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Ngala (AU, 12129500125) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Ngala is a provider of Early Parenting and Early Childhood services with a passion for supporting and guiding families with children 0-6 years through the journey of parenting. Ngala works with and for families in Western Australia to enhance their experience of parenting and the development of young children.

William Wilberforce Foundation (AU, 59159498469) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

William Wilberforce MP championed the cause of slaves in England in the 18   In London, the William Wilberforce Trust was established in 2011 bearing the name of this significant social reformer. The trust was established to   In 2013 the William Wilberforce Foundation was established in Australia to support Churches and community groups to care for marginalized and disadvantaged Australians, particularly focusing on; ex-offenders, addiction and family breakdown. To support those coming out of Prison the William Wilberforce Foundation trains communities to be Caring For Ex-Offender Communities. These communities will meet someone coming out of prison at the gate and provide mentoring, friendship and practical support such as accommodation and support with job training and employment. The recidivism rate can be dramatically reduced when these basic needs are met.   To support those struggling with addiction the William Wilberforce Foundation provides a 16 session course called The Recovery Course. The course is based on the 12-Step Program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous and permission has been given for the use of this tried and tested method. The course is multi-addiction, is based around a meal and each session features a video presentation with small group discussion afterwards. The video makes the course easy to run and discreet as it can be run in any location.   To support those experiencing family breakdown the William Wilberforce Foundation provides four courses; The Marriage Preparation Course, The Marriage Course, The Parenting Children Course and The Parenting Teenagers Course. These courses are each five sessions long and the sessions are given by a video presentation, accompanied by a meal and small group discussion. The video makes the course easy to run in any location such as prisons and schools and along with homes Churches or function centers.   The William Wilberforce Foundation trains local people to run these programs and courses in their own local community. Not only does this mean the programs and courses can be run in many locations around Australia, it also means the courses are truly local, run by local volunteers who care about making a difference in their own community.

Holyoake (AU, 57848445446) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Holyoake offers a wide range of programs for people who are affected by alcohol and drugs – directly and indirectly. Our purpose is to help bring lasting change with a non-judgemental approach in a safe, confidential, and caring environment. Your contributions through Everyday Hero helps us provide much needed services.

PARAQUAD SA - Team Geronimo (AU, PARAQUAD SA - Team Geronimo - N/A) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

PARAQUAD SA is committed to serving and promoting the best interests of people who utilise a wheelchair for mobility in a manner which recognises their worth and dignity, their right to experience life's events and develop their full potential. We provide information, accommodation advice, peer support, counselling and advocacy, family support services and raise community awareness of Spinal Cord Injury.

Heal For Life Foundation (AU, 71395955646) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Heal for Life is an affordable residential program for men and women - working on childhood issues affecting their life and personal relationships. Heal for Life is a not-for-profit healing centre located in NSW, QLD, VIC and WA.

The Friends of Sammy-Joe Foundation (AU, 33143598689) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Mission Statement for the Friends of Sammy-Joe Foundation To help provide financial assistance and other assistance to people that are affected by this illness and other DNA repair disorders. To enhance and maintain the quality of life of children and young people and or / adults with high needs due to Trichothiodystrophy, CS, XP and /or other DNA Repair Disorders. To Help Create a better life .

Lentara UnitingCare (AU, 28576417001) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Lentara UnitingCare is a community-based agency that provides a range services to families and individuals in need in the northern and western areas of Melbourne. We support some of the most vulnerable people to access the resources they need for health, wellbeing and participation in the community. Lentara services are provided to all people irrespective of cultural background, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion or disability. The diverse range of services Lentara provides for people in need includes (but is not limited to): • Support services for asylum seekers • Family Services • Financial Counselling • Emergency Relief • Child care centres • Men’s Sheds

scosa, the Spastic Centres of South Australia (AU, 14202143568) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

scosa provides services and support to people living with disabilities in South Australia. We create fun and engaging programs, leading to enhanced social and life skills, and we have done so for more than 60 years. scosa currently operates 12 hubs throughout metropolitan and regional South Australia, extending from Port Pirie in the North to Hackham in the South. Our hubs provide a place where we can offer support and programs for clients and their families. (AU, 80902106979) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Livewire estimates that right now in Australia there are up to 50,000 young people experiencing social isolation, lower peer support and lower wellbeing as a result of living with a serious illness or disability; which ultimately impacts on their health outcomes., an initiative of the Starlight Children's Foundation, provides online peer support communities for young people living with serious illness, chronic health condition or disability, and their families. A place where teens and family members can make friends, gain support and share experiences with others who understand what they are going through. Help support young people in need. "There is an immediate sense of togetherness because even if we don't say it, we all have something in common. That means you don't have to hide anything and aren't somewhat alienated like you are around other kids". Tamaryn, Livewire member

Real Life Community Services Inc. (AU, 97376512976) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Real Life Community Services is a new not-for-profit organisation that has been started in response to the growing social needs within the City of Gosnells. RLCS is already providing numerous services including a free weekly lunch, resource distribution for the struggling, free counselling, a low cost life skill education program and a craft friendship group for the community. Operating with limited resources but enthusiastic volunteers, RLCS is constantly looking for ways to expand its programs and improve the quality of life for people living in Gosnells.

The Compassionate Friends Victoria Inc. (AU, 51374578204) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

The Compassionate Friends is a not for profit charity here to assist parents & brothers/sisters in the rebuilding of their lives after the death of their loved one and to support their efforts to achieve physical, emotional and mental health. In life we expect to bury our parents but never our children.

FLO (Fa'ataua-Le-Ola) (AU, 72643401881) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

  Our main aim is to provide the people of Samoa with information, general and more specific help with any problems they may have that lead them to be distressed enough to possibly consider suicide. Aims and Objectives The aims and objectives of the Organisation are: • • • • • • • To do this we provide a number of services and information. Services We provide a number of services to assist the people of Samoa. Telephone Counselling Our counsellors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help by listening to whatever is upsetting you. Our counsellors are trained to listen, discuss options, provide information and empower you to come up with your own solution and claim ownership of it, rather than to give advice. Our average call time is 45 minutes, and some go for much longer, so do not worry that we might not have time for you. You do not have to give your name or any details unless you wish to. Face-to-Face Counselling Feel free to drop into our office during normal working hours if you want to discuss anything. We are the last office on the ground floor of the Wesley Arcade in Beach Road, opposite the Government offices. Keep walking down the hallway and you will see our door at the end. Radio Programme Our director has a weekly radio talkback programme on SBC Radio One which covers both Samoas and reaches Tokelau. She discusses the many problems that people may have with callers able to speak to her about these. Postvention When a suicide or attempted suicide occurs in Samoa it leaves families and friends upset, questioning and grieving. Postvention is the name for a process were some of our counsellors visit the family and help them to deal with their many complex emotions. Call us if you would like us to help with this. We can respond rapidly. Counsellor Training We run regular counselling training at a basic and advanced level. Call us if you would like to enrol for this. Other Training FLO continues to be involved in many training workshops to help train and inform people from all walks of life from the media, the clergy, the police, and the general community.       Aims and Objectives The aims and objectives of the Organisation are: • • • • • • • To do this we provide a number of services and information. Services We provide a number of services to assist the people of Samoa. Telephone Counselling Our counsellors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help by listening to whatever is upsetting you. Our counsellors are trained to listen, discuss options, provide information and empower you to come up with your own solution and claim ownership of it, rather than to give advice. Our average call time is 45 minutes, and some go for much longer, so do not worry that we might not have time for you. You do not have to give your name or any details unless you wish to. Face-to-Face Counselling Feel free to drop into our office during normal working hours if you want to discuss anything. We are the last office on the ground floor of the Wesley Arcade in Beach Road, opposite the Government offices. Keep walking down the hallway and you will see our door at the end. Radio Programme Our director has a weekly radio talkback programme on SBC Radio One which covers both Samoas and reaches Tokelau. She discusses the many problems that people may have with callers able to speak to her about these. Postvention When a suicide or attempted suicide occurs in Samoa it leaves families and friends upset, questioning and grieving. Postvention is the name for a process were some of our counsellors visit the family and help them to deal with their many complex emotions. Call us if you would like us to help with this. We can respond rapidly. Counsellor Training We run regular counselling training at a basic and advanced level. Call us if you would like to enrol for this. Other Training FLO continues to be involved in many training workshops to help train and inform people from all walks of life from the media, the clergy, the police, and the general community.      

Love Trust (AU, 072-167) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Created via charity sign up service.

In-Form Limited (AU, 78159768215) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

In-Form aim to raise awareness of youth mental health issues. In-form is the collaboration of four Australian business people who are: * Passionate about the promotion of youth mental health * Determined to mobilise their business and social networks * Combining their experience in the not-for-profit sector In-Form created the Soft Sand Shuffle to: * Mobilise and engage the community * Promote good living habits (Exercise/Diet/Sleep) * Prompt conversation on the youth mental health challenge facing Australia in-Form Value: * The potential of youth * The power of community * The benefits of the outdoor Australian lifestyle

Wings of Hope Incorporated (AU, 56228844338) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Wings of Hope Inc., the voice of people bereaved by suicide, was formed in 2007 as a registered harm prevention charity aiming to reduce isolation and prevent harm through education, resources and support events in the area of postvention.    Our Committee is comprised of bereaved volunteers who find support in supporting others, and they welcome new volunteers in all areas of Australia.  We rely on community support for our sustainability.      WINGS of Hope’s major project is the community placement of Red Chocolate Elephants, by Dr Diana Sands, a DVD and book educational resource for children and families bereaved by suicide. This essential postvention resource will be placed in mental health services and supports, schools, accident and emergency units, workplaces and where it is needed most in regional and rural communities. Please visit  

Run 4 Farmer Health (Western District Health Service) (AU, 47616976917) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Farmers, rural communities, health professionals and supporters please Run 4 Farmer Health at this year’s Melbourne Marathon in October and help us improve the health, wellbeing and safety of those living on the other side of the fence.  We are calling on every rural and city person alike to join us on Sunday October 12 for #Run4FarmerHealth. This will be a show of strength, determination and courage to continue the work of National Centre for Farmer Health (NCFH).  Tom Whitty, Media Manager at the Victorian Farmers Federation initiated the call to arms and is asking the public to join him. “Four years ago I could barely run 4 kilometres, let alone 42km. This year I will hopefully complete my third Melbourne Marathon and I want everyone who has ever benefited from the Centre's services to join me. “It’s about running or walking in solidarity and unity and telling those in power that rural communities deserve better,” Mr Whitty said. This show of support will highlight yet again to both sides of government the importance of the NCFH and its role of improving the health, wellbeing and safety of farmers, their workers and their families.  The Run 4 Farmer Health team believe this campaign will continue to raise awareness of the crucial role the NCFH has played in delivering physical, practical and mental health wellbeing for rural and regional people. It will also support our ongoing work.  Join Run 4 Farmer Health and choose from a variety of distance and capability options. Everyone can join in.

The White Knight Foundation (The Trustee For) (AU, 12219152750) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

The White Knight Foundation is here to draw attention to the prevalence and absolute stupidity of unprovoked youth violence whilst raising funds to young victims and their families to help them on their journey to recovery. The White Knight Foundation was established in August 2013 from the result of a non-provoked attack on Liam Knight, where a 2.8m long steel rod was thrown, striking Liam, piercing through his skull. Fortunately, Liam survived, but he continues to endure a long road of rehabilitation from the brain damage he suffered. After months of witnessing Liam’s determination and fight to get back to his former self, it was evident that there are other victims that need help and support so they too, can get back to their physical and mental best.

Open Minds Australia (AU, 19009687030) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Open Minds aims to be a leader in Mental Health in Australia. We embrace whole of life focus for people with mild to complex needs. We provide effective high quality, client-centred services using efficient and innovative models, highly skilled staff and an effective infrastructure. We aim to be recognised as a quality provider of evidence based services and solutions in mental health and acquired brain injury. We have a long history and were formed as the Queensland Wattle League in 1912. Today, Open Minds offers a range of programs and tailored support services focused on the individual needs of each person we support.This includes Lifestyle, Living, Employment and Health streams. At the heart of what we do is a commitment to working alongside individuals and focusing on their strengths to enable individual achievement and recovery.

Support for Mums and their Families Inc. (AU, 38600126128) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

is a not-for-profit organisation providing information and referral as well as practical and emotional support for families experiencing a circumstantial crisis. Every week, Australian families experience some kind of emergency, tragedy or crisis that causes immense upheaval, stress and devastation, often leaving the main caregiver physically or mentally incapable of providing even the most basic care for their family. Diagnosis of a terminal illness, severe depression that debilitates a family member, death of a baby, child or partner, premature or extremely sick baby or child, serious accident that leads to disability or the need for surgery go beyond affecting the functioning of a family and cause chaos and major disruption within the family unit. Unchecked, this can lead to long term health problems for all family members, neglect, malnutrition and more. Support for Mums provides the support and information needed in the first instance, preventing deterioration of the family and the health of family members, and ensuring families are back on their feet and accessing the longer term support they may need sooner rather than later.

Hunter Connect Families Incorporated (AU, 45416389200) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Hunter Connect is a not-for-profit charity that was established in 2009 to support and connect families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and similar neurological disorders in the Hunter region. Hunter Connect's Vision is to see every child and family overcome the negative effects of ASD by supporting and empowering families to get connected, encouraged and make a difference in their community. Our objectives are to: - Connect special needs families and carers to relevant resources & services and other families in similar situations; - Advocate for parents and carers of special needs children requiring assistance when dealing with organisations and services; - Equip parents and carers with the ability and confidence to care for their family; - Organise respite events including care and entertainment for special needs children and siblings; - Deliver services to assist families and affected children to connect with their communities and education providers. To meet these objectives, Hunter Connect: - Hosts regular meetings aimed at encouraging and equipping parents and carers to better assist their children with special needs; - Prepares and distributes regular information updates on relevant services, workshops and funding available to assist families; - Coordinates family fun days, events and camps that provide respite for the whole family; - Delivers social skills training to young people affected by ASD. - Provides counselling support to families in crisis - Advocates for families dealing with support and government organisations

Beyond A Joke Incorporated (AU, 83840421190) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Beyond A Joke is a not for profit anti-bullying, empowerment and suicide prevention centre. We offer a range of courses for teenagers to arm them with skills and strategies when they may find themselves the victim of bullying. We provide free support groups when teenagers need somewhere to turn for support and guidance. We also provide a free drop in centre for any young person in need of help. Refreshments, handouts and a safe relaxing environment are provided. Please help to keep our services running for young people. Beyond A Joke is dedicated to the memory of my brother "Bruce Alan Pennington' 17 years.     Please watch our video and view our centre link.  

Mallee Family Care (AU, 32085588656) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Mallee Family Care provides services and information for the communities along the Murray River from Swan Hill to Mildura and South Western New South Wales Deinstitutionalisation was also to take place in relation to care of children with disabilities and those with mental illness and the work of Mallee Family Care was to grow and extend to embrace these services.With these developments were just the tip of the iceberg with the result that Mallee Family Care now operates in excess of twenty different services in the communities in which it was established.

Angel Babies Foundation (AU, 15146260728) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

COPE: Centre of Perinatal Excellence (AU, 50203962931) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE) is a not-for-profit organisation devoted to reducing the impacts of emotional and mental health problems in the pre and postnatal periods.   Our history and foundations are underpinned by extensive research and best practice. Building upon this, COPE provides a national, dedicated focus to perinatal mental health, to address the identified issues that we know are currently preventing people from accessing timely and effective, information and care.   Through our corporate objectives and governance, COPE works with others to achieve our purpose. We invite you to join us and support us - as we work together to improve the lives of the many thousands of families currently affected by these debilitating and often devastating conditions.

Talkback Association for Aphasia (AU, 59782723097) Browse events

YTD Raised: $0.00

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