the dignity and worth of every human being. It strives to maintain and strengthen democratic societies in which everyone, irrespective of racial, religious or ethnic background, is treated as equal.  It welcomes the development of multicultural societies in which people of diverse backgrounds can live together in harmony and safety.  It opposes stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination as anti-social phenomena that serve only to promote division, hatred and even violence.

Mission to Seafarers VIC (AU, 90430045030) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

For their safe and efficient operations, ships depend on seafarers working far from their home and family for months, sometimes years – often in harsh and dangerous conditions.   As an island nation Australia relies on seafarers. The work of the Mission to Seafarers is a way of acknowledging their work and hardships, by provision of support.    The Mission to Seafarers is an international mission of the Anglican Church which cares for the practical and spiritual welfare of seafarers of all nationalities and faiths. There are 230 Mission sites around the world. In Victoria, at our 4 centres, work is carried out by chaplains, other staff and volunteers who give freely of their time 365 days of the year. Seafarers are visited on their ships and offered a welcome and whatever help they need. This can range from enabling them to telephone or email home, to offering comfort to the bereaved and assisting in cases of injustice and distress.   While most seafarers are well treated, some are still abandoned in ports far from their homes, or remain unpaid or forced to work in unsafe or unacceptable conditions. In such situations, the Mission plays a vital role in providing practical care and moral support.   In an article written regarding the effects of depression and the seafaring community, titled ‘Dogs Under the Table’, author Ruth G. Mercado wrote “Death can take the agonizing process of healing for those left behind, but then depression is equally excruciating for seafarers”   Far from the romantic adventures of the Arabian Nights’ “Sinbad the Sailor,” many seafarers consider depression to be their biggest storm at sea. Sailor Rod Ivan Puno wrote “Life at sea is like living in an aging world, a prisoner of opportunity, convicted for survival. As the sailor embraces the sea, he counts on lonely nights, killed in forbearance, crying in silence.”   Describing the life of a seafarer as a “prisoner of the sea,” third mate Tere-sito Veano, in moving prose wrote, “We, seamen, are like prisoners. We are deprived to be with our families, friends and loved ones.” 

Angels for the Forgotten (AU, 56065823128) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00


Somebody's Child (AU, 63532187582) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00


Step Back Think (AU, 64986939418) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Step Back Think is a pioneering not-for-profit organisation focused on the prevention of social violence. Social violence - interpersonal physical violence that occurs in a community setting - includes one-punch assaults, pub brawls and street fights. To achieve our vision of a society free from social violence we educate young people, raise awareness and create change at an institutional level. We are contributing to a cultural shift away from social violence and towards safe social environments and respectful community relationships.

KARI Aboriginal Resources Inc (AU, 72226625037) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

KARI Aboriginal Resources Inc. is arguably one of the largest Aboriginal foster care service in Australia. KARI is a leader in the provision of providing quality cultural programs and services to benefit Aboriginal people across NSW. We focus heavily on Aboriginal child protection, youth education, community strengthening, child and family support.

Justice Connect (AU, 54206789276) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Justice Connect helps people facing disadvantage - and the community groups who support them - to access free legal assistance. With our passion for pro bono legal work, we aim to create a fairer world, where justice is more accessible, rights are respected and advanced and laws are fairer.

EDO NSW (Environmental Defenders Office Ltd) (AU, 72002880864) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

EDO NSW is a non-government and not-for-profit community legal centre specialising in public interest environmental law. We help the community to solve environmental issues by providing legal and scientific advice, community legal education and proposals for better law. Anyone can contact us to get free initial legal advice about an environmental problem, with many of our services targeted at rural and regional communities. EDO NSW is the acknowledged expert when it comes to the law and how it applies to the environment. With over 25 years’ experience in environmental law, EDO NSW has a proven track record in achieving positive environmental outcomes for the community. Read about what we do and our recent cases at 

PROJECT FUTURES Ltd (non tax deductible) (AU, 21137991050) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

PROJECT FUTURES is a non-profit organisation run by a passionate network of young and inspiring professionals. We raise awareness and funding for programs dedicated to combat human trafficking and sexual exploitation globally. We encourage like-minded individuals to actively use their skills and talents to contribute to make a difference. The money raised contributes to the funding of rescue, recovery, education and reintegration of victims and survivors as well as advocacy for the cause.  Our Objectives: 1. The raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking and sexual exploitation through innovative activities  2. To raise funds to support anti-trafficking projects in Australia and around the world 3. To influence and empower the next generation to donate their time, skills and talents for worthy causes, which positively impact their global environment.  Our Projects: Australia - The Salvation Army's Safe House for Trafficked Victims and The Freedom Advocates Project Australia - Child Wise, National Child Abuse Prevention Helpline International - AFESIP Cambodia International - Maiti Nepal in Nepal To find out more about these projects please go to

STREETS OF FREEDOM INC (AU, 71775892411) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Streets of Freedom helps women affected by sexual exploitation, violence and abuse including modern day slavery. It means women having a choice, being able to be free from addiction, bondage, emotional and physical trauma - having the support to start a new life. Your donation will help provide some of the following: - Employ a support worker to give specialist one-on-one support to women - Provide long-term housing and counselling support - Provide emergency clothing, food, furniture and household items - Outreach activities to women

Prison Fellowship Australia (AU, 85005883161) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Prison Fellowship Australia is a Christian volunteer movement visiting prisoners in every State while also reaching ex-prisoners,victims and their families through a range of various community based programs. Our ultimate goal is changed lives plus crime prevention through early intervention programs for the children of prisoners.

Project KidSafe (AU, Project KidSafe - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Project KidSafe is dedicated to protecting Aussie kids from childhood abuse. Currently abuse affects 1 in 5 Aussie kids - we believe, with YOUR help, we WILL make a difference!

Railway Kids (LifeHouse) (AU, 49002322590) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Indian railway stations are bustling hives of activity and opportunity for millions of homeless children; many of whom use the trains to run away from unbearable circumstances of extreme poverty, domestic violence or abandonment. We however, are reaching out to the kids who live on the trains and railway stations in India to offer them: a place of safety; practical assistance; emotional support; encouragement; love; acceptance and the hope of a better future.

The Cornucopia Committee (AU, 43044249524) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

The Cornucopia Committee, founded in 1963. We are a highly regarded registered charity raising significant funds for the treatment and prevention of child abuse. The members of the committee are a group of professional men and women who volunteer their time to raise funds and public awareness of the problem of child abuse in our society. If the Committee can help just one child, the fight is worth the battle.The Cornucopia Committee, through the support of generous sponsors

Birrahlee Childrens Centre (AU, 26114841682) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Birrahlee Childrens Centre operates 50 weeks a year and is open between 7:45am and 5:45pm, Monday to Friday. We cater for children between the ages of 6wks to 5yrs old. At Birrahlee, children have the opportunity to be involved in a wide variety of educational experiences.

Hands Across the World (AU, 37494031746) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Hands Across the World undertakes a preventative approach to eradicate human trafficking, forced labour and sexual exploitation, through the provision and support of education, women's empowerment and local community participation.

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