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251 - 275 of 615 results

Whitford Catholic Primary School (AU, 84158364198) Browse events

YTD Raised: $545.82

Whitford Catholic Primary School caters for approximately 620 students in a co-educational Pre-Kindergarten - Year 6 community. The school is currently fundraising for one it's students, Nate. Here is his story, as told by his mum: Nate was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia - B cell high risk on Wednesday 19 February 2014. Nate underwent intense chemotherapy treatment at PMH. He noticeably started to limp a few weeks after treatment and his left leg would give way on him. His pain threshold is of a true champion and he tried to walk despite the pain - we would later be told that over 3/4 of the femur growth plate had a hole in it and severely fractured. Following a biopsy results revealed on ANZAC day the fatal news that Scedosporium Prolificans Osteomyelitis, an extremely rare fungal that is worse than cancer was attacking Nate's femur. He would be permanently disabled and no one had beaten the fungus without debridement or amputation. Chemotherapy plan had to be modified to try and beat the fungus. Nate had grommets inserted to allow him to do 10 metre "dives" at Fremantle's Hyperbaric Chambers which required him to be in a clear tank for over 2 hours. This required daily routine of being transported by ambulance from PMH to Fremantle. In addition to this Nate had 10+ surgeries to his femur on "Saturdays" to ensure he could continue to go to the chambers. By early June further scans revealed that Nate now had a hole in his sphenoid bone (base of skull). Our worst fears had come true - the infection had gone to a place no one could get to. Nate's motor neurone skills started to decline and his blood count refused to rise naturally and the medicines to push them higher no longer worked. On Friday 19 June 2014, only 5 months since his original diagnosis, we made the decision to bring Nate home and surround him with love and light. It was the worst weekend of our lives and we held a vigil by his side. Something changed after that, Nate started to smile and have fun....he also turned 5. Nate started to improve and was teaching himself all sorts of new things. He was on the improve despite all the painkillers being required for his leg. Further scans were requested and the infection in Nate's head was getting smaller! He was kicking the infection through his love of life and determination! Unfortunately, Nate's leg however, had taken the brunt of the fungus and travelled further up his femur. The decision was made to amputate his leg. Nate suffered horrendous phantom pain and was one of only a few children in Australia to use an Adult drug to help with his pain. Nate continues his chemotherapy treatment to ensure his Leukaemia stays in remission while continuing to rehabilitate for his leg. Due to the chemotherapy Nate's weight and fluid retention continually changes therefore his prosthesis continues to provide challenges just to fit. He is currently being refitted for a new cast and uses his wheelchair in the meantime. He hopes to play Auskick soon and wants to get out there to play cricket on the oval with his mates at school. Once up and walking Nate would love to have the option of a "Running leg". Throughout his childhood this will continue to need to be updated. Please join our school in fundraising for Nate and his ongoing needs.

Bloomhill Cancer Help (AU, 20178311981) Browse events

YTD Raised: $533.32

Bloomhill Cancer Help Inc is a Sunshine Coast based charity organisation dedicated to assisting people, their families and friends to live well with cancer. Bloomhill is operated by a dedicated team of professional staff and therapists who are assisted by a large number of volunteers. It offers support for people with cancer and their loved ones.

Monaro Committee for Cancer Research Incorporated (AU, 40211755188) Browse events

YTD Raised: $530.00

The Monaro Committee for Cancer Research was formed in 1996 by the daughter of a young Monaro mother who after a 5 year struggle lost her battle with cancer.Since its inception the MCCR has supported cancer outreach services on the Monaro. In 2007 after much lobbying, a local oncology service was introduced to the Cooma Hospital. Local support raised in excess of $100,000 towards this project and to-day we have a successful outreach oncology service.MCCR is a local voluntary group of dedicated women working towards further cancer support and services for the Monaro Region.Your support for our next fundraiser Dancing with the Cooma Stars will enable MCCR to continue assisting cancer sufferers on the Monaro.

MISSION MASSIMO FOUNDATION (AU, 21931625405) Browse events

YTD Raised: $525.01

The Mission Massimo Foundation is a non-profit organisation that promotes the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of childhood Leukodystrophies. These are a group of life-threatening genetic conditions that affect the formation of myelin, a complex fatty substance that acts as an insulator around nerve fibres in the brain. Unfortunately, more than 50% of variants remain genetically unclassified offering families little hope of treatment and a usually tragic outcome. Whilst individually rare, collectively these disorders are not altogether uncommon and may affect up to 1 in 2,000 births yet their existence remains almost unknown. Our mission is to accelerate the discovery of genetic causes for these disorders and to translate these into clinical treatments.

AFE Foundation (AU, 264207421) Browse events

YTD Raised: $520.00

AFE is a life-threatening, acute, and unexpected birth complication that affects both mother and baby. It is a leading cause of maternal death and suffering across the globe and is estimated to affect 1 in every 40,000 births. The AFE Foundation, a non-profit organization established in 2008 by an AFE survivor, is a unique coalition of affected families, respected clinicians, world-renowned researchers, and engaged advocates working together to accomplish 3 key initiatives: Advancing research to better understand, treat, diagnose, and someday prevent AFE. In 2013, the AFE Foundation joined into a formal collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas in the United States and established the international Amniotic Fluid Embolism Registry ™ . Promoting awareness and education for the medical community through participation at various clinical meetings, grand rounds, and CME events. The foundation also provides access to safety bundles and published literature to aid in the management and diagnosis of AFE. Offering support to the patients, families, and care providers affected through access to accurate and timely information, outcome specific resources, and connecting them to our community forums.

Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (AU, 84135324391) Browse events

YTD Raised: $475.00

The Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (AMDF) funds essential research into the diagnosis, treatment and cure of mitochondrial disorders, and supports sufferers and their families. AMDF also works to educate the general public and the medical profession about mitochondrial disease. One Australian child born each week will develop a severe or life-threatening form of mitochondrial disease. There is currently no cure and few effective treatments.

Shake It Up Australia Foundation (AU, 65270391304) Browse events

YTD Raised: $468.70

Shake It Up Australia has a clear mission: To find the cure for Parkinson’s. Our partnership with The Michael J. Fox Foundation funds world’s best research in Australia, targeted at finding better treatments and ultimately a cure. 100% OF YOUR DONATION GOES DIRECTLY TO RESEARCH.

Bone Health Foundation (AU, 34010641179) Browse events

YTD Raised: $464.97

The list of ailments and conditions that can affect our bones is as long as the longest bone in your body, and any one of those ailments can affect you for life and sometimes with life-threatening consequences. Since 1991, the Bone Health Foundation (formerly the Bone Growth Foundation) has funded research to identify treatments and cures for musculoskeletal conditions that include scoliosis, hip dysplasia, fragile bones and bone cancer. These conditions affect more than 6 million men, women and children in Australia.

Diabetes Australia Research Trust (AU, 47162212747) Browse events

YTD Raised: $460.79

Diabetes Australia Research Limited supports and develops the field of diabetes research in Australia. We do this by funding research towards the prevention and management of diabetes or the cure of diabetes.

Angelman Syndrome Association of Western Australia (AU, 15598900965) Browse events

YTD Raised: $441.82

Our mission is to support, inform, educate, network, and advocate for families with a child with Angelman Syndrome and to establish support systems for people with Angelman Syndrome and their families.We aim to foster scientific research activities on the diagnosis, treatment, management and prevention of Angelman Syndrome and to raise funds for the promotion and attainment of these objectives.

Childrens Tumour Foundation of Australia (AU, Childrens Tumour Foundation of Australia - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $418.81

The Children’s Tumour Foundation of Australia (NF Australia) provides care and support to those impacted by Neurofibromatosis (NF), the umbrella term for three genetic conditions (NF1, NF2, Schwannomatosis) that cause tumours to grow on nerves throughout the body. The most common form of NF is Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1). Although usually diagnosed in children, NF is a lifelong medical condition and can affect many organs in the body, including the skin, eyes, bones, and nervous system. The Foundation is dedicated to providing information and support, public awareness, and raising funds to develop effective treatments and find a cure for NF.

PlusLife (AU, 53559792381) Browse events

YTD Raised: $413.07

PlusLife is a not-for-profit organisation and one of the premier tissue banks in Australia. We collect, screen, store and distribute donated human bone and tissue graft materials for surgical procedures. Thanks to generous bone and tissue donors and their families, these transplants help children and adolescents with spinal deformity and bone cancers; adults with bone cancers and people with joint problems caused by debilitating arthritis.

The Cancer Support Group (AU, 68997342984) Browse events

YTD Raised: $408.78

We are a local charity which provides financial assistance in the form of pharmacy and chemotherapy medication, dietitian prescribed food/drink supplements, partial payment of electricity/gas accounts and food/fuel vouchers to cancer patients living in Canberra, Queanbeyan & surrounds. We provide assistance to all ages and all types of cancer which makes us unique for cancer support. Our administration costs are covered by a grant which allows us to make sure all proceeds from fundraisers and donations go directly to the cancer patients we support. Right now we are spending $35,000 per month supporting over 700 cancer patients.

EJ Whitten Foundation (AU, 36986016567) Browse events

YTD Raised: $383.50

The E.J.Whitten Foundation is a leading men’s health not-for-profit charity organisation, aiming to increase awareness of prostate cancer and raise funds for research. Our vision is to decrease the prostate cancer fatality rate through increased education and awareness. As we receive no government funding we do this via annual fundraising events and public donations.

Down Syndrome NSW (AU, 39023586389) Browse events

YTD Raised: $380.00

Down Syndrome NSW aims for everyone with Down syndrome to reach their potential and lead full, active lives in the community. We support children and adults with Down syndrome, their parents and families, sharing our experiences, expertise, resources and networks. We provide guidance, social networks, education, camps and other services.

Australian Spinal Research Foundation (AU, 74005305117) Browse events

YTD Raised: $364.50

The Mission of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation is to facilitate research and disseminate knowledge that furthers the understanding, development and effectiveness of chiropractic care.

Craniofacial Australia (AU, 29008155780) Browse events

YTD Raised: $341.13

The Craniofacial Foundation (Australian Cranio-Maxillo Facial Foundation) raises finance for needy patients suffering from craniofacial disorders or those who have suffer through accident or disease. The Craniofacial Unit is recognised world-wide as a Centre of Excellence in bringing a new face and a new future to thousands of people - 90% of whom are Australians.

Bronchiectasis Foundation (AU, SC046463) Browse events

YTD Raised: $340.45

The Bronchiectasis Foundation is the only charity in the UK especially for people with Bronchiectasis. We are committed to helping improve the lives of people with Bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis is an underdiagnosed disease -- with the potential to cause devastating lung damage.

The Ladybird Foundation (AU, 91637894058) Browse events

YTD Raised: $319.25

The Ladybird Foundation supports breast and gynaecologic cancer research in Western Australia. It is a registered charity in Western Australia. We raise and grant funds for excellent Western Australian researchers who are striving to improve cancer outcomes in these fields. By supporting excellent local researchers we increase our community's access to the benefits of the latest research breakthroughs. Thank you for your help!

Cancer Council ACT (AU, 33113296601) Browse events

YTD Raised: $316.44

To promote a healthier community by reducing the incidence and impact of cancer in the Canberra area through research, information, education and supportive care.

Taralye (AU, 80004856053) Browse events

YTD Raised: $313.03

In partnership with families, other providers and the community to improve the linguistic, educational and social outcomes of deaf children by promoting innovative early intervention services, research and advocacy.

Alport Foundation of Australia (AU, 87956459275) Browse events

YTD Raised: $312.00

Our organization is dedicated to supporting patients and families with Alport Syndrome, a genetic kidney disease, to funding Australian research and in raising awareness. Alport Syndrome is an inherited disease leading to early kidney failure, and also affecting the inner ear and eyes.

Coeliac Western Australia (AU, 61929446242) Browse events

YTD Raised: $296.86


The Gut Foundation (AU, 14084315380) Browse events

YTD Raised: $289.64

The Gut Foundation is the only Australian not-for-profit organisation dedicated to conducting research and providing public education regarding the treatment and prevention of a range of gastrointestinal diseases and conditions. These conditions include but are not limited to bowel cancer, coeliac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, malnutrition, indigestion, reflux, diarrhoea and stomach ache.

Spinal Cord Injury Network (AU, 47130772851) Browse events

YTD Raised: $272.79

The Spinal Cord Injury Network (Australian Spinal Cord Injury Network Ltd) is an alliance of leading researchers, frontline clinicians and people with spinal cord injury. We are working together to promote recovery from spinal cord injury by helping to develop research and facilitate clinical trials. A key goal is to work towards a cure for spinal cord injury.